Ukwungwu, M.    

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Publications as Author


Sources of resistance to rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) Genus sobemovirus among rice varieties and lines in Nigeria, Abo, M., Ukwungwu, M., Hughes, J. and Misari, S., in: Journal of Agriculture and Environment, volume 2, pages 263-270, 2001.


Utilization of Oryza glaberrima resources for lowland rice improvement, Singh, B. N., Maji, A. T.*, Ng, N. Q., Paul, C., Williams, C. and Ukwungwu, M., pages 177-187, WARDA/ADRAO, 1997.


The influence of plant phenology and planting time on the stalk-eyed fly (Diopsis longicomis Maquart) damage on rice in Nigeria, Joshi, R. C., Angcla, C. J. and Ukwungwu, M., in: Oryza, volume 29, number 4, pages 335-340, 1993.


Yield losses due to stalk-eyed fly (SEF) in Nigeria, Joshi, R. C., Angela, C. J. and Ukwungwu, M., in: International Rice Resaerch Newsletter, volume 17, number 1, pages 15, 1992.
Distribution of the African rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzivora Harris and Gagne and its parasitoids in Nigeria, Joshi, R. C. and Ukwungwu, M., in: Tropical Pest Management, volume 38, number 3, pages 241-244, 1992.
Stalk-eyed fly (SEF) damage to lowland irrigated rices in Nigeria, Joshi, R. C. and Ukwungwu, M., in: International Rice Research Newsletter, volume 17, number 2, pages 25-26, 1992.