Zeeman, S. C.    

Firstname:S. C. 
Institute:Institute of Molecular Plant Biology, Department of Biology, ETH Z�rich, Z�rich, Switzerland 

2 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Setup from the beginning: the origin and early development of cassava storage roots, Carluccio, A., David, L. C., Claußen, J., Sulley, M., Adeoti, S. R., Abdulsalam, T., Gerth, S., Zeeman, S. C., Gisel, A. and Stavolone, L., in: Plant, Cell and Environment, pages 1-17, ISSN 0140-7791, 2022. [DOI]


Metabolic profiles of six African cultivars of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) highlight bottlenecks of root yield, Obata, T., Klemens, P. A. W., Rosado-Souza, L., Schlereth, A., Gisel, A., Stavolone, L., Zierer, W., Morales, N., Mueller, L., Zeeman, S. C., Ludewig, F., Stitt, M., Sonnewald, U., Neuhaus, H. E. and Fernie, A. R., in: The Plant Journal, volume 102, number 6, pages 1202-1219, ISSN 0960-7412, 2020. [DOI]