Timper, P.    

Institute:USDA Research Plant Pathologist 
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4 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Reflections and challenges: nematology in subtropical and tropical agriculture, Sikora, R., Coyne, D., Hallmann, J. and Timper, P., pages 1-19, chapter 1, CABI International, ISBN 978-1-7863-9-1-247, 2018.

Publications as Editor


Plant parasitic nematodes in subtropical and tropical agriculture, CABI International, ISBN 9781786391247, 2018.
Reflections and challenges: nematology in subtropical and tropical agriculture, Sikora, R., Coyne, D., Hallmann, J. and Timper, P., pages 1-19, chapter 1, CABI International, ISBN 978-1-7863-9-1-247, 2018.
Nematode parasites of tropical root and tuber crops (excluding potatoes), Coyne, D. and Affokpon, A., pages 252-289, chapter 8, CABI International, ISBN 978-1-7863-9-1-247, 2018.
Nematode parasites of bananas and plantains, Sikora, R., Coyne, D. and Queneherve, P., pages 617-657, chapter 17, CABI International, ISBN 978-1-7863-9-1-247, 2018.