Kiriga, A.    

Institute:International Centre for 7 Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), Kasarani, P. O. Box 30772-00100, Nairobi, Kenya 
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Publications as Author


Potential of cavalcade, Centrosema pascuorum, leaves for controlling Meloidogyne javanica and quantification of active phytochemicals, Beesa, N., Chinnasri, B., Sasnarukkit, A., Dethoup, T., Jindapunnapat, K., Kiriga, A., Saikai, K., Haukeland, S. and Coyne, D., in: Nematology, volume 25, pages 1019-1032, ISSN 1388-5545, 2023. [DOI]


Organic maize and bean farming enhances free-living nematode dynamics in sub-Saharan Africa, Atandi, J., Adamtey, N., Kiriga, A., Karanja, E., Musyoka, M. W., Matheri, F., Tanga, C. M., Coyne, D., Fiaboe, K., Bautze, D. and Haukeland, S., in: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, volume 327, number -: 107846, pages 1-10, ISSN 0167-8809, 2022. [DOI]


Diversity and population densities of plant-parasitic nematodes in commercial and smallholder pineapple production in Kenya, Kiriga, A., Coyne, D., Atandi, J., Beek, N. V.* and Haukeland, S., in: Nematology, pages 1-14, ISSN 1388-5545, 2021. [DOI]


First report of potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida (Stone, 1973) infecting potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in Kenya, Mburu, H., Cortada-Gonzalez, L., Mwangi, G., Gitau, K., Kiriga, A., Kinyua, Z.*, Ngundo, G.*, Ronno, W., Coyne, D., Holgado, R. and Haukeland, S., in: Plant Disease, pages 1-6, ISSN 0191-2917, 2018. [DOI]