Baum, M.    

Institute:International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Station Exp. INRA-Quich. Rue Hafiane Cherkaoui. Agdal. Rabat – Instituts, 10111, Rabat, Morocco 

1 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Mobilizing crop biodiversity, McCouch, S., Navabi, K., Abberton, M., Anglin, N. L., Barbieri, R. L.*, Baum, M., Bett, K., Booker, H., Brown, G. L., Bryan, G. L., Cattivelli, L., Charest, D., Eversole, K., Freitas, M., Ghamkhar, K., Grattapaglia, D.*, Henry, R., Inglis, M. C. V.*, Islam, T., Kehel, Z., Kersey, P. J., Kresovich, S., Marden, E., Mayes, S.*, Ndjiondjop, M., Nguyen, H. T., Paiva, S., Papa, R., Philips, P. W. B., Rasheed, A., Richards, C., Rouard, M., Sampaio, M. J. A.*, Scholz, U., Shaw, P. D., Sherman, B., Staton, S. E., Stein, N., Svensson, J., Tester, M., Valls, J. F. M.*, Varshney, R. K., Visscher, S., Wettberg, E. V., Waugh, R., Wenzl, P. and Rieseberg, L. H., in: Molecular Plant, volume 13, number 10, pages 1341-1344, ISSN 1674-2052, 2020. [DOI]