Uwugiaren, R.    


3 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Validation of KASP-SNP markers in cassava germplasm for marker-assisted selection of increased carotenoid content and dry matter content, Ige, A. D., Olasanmi, B.*, Bauchet, G. J., Kayondo, S. I., Mbanjo, E., Uwugiaren, R., Motomura-Wages, S., Norton, J., Egesi, C., Parkes, E., Kulakow, P., Ceballos, H., Dieng, I. and Rabbi, I. Y., in: Frontiers in Plant Science, volume 13, number -: 1016170, pages 1-17, ISSN 1664-462X, 2022. [DOI]
Selection for resistance to cassava mosaic disease in African cassava germplasm using single nucleotide polymorphism markers, Codjia, E. D., Olasanmi, B.*, Agre, A. P., Uwugiaren, R., Ige, A. D. and Rabbi, I. Y., in: South African Journal of Science, volume 118, number 1-2: 11607, pages 1-7, ISSN 0038-2353, 2022. [DOI]


Genome-wide association analysis reveals new insights into the genetic architecture of defensive, agro-morphological and quality-related traits in cassava, Rabbi, I. Y., Kayondo, S. I., Bauchet, G. J., Yusuf, M., Aghogho, C. I., Ogunpaimo, K., Uwugiaren, R., Smith, I. A., Peteti, P., Agbona, A ., Parkes, E., Ezenwaka, L.*, Wolfe, M., Jannink, J., Egesi, C. and Kulakow, P., in: Plant Molecular Biology, pages 1-19, ISSN 0167-4412, 2020. [DOI]