National food consumption and micronutrient survey 2021: final report, FGN, and IITA, , Federal Government of Nigeria; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, ISBN 978-978-131-414-8, 2024. |
National food consumption and micronutrient survey 2021: key findings, FGN, and IITA, , Federal Government of Nigeria; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, ISBN 978-978-131-424-7, 2024. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 36th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2024. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 32nd Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2024. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 33rd Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2024. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 38th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2024. |
Soybean practical farming guide: from seed to success! A practical soybean farming guide for extension agents and local investors in Tanzania, IITA, , CGIAR Secretariat, , Farm to Market Alliance, , ASPIRES, and SAGCOT, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2024. |
Business strengthening: training manual, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2024. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 20th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2023. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 22th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2023. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 23rd Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2023. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 29th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2023. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 24th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2023. |
National food consumption and micronutrient survey 2021: final report 2023, FGN, and IITA, , 2023. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 30th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2023. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 25th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2023. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 31st Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2023. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 26th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2023. |
Feed the Future: Gender equality and social inclusion considerations in AID-I Great Lakes Region, USAID, and IITA, , USAID; IITA, 2023. |
Fungashada ya migomba: (Banana Bunchy Top Disease), USAID, and IITA, , Mamlaka ya Afya ya Mimea na Viuatilifu Tanzania; Tanzania Plant Health and Pesticides Authority, 2023. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 27th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2023. |
Realizing a grand vision for national early warning on Banana Xanthomonas Wilt (BXW) risk, ICT4BXW, , IITA, and IAMO, , ICT4BXW Newsletter IV, 2023. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 28th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2023. |
ATA-RDC: Rapport bimensuel d'avancement: 1-15 November 2022, ATA-RDC, , Ministere de L'Agriculture, and IITA, , Rapport, 2022. |
ATA-RDC: Rapport bimensuel d'avancement: 1-15 September 2022, ATA-RDC, , Ministere de L'Agriculture, and IITA, , Rapport, 2022. |
ATA-RDC: Rapport bimensuel d'avancement: 16-30 September 2022, ATA-RDC, , Ministere de L'Agriculture, and IITA, , Rapport, 2022. |
ATA-RDC: Rapport bimensuel d'avancement: 16-31 October 2022, ATA-RDC, , Ministere de L'Agriculture, and IITA, , Rapport, 2022. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 19th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2022. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 17th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2022. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 18th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2022. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 15th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2022. |
National food consumption and micronutrient survey 2021: preliminary report, FGN, and IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, ISBN 978-978-131-406-3, 2022. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 16th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2022. |
Combatting banana disease; through digital innovation, ICT4BXW, , IITA, and IAMO, , ICT4BXW Newsletter, 2022. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 14th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2022. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 8th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2022. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 10th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2022. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 11th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2022. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 12th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2022. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 13th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2022. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 9th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2022. |
The Seeds: Start Them Early Program (STEP) Vol. 6, IITA, and STEP, , STEP Newsletter, 2022. |
The Seeds: Start Them Early Program (STEP) Vol. 7, IITA, and STEP, , STEP Newsletter, 2022. |
The Seeds: Start Them Early Program (STEP) Vol. 8, IITA, and STEP, , STEP Newsletter, 2022. |
Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) for Ghana Cluster Activities, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2022. |
Redefining agricultural education through vocational training: Start Them Early Program in Kenya; Policy brief 001, IITA, , STEP, , Machango, P., Mulei, W., Mutinda, L., Simiyu, M., Wachiaya, T. and Akinyi, S., 2022. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 1st Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2021. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 2nd Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2021. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 3rd Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2021. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 4th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2021. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 5th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2021. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 6th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2021. |
