Mugenzi, L. M.    

Firstname:L. M. 
Institute:LSTM Research Unit at the Organisation de Coordination pour la lutte contre les End�mies en Afrique Centrale (OCEAC), P.O. Box 288, Yaounde, Cameroon. 
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A cytochrome P450 allele confers pyrethroid resistance on a major African malaria vector, reducing insecticide-treated bednet efficacy, Weedall, G. D., Mugenzi, L. M., Menze, B. D., Tchouakui, M., Ibrahim, S. S., Amvongo-Adjia, N.*, Irving, H., Wondji, M. J., Tchoupo, M.*, Djouaka, R. F., Riveron, J. and Wondji, C. S., in: Science Translational Medicine, volume 11, number 484, pages 1-13, ISSN 1946-6234, 2019. [DOI]