
Type of publication:Proceedings
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TitlePerformance evaluation of developed cooking steamer for optimum retention of carotenoid in Attieke produced from biofortified cassava (Manihot esculenta, crantz): poster
Bibtex cite IDSANGODOYIN:2019
Booktitle Poster presentation presented at IARSAF 22nd Annual Symposium: Innovative Agricultural Research for food security and climate change mitigation in sub-Saharan Africa", on Monday 20th - Friday 24 May, IITA Conference Center, Ibadan, Nigeria
Year published 2019
Month May
Organization International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
Address Ibadan, Nigeria
Note SAHub; EAHu; WAHub; Science Area: NHH; SSAB; BPB; RTB; Cassava
Peer Reviewed? Yes
Developing Country Author? Yes
Make Attachment Public? TRUE
Sangodoyin, O. M.*
Alamu, E. O.
Diallo, T. A.
Kolawole, P.
Abass, A.
Maziya-Dixon, B.
Kulakow, P.
Parkes, E.
Adesokan, M.
Jekayinfa, S. O.*
Olajide, J. O.*
Total mark: 5

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