Kofituo, R. K.    

Firstname:R. K. 

7 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Making climate-smart cocoa inclusive: towards a framework for gender transformation, Torvikey, G. D.*, Dalaa, M. A., Obeng Adomaa, F., Abdul-Razak, S., Amoah, I. A.*, Kofituo, R. K., Tettey, A. and Asare, R., in: South African Review of Sociology, pages 1-16, ISSN 2152-8586, 2024. [DOI]


Cocoa rehabilitation and establishment in cocoa-based farming systems in the humid forest zones of west Africa, Asare, R. and Kofituo, R. K., 2022.


Rolling out climate smart cocoa through public-private partnership in Ghana: a framework highlighting the step-by-step procedure towards climate smart cocoa finance in Ghana, Dalaa, M. A., Kofituo, R. K. and Asare, R., CCAFS finance strategy, 2020.


Unlocking barriers to adoption and scaling of climate smart cocoa practices in Ghana, Dalaa, M. A., Kofituo, R. K., Amoah, I. A.*, Jassogne, L . and Asare, R., Abstract in, Tropentag, September 18-20, organised by Universities of Kassel and Goettingen, Germany, 2019.
Assessment of the current agricultural finance sector with a major focus on cocoa: bank of Ghana (BOG) policy and strategies for financing sustainable agricultural value chains, Dalaa, M. A., Kofituo, R. K., Annan, H., Kortei, A. and Asare, R., In: CCAFS finance strategy, 2019.
Cocoa farmer's segmentation in Ghana: CCAFS Info Brief, Dalaa, M. A., Kofituo, R. K. and Asare, R., 2019.
Climate smart stepwise investment pathway for cocoa farmers in Ghana: CCAFS Info Brief, Dalaa, M. A., Kofituo, R. K. and Asare, R., 2019.