Otieno, M. H. J.*    

Firstname:M. H. J.* 
Institute:School of Agriculture and Food Security, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University Science and Technology (JOOUST), Bondo, Kenya 
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Publications as Author


Integrating temperature-dependent life table data into Insect Life Cycle Model for predicting the potential distribution of Scapsipedus icipe Hugel & Tanga, Otieno, M. H. J.*, Ayieko, M. A.*, Niassy, S., Salifu, D., Abdelmutalab, A. G. A., Fathiya, K. M., Subramanian, S., Fiaboe, K., Roos, N., Ekesi, S. and Tanga, C. M., in: PloS ONE, volume 14, number 9: e0222941, pages 1-27, ISSN 1932-6203, 2019. [DOI]