Bello, T. T.*    

Firstname:T. T.* 
Institute:North-West University 
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Publications as Author


Spatial modelling indicates Striga seedbank density dependence on rainfall and soil traits in the savannas of northern Nigeria, Aliyu, K. T., Lado, A.*, Hussaini, M. A.*, Kamara, A., Musa, S. A.*, Dawaki, M. U.*, Suleiman, M. S.*, Bello, T. T.*, Fagge, A.*, Isa, H. M.* and Ibrahim, H.*, in: Weed Research, pages 1-14, ISSN 0043-1737, 2023. [DOI]


Nematode biodiversity in south-western Nigerian watermelon cropping systems, with reference to Meloidogyne and its management, Bello, T. T.*, North-West University, 2020.