Akissoe, N. H.*    

Firstname:N. H.* 
Institute:Faculte des Sciences Agronomiques, Universite d'Abomey-Calavi, 01 BP 526, Cotonou, Benin 
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5 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


A case of transdisciplinarity and collaborative decision making: the co-construction of Gendered Food Product Profiles, Forsythe, L., Olaosebikan, O., Teeken, B., Newilah, G. N.*, Mayanja, S., Nanyonjo, A. R.*, Iragaba, P.*, Okoye, B.*, Marimo, P., Kenneth, A.*, Adinsi, L.*, Vepowo, C. K.*, Adetonah, S., Tinyiro, S. E.*, Bouniol, A., Dufour, D., Akissoe, N. H.* and Madu, T.*, in: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, volume 104, number 8, pages 4485-4497, ISSN 0022-5142, 2024. [DOI]


Characterising quality traits of boiled yam: texture and taste for enhanced breeding efficiency and impact, Adinsi, L.*, Moussa, I. D.*, Honfozo, L.*, Bouniol, A., Meghar, K., Alamu, E. O., Adesokan, M., Arufe, S., Ofoeze, M.*, Okoye, B.*, Madu, T.*, Hotegni, F.*, Chijioke, U.*, Otegbayo, B.*, Dufour, D., Hounhouigan, J. D.*, Ceballos, H., Mestres, C. and Akissoe, N. H.*, in: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, pages 1-29, ISSN 0022-5142, 2023. [DOI]
Review of instrumental texture measurements as phenotypic tool to assess textural diversity of root, tuber and banana food products, Ayetigbo, O., Arufe, S., Kouassi, A. B., Adinsi, L.*, Adesokan, M., Escobar, A., Delgado, L. F., Tanimola, A.*, Oroniran, O.*, Vepowo, C. K.*, Nakitto, M., Khakasa, E.*, Chijioke, U.*, Nowakunda, K., Newilah, G. N.*, Otegbayo, B.*, Akissoe, N. H.*, Lechaudel, M., Tran, T., Alamu, E. O., Maziya-Dixon, B., Mestres, C. and Dufour, D., in: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, pages 1-35, ISSN 0022-5142, 2023. [DOI]
Food quality profile of pounded yam and implications for yam breeding, Otegbayo, B.*, Oluyinka, O.*, Tanimola, A.*, Fawehinmi, B.*, Alamu, A.*, Bolaji, T.*, Madu, T.*, Okoye, B.*, Chijioke, U.*, Ofoeze, M.*, Alamu, E. O., Adesokan, M., Ayetigbo, O., Bouniol, A., DJibril-Mousa, I.*, Adinsi, L.*, Akissoe, N. H.*, Cornet, D., Agre, A. P., Amele, A., Obidiegwu, J.* and Maziya-Dixon, B., in: Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture, pages 1-17, ISSN 0022-5142, 2023. [DOI]


Boiled yam end-user preferences and implications for trait evaluation, Honfozo, L.*, Adinsi, L.*, Bouniol, A., Adetonah, S., Forsythe, L., Kleih, U. K., Hounhouigan, J. D.*, Fliedel, G. and Akissoe, N. H.*, in: International Journal of Food Science and Technology, pages 1-11, ISSN 0950-5423, 2020. [DOI]