Maximo, W. P. F.*    

Firstname:W. P. F.* 
Institute:Laboratorio de Cultura de Tecidos de Plantas (LCTP UFLA), Departamento de Biologia, Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA), Lavras, MG, Brazil 
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The cryoprotectant PVS2 plays a crucial role in germinating Passiflora ligularis embryos after cryopreservation by influencing the mobilization of lipids and the antioxidant metabolism, de Oliveira Prudente, D.*, Paiva, R.*, Domiciano, D.*, de Souza, L. B.*, Carpentier, S. C., Swennen, R., Silva, L. C.*, Nery, F. C.*, Maximo, W. P. F.* and Panis, B., in: Journal of Plant Physiology, volume 239, pages 71-82, ISSN 0176-1617, 2019. [DOI]