Publications as Author
2024 |
Varietal impact on women's labour, workload and related drudgery in processing root, tuber and banana crops: focus on cassava in sub-Saharan Africa, Bouniol, A., Ceballos, H., Bello, A. A., Teeken, B., Olaosebikan, O., Owoade, D., Agbona, A ., Fotso Kuate, A., Madu, T.*, Okoye, B.*, Ofoeze, M.*, Nwafor, S.*, Onyemauwa, N.*, Adinsi, L.*, Forsythe, L. and Dufour, D., in: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, pages 1-25, ISSN 0022-5142, 2024. [DOI] | |
A case of transdisciplinarity and collaborative decision making: the co-construction of Gendered Food Product Profiles, Forsythe, L., Olaosebikan, O., Teeken, B., Newilah, G. N.*, Mayanja, S., Nanyonjo, A. R.*, Iragaba, P.*, Okoye, B.*, Marimo, P., Kenneth, A.*, Adinsi, L.*, Vepowo, C. K.*, Adetonah, S., Tinyiro, S. E.*, Bouniol, A., Dufour, D., Akissoe, N. H.* and Madu, T.*, in: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, volume 104, number 8, pages 4485-4497, ISSN 0022-5142, 2024. [DOI] | |
Histological and biophysical changes of cassava roots during retting, a key step of fufu processing, Wakem, G. A.*, Tonfack, L. B.*, Youmbi, E.*, Fotso Kuate, A., Masso, C., Fiaboe, K., Ndango, R., Tize, I., Grabulos, J., Dufour, D., Ndjouenkeu, R.* and Mbeguie-A-Mbeguie, D., in: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, volume 104, number 8, pages 4689-4699, ISSN 0022-5142, 2024. [DOI] | 2023 |
Connecting data for consumer preferences, food quality, and breeding in support of market-oriented breeding of root, tuber, and banana crops, Arnaud, E., Menda, N., Tran, T., Asiimwe, A., Kanaabi, M.*, Meghar, K., Forsythe, L., Kawuki, R.*, Ellebrock, B., Kayondo, S. I., Agbona, A ., Zhang, X., Mendes, T., Laporte, M. A., Nakitto, M., Ssali, R. T., Asfaw, A., Uwimana, B., Ogbete, C.*, Makunde, G., Maraval, I., Mueller, L., Bouniol, A., Fauvelle, E. and Dufour, D., in: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, pages 1-13, ISSN 0022-5142, 2023. [DOI] | |
Review of instrumental texture measurements as phenotypic tool to assess textural diversity of root, tuber and banana food products, Ayetigbo, O., Arufe, S., Kouassi, A. B., Adinsi, L.*, Adesokan, M., Escobar, A., Delgado, L. F., Tanimola, A.*, Oroniran, O.*, Vepowo, C. K.*, Nakitto, M., Khakasa, E.*, Chijioke, U.*, Nowakunda, K., Newilah, G. N.*, Otegbayo, B.*, Akissoe, N. H.*, Lechaudel, M., Tran, T., Alamu, E. O., Maziya-Dixon, B., Mestres, C. and Dufour, D., in: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, pages 1-35, ISSN 0022-5142, 2023. [DOI] | |
Establishing the linkage between eba's instrumental and sensory descriptive profiles and their correlation with consumer preferences: implications for cassava breeding, Alamu, E. O., Teeken, B., Ayetigbo, O., Adesokan, M., Kayondo, S. I., Chijioke, U.*, Madu, T.*, Okoye, B.*, Bello, A. A., Njoku, D.*, Rabbi, I. Y., Egesi, C., Ndjouenkeu, R.*, Bouniol, A., de Sousa, K., Dufour, D. and Maziya-Dixon, B., in: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, pages 1-13, ISSN 0022-5142, 2023. [DOI] | |
Characterising quality traits of boiled yam: texture and taste for enhanced breeding efficiency and impact, Adinsi, L.*, Moussa, I. D.*, Honfozo, L.*, Bouniol, A., Meghar, K., Alamu, E. O., Adesokan, M., Arufe, S., Ofoeze, M.*, Okoye, B.*, Madu, T.*, Hotegni, F.*, Chijioke, U.*, Otegbayo, B.*, Dufour, D., Hounhouigan, J. D.*, Ceballos, H., Mestres, C. and Akissoe, N. H.*, in: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, pages 1-29, ISSN 0022-5142, 2023. [DOI] | |
Exploring genetic variability, heritability, and trait correlations in gari and eba quality from diverse cassava varieties in Nigeria, Aghogho, C. I., Kayondo, S. I., Maziya-Dixon, B., Eleblu, J. S. Y.*, Asante, I.*, Offei, S.*, Parkes, E., Smith, I. A., Adesokan, M., Abioye, R. S., Chijioke, U.*, Ogunpaimo, K., Kulakow, P., Egesi, C., Dufour, D. and Rabbi, I. Y., in: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, pages 1-12, ISSN 0022-5142, 2023. [DOI] | |
