Tshiunza, M.    


10 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Agroeconomic evaluation of black Sigatoka resistant hybrid plantains under smallholder management systems, Lemchi, J., Ezedinma, C., Tshiunza, M., Tenkouano, A. and Faturoti, B., in: African Journal of Biotechnology, volume 4, number 10, pages 1045-1083, ISSN 1684-5315, 2005.
Dissemination and diffusion of cooking utilization methods in Nigeria, Lemchi, J., Tshiunza, M., Onyeka, U. P.* and Tenkouano, A., in: Nigerian Journal of Agricultural Technology, volume 12, pages 56-73, 2005.
Factors driving the adoption of cooking banana processing and utilisation methods in Nigeria, Lemchi, J., Tshiunza, M., Onyeka, U. P.* and Tenkouano, A., in: African Journal of Biotechnology, volume 4, number 11, pages 1335-1347, ISSN 1684-5315, 2005.
Status of cooking banana in Nigeria: analysis of the adoption level by farmers, Lemchi, J., Tshiunza, M., Tenkouano, A. and Ezedinma, A., in: Nigerian Journal of Agricultural Technology, volume 12, pages 56-73, 2005.


Current status of cassava processing technology in semiarid areas of Central and West Africa. Pages 224-229 in The small processor and development of local food industries for market economy, Tshiunza, M., Okechukwu, R., Bokanga, M. and Dixon, A., in: The small processor and development of local food industries for market economy: proceedings of the 8th Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), 12-16 November 2001, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, pages 224-229, 2004.


Varietal characteristics of cassava: farmers' perceptions and preferences in semiarid zone of West Africa. Pages 61-68 in The small processor and development of local food industries for market economy, Kormawa, P., Tshiunza, M., Dixon, A., Udo, E.* and Okoruwa, V.*, in: The small processor and development of local food industries for market economy: proceedings of the 8th Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), 12-16 November 2001, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, pages 61-68, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, 2003.


Promotion of cassava in the semiarid zones of sub-Saharan Africa: status of cassava in northern Nigeria: paper presented at the 7th Triennial symposium of the International society for Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, Oct. 1998, Amans, E. B., Tshiunza, M., Ahmed, B.*, Dixon, A., Mud, M. and Bokanga, M., pages 35-42, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2001.
Determinants of market production of cooking banana in Nigeria, Tshiunza, M., Lemchi, J. and Tenkouano, A., in: African Crop Science Journal, volume 9, number 3, pages 537-547, 2001.
Cooking Banana consumption patterns in the Plantain-growing area of Southeastern Nigeria, Tshiunza, M., Lemchi, J., Onyeka, U. P.* and Tenkouano, A., in: Tropicultura, volume 19, number 3, pages 135-140, 2001.
Place du manioc dans les systemes de production des zones semi-arid de l'Afrique centrale et occidentale, Tshiunza, M. and Dixon, A., pages 249-255, Government of Benin, 2001.