Dhed'a, D. B.*    

Firstname:D. B.* 
Institute:Universite de Kisangani (UNIKIS), Democratic Republic of Congo 
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12 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Influence of agrosystems on the diversity of mycorrhizae under plantain banana cultivation in the forest region of Kisangani (Tshopo Province, DR Congo), Kasaka, D.*, Onautshu, O. D.*, Muliwambene, K.*, Lebisabo, B.*, Katho, G. *, Baert, G., Swennen, R., Haesaert, G. and Dhed'a, D. B.*, in: Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International, volume 23, number 3: JAERI.86807, pages 72-84, ISSN 2394-1073, 2022. [DOI]


Expansion of the cassava brown streak disease epidemic in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Casinga, C. M., Shirima, R. R., Mahungu, N., Tata-Hangy, W., Bashizi, K. B., Munyerenkana, C. M., Ughento, H.*, Enene, J., Sikirou, M., Dhed'a, D. B.*, Monde, G.*, Kumar, P. L. and Legg, J., in: Plant Disease, volume 105, number 8, pages 2177-2188, ISSN 0191-2917, 2021. [DOI]
Importance and diversity of Mycorrhizae under plantain cultivation in the slash-and-burn and non-burn cropping systems in the forest region of Kisangani, Tshopo Province, D.R. Congo, Kasaka, D.*, Onautshu, O. D.*, Muliwambene, K.*, Lebisabo, B.*, Baert, G., Swennen, R., Haesaert, G. and Dhed'a, D. B.*, in: African Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 17, number 6: 762A15E66973, pages 809-821, ISSN 1991-637X, 2021. [DOI]


Production of banana bunchy top virus (BBTV)-free plantain plants by in vitro culture, Tchatchambe, N. B. J.*, Ibanda, N.*, Adheka, J. G.*, Onautshu, O. D.*, Swennen, R. and Dhed'a, D. B.*, in: African Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 15, number 3, pages 361-366, ISSN 1991-637X, 2020. [DOI]
Agrosystems and mycorrhizae of plantain (Musa AAB subgroup) in the forest region of Kisangani in DR Congo: abundance and diversity, Muliwambene, K.*, Kasaka, D.*, Onautshu, O. D.*, Haesaert, G., Swennen, R. and Dhed'a, D. B.*, in: Agricultural and Food Science Journal of Ghana, volume 13, pages 1209-1224, ISSN 0855-5591, 2020.


Banana leaf pruning to facilitate annual legume intercropping as an intensification strategy in the east African highlands, Ocimati, W., Ntamwira, J.*, Groot, J. C. J., Taulya, G., Tittonell, P., Dhed'a, D. B.*, van Asten, P.*, Vanlauwe, B., Ruhigwa, B.* and Blomme, G., in: European Journal of Agronomy, volume 110, pages 1-12, ISSN 1161-0301, 2019. [DOI]
La culture des bananiers et plantains dans les zones agroecologiques de la Republique Democratique du Congo, Dhed'a, D. B.*, Adheka, J. G.*, Onautshu, O. D.* and Swennen, R., Presse Universitaire, 2019.


Recovering banana production in bunchy top-affected areas in Sub-Saharan Africa: developing genderresponsive approaches, Ajambo, S., Rietveld, A., Nkengla, L. W., Niyongere, C.*, Dhed'a, D. B.*, Olaosebikan, O., Nitunga, E.*, Toengaho, J.*, Kumar, P. L., Hanna, R., Kankeu, R. S. and Omondi, A., in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 1196, pages 219-228, ISSN 0567-7572, 2018. [DOI]
Banana diversity in the Oriental provinces, northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Adheka, J. G.*, Komoy, J.*, Tamaru, C., Sivirahauma, C.*, Dhed'a, D. B.*, Karamura, D., De Langhe, E., Swennen, R. and Blomme, G., in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 1196, pages 255-264, ISSN 0567-7572, 2018. [DOI]
The morphological diversity of plantain in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Adheka, J. G.*, Dhed'a, D. B.*, Karamura, D., Blomme, G., Swennen, R. and De Langhe, E., in: Scientia Horticulturae, volume 234, pages 126-133, ISSN 0304-4238, 2018. [DOI]
Plantain diversity in the Democratic Republic of Congo and future prospects, Adheka, J. G.*, Dhed'a, D. B.*, Blomme, G., Karamura, D., Swennen, R. and De Langhe, E., in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 1225, number 1225, pages 261-268, ISSN 0567-7572, 2018. [DOI]


An innovation capacity analysis to identify strategies for improving plantain and banana (Musa spp.) productivity and value addition in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mobambo, P.*, Staver, C., Hauser, S., Dhed'a, D. B.* and Vangu, G.*, in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 879, pages 821-828, ISSN 0567-7572, 2010.