East African highland cooking banana: towards an efficient selection of hybrids with user-preferred food quality traits, Nowakunda, K., Khakasa, E.*, Ceballos, H., Kenneth, A.*, Tumuhimbise, R.*, Bugaud, C., Asasira, M.*, Uwimana, B., Bouniol, A., Nuwamanya, E.*, Forsythe, L., Marimo, P., Dufour, D. and Tushemereirwe, W. K.*, in: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, pages 1-10, ISSN 0022-5142, 2023. [DOI] | |
Drivers of consumer acceptability of cassava gari-eba food products across cultural and environmental settings using the triadic comparison of technologies approach (tricot), Olaosebikan, O., Bello, A. A., de Sousa, K., Ndjouenkeu, R.*, Adesokan, M., Alamu, E. O., Agbona, A., van Etten, J., Kegah, F. N.*, Dufour, D., Bouniol, A. and Teeken, B., in: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, pages 1-12, ISSN 0022-5142, 2023. [DOI] | |
Development and validation of near-infrared spectroscopy procedures for prediction of cassava root dry matter and amylose contents in Ugandan cassava germplasm, Nuwamanya, E.*, Wembabazi, E.*, Kanaabi, M.*, Namakula, F. B.*, Katungisa, A.*, Lyatumi, I.*, Ezuma, W.*, Alamu, E. O., Dufour, D., Kawuki, R.* and Davrieux, F., in: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, pages 1-18, ISSN 0022-5142, 2023. [DOI] | |
Genetic and environmental effects on processing productivity and food product yield: drudgery of women's work, Bello, A. A., Agbona, A ., Olaosebikan, O., Edughaen, G., Dufour, D., Bouniol, A., Iluebbey, P., Ndjouenkeu, R.*, Rabbi, I. Y. and Teeken, B., in: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, pages 1-32, ISSN 0022-5142, 2023. [DOI] | |
Evaluation of new hybrid and farmer genotypes on processor productivity, workload and related drudgery: focus on women cassava processors, Bello, A. A., Olaosebikan, O., Okoye, B.*, Madu, T.*, Bouniol, A., Dufour, D., Adinsi, L.*, Rabbi, I. Y. and Teeken, B., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2023. | 2022 |
Cost-effective cassava processing: case study of small-scale flash-dryer reengineering, Tran, T., Abass, A., Andrade, L. A. T., Chapuis, A., Precoppe, M., Adinsi, L.*, Bouniol, A., Ojide, M.*, Adegbite, S. A.*, Lukombo, S., Sartas, M., Teeken, B., Fotso Kuate, A., Ndjouenkeu, R.*, Moreno, M. T., Belalcázar, J., Lopez-Lavalle, L. A. and Dufour, D., pages 105-143, chapter 4, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-92021-0, 2022. [DOI] | |
Processors' experience in the use of flash dryer for cassava-derived products in Nigeria, Ojide, M.*, Adegbite, S. A.*, Tran, T., Taborda, L. A., Chapuis, A., Lukombo, S., Totin, E.*, Sartas, M., Schut, M., Lopez-Lavalle, L. A., Dufour, D. and Abass, A., in: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, volume 5, number -: 771639, pages 1-15, ISSN 2571-581X, 2022. [DOI] | 2021 |
Understanding cassava varietal preferences through pairwise ranking of gari-eba and fufu prepared by local farmer-processors, Teeken, B., Agbona, A ., Bello, A. A., Olaosebikan, O., Alamu, E. O., Adesokan, M., Awoyale, W., Madu, T.*, Okoye, B.*, Chijioke, U.*, Owoade, D., Okoro, M.*, Bouniol, A., Dufour, D., Hershey, C., Rabbi, I. Y., Maziya-Dixon, B., Egesi, C., Tufan, H. A. and Kulakow, P., in: International Journal of Food Science and Technology, volume 56, number 3, pages 1258-1277, ISSN 0950-5423, 2021. [DOI] | 2020 |
A review of varietal change in roots, tubers and bananas: consumer preferences and other drivers of adoption and implications for breeding, Dufour, D., Vernier, P., Mwanga, R. O., Parker, M., Schulte-Geldermann, E., Teeken, B., Assfaw Wossen, T., Gotor, E., Kikulwe, E., Tufan, H. A., Sinelle, S., Kouakou, A. M., Friedmann, M., Polar, V. and Hershey, C., in: International Journal of Food Science and Technology, pages 1-17, ISSN 0950-5423, 2020. [DOI] | 2017 |
Rapid analyses of dry matter content and carotenoids in fresh cassava roots using a portable visible and near infrared spectrometer (Vis/NIRS), Ikeogu, U. N., Devarieux, A., Dufour, D., Ceballos, H., Egesi, C. and Jannink, J., in: PloS ONE, volume 12(12):, number 12:e0188918, pages 1-17, ISSN 1932-6203, 2017. [DOI] |
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