Cole, S. M.    

Firstname:S. M. 
Institute:IITA - Tanzania 
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Publications as Author


Climate-resilient aquatic food systems require transformative change to address gender and intersectional inequalities, Adam, R., Amani, A., Kuijpers, R., Danielsen, K., Smits, E., Kruijssen, F., Moran, N., Tigchelaar, M., Wabnitz, C., Tilley, A., Luzzi, M., Peerzadi, R. H., Ride, A., Rossignoli, C. M., Allison, E. H., Cole, S. M., Zatti, I., Ouko, K. and Farnworth, C. R., in: PLOS Climate, volume 3, number 7: e0000309, pages 1-25, ISSN 2767-3200, 2024. [DOI]
Farmer perspectives on desired catfish attributes in aquaculture systems in Nigeria. An exploratory focus group study, Manyise, T., Basiita, R. K., Mwema, C. M., Oyesola, O.*, Siriwardena, S., Fregene, B., Cole, S. M., Dompreh, E. B., Lam, R. D., Lozano, D. L., Rossignoli, C. M. and Benzie, J., in: Aquaculture, volume 588, number -: 740911, pages 1-13, ISSN 0044-8486, 2024. [DOI]
Why contexts matter for gender equal outcomes in research-based plant breeding: the case of maize in Nigeria, Yami, M.*, Cavicchioli, M., Cole, S. M., Assfaw Wossen, T. and Abdoulaye, T., in: Economic Botany, pages 1-20, ISSN 0013-0001, 2024. [DOI]
Strategies for feeding tilapia in smallholder aquaculture systems: a study of aquaculture feed access and availability in two districts of Northern Province, Zambia, Johnson, J. W., Jacobson, M., Cole, S. M., Kaminski, A. M., Karsten, H., Syapwaya, M.*, Stauffer, J., Jensen, L. and Lundeba, M., in: Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, pages 1-29, ISSN 2168-3565, 2024. [DOI]
A gendered conjoint analysis of tilapia trait preference rankings among urban consumers in Zambia: evidence to inform genetic improvement programs, Murphy, S ., Cole, S. M., Kaminski, A. M., Charo-Karisa, H., Basiita, R. K., McDougall, C., Kakwasha, K., Mulilo, T., Rajaratnam, S. and Mekkawy, W., in: Aquaculture, volume 591, number -: 741110, pages 1-12, ISSN 0044-8486, 2024. [DOI]
Gender equality and social inclusion in the great lakes accelerated innovation delivery initiative rapid delivery hub (AID-I GLR): a training manual, Liani, M., Cole, S. M., Mutuo, P., Mignouna, J., Nabahungu, N. L., Ampadu-Boakye, T. and Konlambigue, M., USAID/IITA, 2024.
Smallholder aquaculture diversifies livelihoods and diets thus improving food security status: evidence from northern Zambia, Kaminski, A. M., Cole, S. M., Johnson, J., Thilsted, S. H., Lundeba, M., Genschick, S. and Little, D. C., in: Agriculture & Food Security, volume 13, number 1, pages 1-21, ISSN 2048-7010, 2024. [DOI]
Feminist research in agriculture: moving beyond gender-transformative approaches, Cole, S. M., Rajaratnam, S., Liani, M., Joshi, D., Basnet, S., Bisht, M., Shijagurumayum, M. S., Jain, M.*, Kumar, P.*, Fischer, K., Puozaa, D. K.*, Reyes, A. and Velasco, H., pages 193-226, chapter 10, Springer, ISBN 978-3-031-60985-5, 2024. [DOI]


