Baudron, F.    

Institute:CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center), Harare, Zimbabwe 

3 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


The input reduction principle of agroecology is wrong when it comes to mineral fertilizer use in sub-Saharan Africa, Falconnier, G. N ., Cardinael, R., Corbeels, M., Baudron, F., Chivenge, P.*, Couedel, A., Ripoche, A., Affholder, F., Naudin, K., Benaillon, E., Rusinamhodzi, L ., Leroux, L., Vanlauwe, B. and Giller, K., in: Outlook on Agriculture, volume 52, number 3, pages 311-326, ISSN 0030-7270, 2023. [DOI]


Indifferent to difference? Understanding the unequal impacts of farming technologies among smallholders. A review, Thuijsman, E. S., den Braber, H., Andersson, J. A., Descheemaeker, K., Baudron, F., López-Ridaura, S., Vanlauwe, B. and Giller, K., in: Agronomy for Sustainable Development, volume 42, number -: 41, pages 1-16, ISSN 1774-0746, 2022. [DOI]


Understanding the factors influencing fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith) damage in African smallholder maize fields and quantifying its impact on yield: a case study in eastern Zimbabwe, Baudron, F., Zaman-Allah, M. A., Chaipa, I.*, Chari, N.* and Chinwada, P., in: Crop Protection, volume 120, pages 141-150, ISSN 0261-2194, 2019. [DOI]