Amoah, I. A.*    

Firstname:I. A.* 
Institute:University of Ghana, Legon, Department of Agricultural Extension, 
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Publications as Author


Making climate-smart cocoa inclusive: towards a framework for gender transformation, Torvikey, G. D.*, Dalaa, M. A., Obeng Adomaa, F., Abdul-Razak, S., Amoah, I. A.*, Kofituo, R. K., Tettey, A. and Asare, R., in: South African Review of Sociology, pages 1-16, ISSN 2152-8586, 2024. [DOI]


Unlocking barriers to adoption and scaling of climate smart cocoa practices in Ghana, Dalaa, M. A., Kofituo, R. K., Amoah, I. A.*, Jassogne, L . and Asare, R., Abstract in, Tropentag, September 18-20, organised by Universities of Kassel and Goettingen, Germany, 2019.