Aquaculture governance: five engagement arenas for sustainability transformation, Partelow, S., Asif, F., Bene, C., Bush, S., Manlosa, A. O., Nagel, B., Schluter, A., Chadag, V. M., Choudhury, A., Cole, S. M., Cottrell, R.S., Gelcich, S., Gentry, R., Gephart, J. A., Glaser, M., Johnson, T. R., Jonell, M., Krause, G., Kunzmann, A., Kuhnhold, H., Little, D. C., Marschke, M. J., Mizuta, D. D., Paramita, A. O., Pin, N.*, Salayo, N. D.*, Stentiford, G. D., Stoll, J., Troell, M. and Turchini, G. M., in: Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, volume 65, number -: 101379, pages 1-14, ISSN 1877-3435, 2023. [DOI]
Stressors and resilience within the cassava value chain in Nigeria: preferred cassava variety traits and response strategies of men and women to inform breeding, Olaosebikan, O., Bello, A. A., Utoblo, O.*, Okoye, B.*, Olutegbe, N.*, Garner, E., Teeken, B., Bryan, E., Forsythe, L., Cole, S. M., Kulakow, P., Egesi, C., Tufan, H. A. and Madu, T.*, in: Sustainability, volume 15, number 10: 7837, pages 1-18, ISSN 2071-1050, 2023. [DOI]
Performance evaluation of available strains of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fed commercial and locally-made feeds in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Yossa, R., Basiita, R. K., Namegabe, J. M., Trinh, T. Q., Matempa, D.*, Manzwanzi, P.*, Bwamayama, L.*, Cole, S. M., Matungulu, P., Dontsop-Nguezet, P., Vanlauwe, B., Ndavi, M. and Benzie, J., in: Applied Sciences, volume 13, number 1: 424, pages 1-15, ISSN 2076-3417, 2023. [DOI]
Qualitative assessment on the positionality and preferences of dyads in relation to cassavarelated activities: working with tricot trial citizen scientists, Teeken, B., Olaosebikan, O., Bello, A. A., Madu, T.* and Cole, S. M., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2023.
Designing gender and youth responsive agronomic solutions, Study report: Digital Green Ethiopia & Fertilizer Ethiopia use cases, Lambrecht, I., Ma, N., Ragasa, C., Cole, S. M., Iradukunda, F., Ebrahim, M., Liben, F., Abera, W., Tamene, L., Tigabie, A., Tsedalu, B., Bekele, M., Desta, G., Tesfaye, F. K. and Regassa, D., 2023.
Designing gender- and youth-responsive agronomic solutions. Study report: Sasakawa Africa Association Nigeria use case, Lambrecht, I., Ma, N., Ragasa, C., Cole, S. M., Kreye, C., Peter, H., Yergo, W., Arouna, A., Tijjani, K., Shehu, B. M., Ibrahim, A., Kazuki, S., Kamara, A., Aliyu, M. K., Taru, A. and Sasakawa Africa Association, , 2023.
Maize productivity and household welfare impacts of mobile money usage in Tanzania, Kilombele, H., Feleke, S., Abdoulaye, T., Cole, S. M., Sekabira, H. and Manyong, V., in: International Journal of Financial Studies, volume 11, number 1: 27, pages 1-20, ISSN 2227-7072, 2023. [DOI]
Contextualizing women's and men's trait preferences and choice options in the uptake of breeding products: a framework, Cavicchioli, M., Cole, S. M., Teeken, B., Ashby, J. A., Polar, V., Kramer, B., Yami, M.* and Abdoulaye, T., Brief, 2023.
Measuring women's empowerment in agriculture: innovations and evidence, Quisumbing, A., Cole, S. M., Elias, M., Faas, S., Galie, A., Malapit, H., Meinzen-Dick, R., Myers, E., Seymour, G. and Twyman, J., in: Global Food Security, volume 38, number -: 100707, pages 1-15, ISSN 2211-9124, 2023. [DOI]
Excellence in Agronomy Initiative Add-on Sampling Strategy, Lambrecht, I., Cole, S. M., Vandamme, E., Chamberlin, J., Tesfaye, K., Kruseman, G., Saito, K., Arouna, A., Iradukunda, F. and Ragasa, C., 2023.
Uneven ground? Intersectional gender inequalities in the commercialized cassava seed system in Tanzania, Liani, M., Cole, S. M., Mwakanyamale, D. F., Baumung, L., Saleh, N., Webber, A., Tufan, H. A. and Kapinga, R ., in: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, volume 7, number -: 1155769, pages 1-15, ISSN 2571-581X, 2023. [DOI]
Developing Gender and Youth-Responsive Agronomic solutions for use cases in the Excellence in Agronomy Initiative: standard operating procedure user guide, Cole, S. M., Lambrecht, I. and Iradukunda, F., 2023.


Building demand-led and gender-responsive breeding programs, Polar, V., Teeken, B., Mwende, J.*, Marimo, P., Tufan, H. A., Ashby, J. A., Cole, S. M., Mayanja, S., Okello, J. J., Kulakow, P. and Thiele, G., pages 483-461, chapter 16, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-92021-0, 2022. [DOI]
COVID-19 outbreak and rural household food security in the western Democratic Republic of the Congo, Manyong, V., Bokanga, M., Dieu-Merci, A. N.*, Bamba, Z., Adeoti, R., Mwepu, G., Cole, S. M. and Dontsop-Nguezet, P., in: World Development Perspectives, volume 28, number -: 100469, pages 1-10, ISSN 2452-2929, 2022. [DOI]
PROTOCOL: Gender transformative approaches in agriculture for women's empowerment: a systematic review, Singh, S .*, Mohan, A.*, Saran, A.*, Puskur, R., Mishra, A., Etale, L., Cole, S. M., Masset, E., Waddington, H. S. and White, H.*, in: Campbell Systematic Reviews, volume 18, number 3: e1265, pages 1-13, ISSN 1891-1803, 2022. [DOI]
Gender differences in technology adoption and agricultural productivity: evidence from Malawi, Hirpa Tufa, A., Alene, A., Cole, S. M., Manda, J., Feleke, S., Abdoulaye, T., Chikoye, D. and Manyong, V., in: World Development, volume 159, number -: 106027, pages 1-15, ISSN 0305-750X, 2022. [DOI]
How to enhance the sustainability and inclusiveness of smallholder aquaculture production systems in Zambia?, Avadí, A., Cole, S. M., Kruijssen, F., Dabat, M. and Mungule, C., in: Aquaculture, volume 547, number -: 737494, pages 1-14, ISSN 0044-8486, 2022. [DOI]
On-farm participatory evaluation of feeding approaches used by farmers for tilapia (Oreochromis macrochir) production in northern Zambia, Lundeba, M., Cole, S. M., Mekkawy, W.*, Yossa, R., Basiita, R. K., Nyirenda, M.*, Muyuni, N.* and Benzie, J., in: Aquaculture, volume 549, number -: 737747, pages 1-9, ISSN 0044-8486, 2022. [DOI]


