Mudege, N.*    

Institute:gCentro Internacional de la Papa, Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, Quito, Ecuador 
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Understanding root, tuber, and banana seed systems and coordination breakdown: a multistakeholder framework, Bentley, J. W.*, Andrade-Piedra, J., Demo, P., Dzomeku, B. M.*, Jacobsen, K., Kikulwe, E., Kromann, P., Kumar, P. L., McEwan, M. A., Mudege, N.*, Ogero, K.*, Okechukwu, R., Orrego, R., Ospina, B.*, Sperling, L. and Walsh, S., in: Journal of Crop Improvement, pages 1-23, ISSN 1542-7528, 2018. [DOI]