Bationo, A.*    

Institute:Action for Integrated Rural Development, KA98 46 G3121, Accra, Ghana 
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13 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Effects of long-term application of mineral and organic fertilizers on dynamics of nitrogen pools in the sandy soil of the Sahel region, Niger, Suzuki, K., Matsunaga, R., Hayashi, K., Matsumoto, N., Tobita, S., Bationo, A.* and Okada, K., in: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, volume 242, pages 76-88, ISSN 0167-8809, 2017. [DOI]


Soil carbon, multiple benefits, Milne, E., Banwart, S. A., Noellemeyer, E.*, Abson, D. J., Ballabio, C., Bampa, F., Bationo, A.*, Batjes, N. H.*, Bernoux, M., Bhattacharyya, T.*, Black, H., Buschiazzo, D. E.*, Cai, Z.*, Cerri, C. C.*, Cheng, K.*, Compagnone, C., Conant, R., Coutinho, H. L. C.*, de Brogniez, D.*, de Carvalho Balieiro, F.*, Duffy, C., Feller, C., Fidalgo, E. C. C.*, da Silva, C. F.*, Funk, R., Gaudig, G., Gicheru, P. T.*, Goldhaber, M., Gottschalk, P., Goulet, F., Goverse, T., Grathwohi, P., Joosten, H., Kamoni, P. T.*, Kihara, J., Krawczynski, R., La Scala, N.*, Lemanceau, P., Li, L.*, Li, Z.*, Lugato, E., Maron, P-A., Martius, C., Melillo, J., Montanarella, L., Nikolaidis, N., Nziguheba, G., Pan, G.*, Pascual, U., Paustian, K., Pineiro, G.*, Powlson, D., Quiroga, A.*, Richter, D., Sigwalt, A., Smith, J., Smith, P., Stocking, M., Tanneberger, F., Termansen, M., Van Noordwijk, M., van Wesemael, B., Vargas, R., Luiz Victoria, R.*, Waswa, B., Werner, D., Wichmann, S., Wichtmann, W., Zhang, X.*, Zhao, Y.*, Zheng, Jinwei.* and Zheng, Jufeng*, , in: Environmental Development, volume 13, pages 1-5, ISSN 2211-4645, 2015. [DOI]
Soil carbon: a critical natural resource - wide-scale goals, urgent actions, Nziguheba, G., Vargas, R., Bationo, A.*, Black, H., Buschiazzo, D. E.*, de Brogniez, D.*, Joosten, H., Melillo, J., Richter, D. and Termansen, M., SCOPE series, volume 7, pages 10-25, chapter 2, CABI, ISBN 978-1780645322, 2015.
Sorghum-and millet-legume cropping systems, Clottey, V., Wairegi, L., Bationo, A.*, Mando, A.* and Kanton, R.*, Africa Soil Health Consortium, 2015.


Evaluation of application timing in fertilizer micro-dosing technology on millet producing in Niger, West Africa, Hayashi, K., Abdoulaye, T., Gerard, B.* and Bationo, A.*, in: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, volume 80, pages 257-265, 2008. [DOI]


Cowpea as a key factor for a new approach to integrated crop-livestock systems research in the dry savannas of West Africa, Tarawali, S., Singh, B., Gupta, S., Tabo, R., Harris, F., Nokoe, S., Fernandez-Rivera, S., Bationo, A.*, Manyong, V., Makinde, K. and Odion, E.*, pages 233-251, 2002.
Soil fertility management and cowpea production in the semiarid tropics of West Africa, Bationo, A.*, Ntare, B. R., Tarawali, S. and Tabo, R., pages 301-318, 2002.


The role of livestock in the maintenance and improvement of soil fertility, Tarawali, S., Larbi, A., Fernandez-Rivera, S. and Bationo, A.*, pages 281-304, Madison, WI, USA: Soil Science Society of America (SSSA); America Society of Agronomy, 2001.


Fertilizer management strategies for legume-based croping systems in the West African semi-arid tropics, Bationo, A.*, Ndunguru, J.*, Ntare, B. R., Christianson, C.B. and Mokwunye, A.U., pages 213-226, ICRISAT, 1991.

Publications as Editor


Prioritizing research efforts to increase on-farm income generation: the case of cassava-based farmers in peri-urban Southern Cameroon, Duindam, J. W. and Hauser, S., volume 2, pages 913-919, chapter 91, Springer, ISBN 978-90-481-2541-8, 2011. [DOI]
Soil fertility variability in relation to the yields of maize and soybean under intensifying cropping systems in the tropical savannas of northeastern Nigeria, Kwari, J.*, Kamara, A., Ekeleme, F.* and Omoigui, L.*, volume 1, pages 457-464, chapter 1 Part II, Springer, ISBN 978-90-481-2541-8, 2011. [DOI]


Improved cassava varieties increase the risk of soil nutrient mining: an ex-ante analysis for western Kenya and Uganda, Fermont, A., Obiero, H., Van Asten, P., Baguma, Y.* and Okwuosa, E.*, pages 511-519, Springer, ISBN 978-1-4020-5759-5, 2007.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the rhizosphere of bananas in farming systems of Central Kenya, Jefwa, J.*, Ruto, L.*, Elsen, A., Kahangi, E.*, Van Asten, P., Losenge, T.*, Mwajita, M.*, Vanlauwe, B. and Sanginga, N.+, Abstract, 2007.