Agronomic gain: definition, approach, and application, Saito, K., Komatsu, S., Snapp, S., Rosenstock, T. S., Arouna, A., Cole, S. M., Taulya, G. and Vanlauwe, B., in: Field Crops Research, volume 270, number -: 108193, pages 1-15, ISSN 0378-4290, 2021. [DOI]
Dried small fish provide nutrient densities important for the first 1000 days, Byrd, K. A., Pincus, L., Pasqualino, M. M., Muzofa, F. and Cole, S. M., in: Maternal and Child Nutrition, number -: e13192, pages 1-13, ISSN 1740-8695, 2021. [DOI]
Gender barriers and success factors that shape women's involvement in and benefits from cassava seed production businesses in Tanzania, Mwakanyamale, D. F., Baumung, L., Cole, S. M., Webber, A., Saleh, N. and Kapinga, R., 2021.
Circular bioeconomy research for development in sub-Saharan Africa: innovations, gaps, and actions, Feleke, S., Cole, S. M., Sekabira, H., Djouaka, R. F. and Manyong, V., in: Sustainability, volume 13, number 4: 1926, pages 1-20, ISSN 2071-1050, 2021. [DOI]
Assessing women's empowerment in agricultural research, Elias, M., Cole, S. M., Quisumbing, A., Valencia, A. M. P., Meinzen-Dick, R. and Twyman, J., pages 329-362, chapter 9, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), ISBN 978-0-89629-391-5, 2021. [DOI]
Who does what and why? Intra-household roles and explanatory models for sourcing soybean seed from the formal sector in Malawi, Cole, S. M., Feleke, S., Manda, J., Gondwe, T. and Akinwale, M. G., in: Outlook on Agriculture, pages 1-13, ISSN 0030-7270, 2021. [DOI]
Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on gender equality and the youth and social inclusion in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Cole, S. M., Dontsop-Nguezet, P., Bokanga, M., Bamba, Z. and Manyong, V., Study brief, 2021. [DOI]
A dyadic interview guide to explore intra-household decision-making, Cole, S. M., Mwakanyamale, D. F., Ssendi, L.* and Elias, M., Working paper, 2021.


Selective breeding trait preferences for farmed tilapia among low-income women and men consumers in Egypt: implications for pro-poor and gender responsive fish breeding programmes, Murphy, S., Charo-Karisa, H., Rajaratnam, S., Cole, S. M., McDougall, C., Nasr-Allah, A. M., Kenawy, D., Abou Zead, M. Y., van Brakel, M. L., Banks, L. K. and Ibrahim, N., in: Aquaculture, volume 525, number -: 735042, pages 1-11, ISSN 0044-8486, 2020. [DOI]
A gendered ecosystem services approach to identify novel and locally-relevant strategies for jointly improving food security, nutrition, and conservation in the Barotse Floodplain, Estrada-Carmona, N., Attwood, S., Cole, S. M., Remans, R. and DeClerck, F., in: International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, pages 351-375, ISSN 1473-5903, 2020. [DOI]
A review of inclusive business models and their application in aquaculture development, Kaminski, A. M., Kruijssen, F., Cole, S. M., Beveridge, M. C. M.*, Dawson, C., Mohan, C. V., Suri, S., Karim, M., Li Chen, O., Phillips, M. J., Downing, W., Weirowski, F.*, Genschick, S., Tran, N., Rogers, W. and Little, D. C., in: Reviews in Aquaculture, volume 12, number 3, pages 1881-1902, ISSN 1753-5123, 2020. [DOI]
Fish losses for whom? A gendered assessment of post-harvest losses in the Barotse floodplain fishery, Zambia, Kaminski, A. M., Cole, S. M., Al Haddad, R. E., Kefi, A. S.*, Chilala, A. D.*, Chisule, G.*, Mukuka, K. N. *, Longley, C., Teoh, S. J. and Ward, A. R., in: Sustainability, volume 12, number -: 10091, pages 1-20, ISSN 2071-1050, 2020. [DOI]
Gender accommodative versus transformative approaches: a comparative assessment within a post-harvest fish loss reduction intervention, Cole, S. M., Kaminski, A. M., McDougall, C., Kefi, A. S.*, Marinda, P. A.*, Maliko, M.* and Mtonga, J.*, in: Gender, Technology and Development, volume 24, number 1, pages 48-65, ISSN 0971-8524, 2020. [DOI]