Mohamed, F. S.    

Firstname:F. S. 
Institute:ICIPE, Kenya 

2 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Assessing the effects of plant density and nitrogen on millet yield in Southern Niger using the CERES-millet model, Garba, M., Kamara, A., Mohamed, F. S., Tofa, A., Mahamane, S.*, Salissou, H., Kapran, B. I., Abdoulaye, T. and Garba, I. I., in: CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, volume 5, number -: 50, pages 1-16, ISSN 2662-4044, 2024. [DOI]


Biological control and biorational pesticides for fall armyworm management, Cruz, I.*, Bruce, A., Sevgan, S., Akutse, K. S., Mohamed, F. S., Niassy, S., Rangaswamy, M., Sidhu, J., Goergen, G ., Rwomushana, I.*, Kasina, J. M., Ba, M. N., Aboagye, E.*, Stephan, D., Wennmann, J., Neering, E. and Mushobazi, W.*, pages 63-88, chapter 5, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), 2018.