Tools to assess gender inequalities in access to and benefits derived from the cassava seed system, MEDA, and IITA, , Booklet, 2021. |
Feed the Future: Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity - 7th Edition, USAID, and IITA, , (NIAA) Newsletter, 2021. |
The Seeds: Start Them Early Program (STEP) Vol. 5, IITA, and STEP, , STEP Newsletter, 2021. |
Climate-smart agriculture: resource book for trainers of agricultural extension workers and students, IITA, , ICRAF, and FAO, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2021. |
The Seeds: Start Them Early Program (STEP) Vol. 4, IITA, and STEP, , STEP Newsletter, 2020. |
The AgResults Nigeria Aflasafe TM Challenge Project: 2019 Annual Report, IITA, and AgResults, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2020. |
Climate-Smart Agriculture Technologies supporting farmers during COVID, IITA, and Margiotta, S., 2020. |
IITA Annual Report 2019, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 2020. |
Aflasafe Technology Transfer and Aflasafe Commercialization (ATTC): implementation of the business development strategy, IITA, , Booklet, 2020. |
Aflasafe Technology Transfer and Aflasafe Commercialization (ATTC): investor selection, IITA, , Booklet, 2020. |
Aflasafe Technology Transfer and Aflasafe Commercialization (ATTC): market assessment and strategy development, IITA, , Booklet, 2020. |
Aflasafe Technology Transfer and Aflasafe Commercialization (ATTC): structuring the business relationship, IITA, , Booklet, 2020. |
Cards for budgeting climbing beans - material costs, NARO, , IITA, and N2Africa, , 2019. |
Cards for budgeting - labour costs, NARO, , IITA, and N2Africa, , N2Africa, 2019. |
Climbing beans varieties, NARO, , IITA, and N2Africa, , 2019. |
Major pests and diseases of climbing beans, NARO, , IITA, and N2Africa, , N2Africa, 2019. |
Post-harvest practices for climbing beans, NARO, , IITA, and N2Africa, , N2Africa, 2019. |
ICT4BXW: citizen science and ICT for advancing the prevention and control of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt, ICT4BXW, , IITA, and IAMO, , ICT4BXW Newsletter No. 2, 2019. |
The Seeds: Start Them Early Program (STEP) Vol. 3, IITA, and STEP, , STEP Newsletter, 2019. |
Pictorial budget toolkit, IITA, , N2Africa, and NARO, , N2Africa, 2019. |
The AgResults Nigeria implementer investment report, IITA, and AgResults, , 2019. |
Farmers' guide to management of aflatoxins in maize in Africa: pre-harvest and post-harvest recommendations, IITA, and AgResults, , 2019. |
Farmers' guide to management of aflatoxins in maize and groundnuts in Africa: trainer's guide, IITA, and AgResults, , 2019. |
Middlemen: thread or opportunity for the Ugandan coffee value chain? Policy brief, IITA, and Margiotta, S., 2019. |
Climate smart investment pathways: for smallholder coffee farmers, IITA, , 2019. |
The Stepwise Smartphone Application: co-creation of innovative agricultural extension support tools, IITA, , 2019. |
The farmer segmentation tool: understanding the diversity of coffee farmers, IITA, , 2019. |
Cassava Matters: Issue No. 016, IITA, , This newsletter is produced by the Cassava Weed Management Project: Issue No. 016, 2019. |
Cassava Matters: Issue No. 017, IITA, , This newsletter is produced by the Cassava Weed Management Project: Issue No. 017, 2019. |
Coffee and vanilla diversified systems in Uganda: exploring effective approaches for resilient coffee and vanilla farming systems, IITA, , 2019. |
The Seeds: Start Them Early Program (STEP) Vol. 1, IITA, and STEP, , STEP Newsletter, 2019. |
The Seeds: Start Them Early Program (STEP) Vol. 2, IITA, and STEP, , STEP Newsletter, 2019. |
Cassava Matters: Issue No. 015, IITA, , This newsletter is produced by the Cassava Weed Management Project: Issue No. 015, 2018. |
Cassava Matters: Issue No. 011, IITA, , This newsletter is produced by the Cassava Weed Management Project: Issue No. 011, 2018. |
Cassava Matters: Issue No. 012, IITA, , This newsletter is produced by the Cassava Weed Management Project: Issue No. 012, 2018. |
IITA Annual Report 2017, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 2018. |
Cassava Matters: Issue No. 013, IITA, , This newsletter is produced by the Cassava Weed Management Project: Issue No. 013, 2018. |
IITA Human Resources Annual Report 2017, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2018. |
Aflatoxin - the invisible threat to Nigeria's food security, IITA, and AgResults, , number 001, 2018. |
Cassava Matters: Issue No. 014, IITA, , This newsletter is produced by the Cassava Weed Management Project: Issue No. 014, 2018. |
IITA: 50 years after, transforming Africa's agriculture and nourishing rural development, Ortiz, R . and IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, ISBN 978-978-8444-86-2, 2017. |
Cassava Matters: Issue No. 010, IITA, , This newsletter is produced by the Cassava Weed Management Project: Issue No. 010, 2017. |
IITA Annual Report 2016, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 2017. |
Cassava Matters: Issue No. 008, IITA, , This newsletter is produced by the Cassava Weed Management Project: Issue No. 008, 2017. |
Cassava Matters: Issue No. 009, IITA, , This newsletter is produced by the Cassava Weed Management Project: Issue No. 009, 2017. |
Cassava Matters: Issue No. 005, IITA, , Atser, G., Jalloh, A. and Osunde, T., This newsletter is produced by the Cassava Weed Management Project. Issue No. 005, 2017. |
Cassava Matters: Issue No. 006, IITA, , Atser, G., Jalloh, A. and Osunde, T., This newsletter is produced by the Cassava Weed Management Project: Issue No. 006, 2017. |
Cassava Matters: Issue No. 007, IITA, , This newsletter is produced by the Cassava Weed Management Project: Issue No. 007, 2017. |
Standard operating protocol for yam variety performance evaluation trial, IITA, , Booklet, 2016. |
Cassava Matters: Issue No. 004, IITA, , Atser, G., Jalloh, A. and Osunde, T., This newsletter is produced by the Cassava Weed Management Project: Issue No. 004, 2016. |
International Association of Research Scholars and Fellow (IARSAF): 19th annual symposium book of abstracts, IITA, , 2016. |
IITA Annual Report 2015, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 2016. |
Cassava Matters: Issue No. 001, IITA, , Atser, G., Jalloh, A. and Osunde, T., This newsletter is produced by the Cassava Weed Management Project: Issue No. 001, 2016. |
Cassava Matters: Issue No. 002, IITA, , Atser, G., Jalloh, A. and Osunde, T., This newsletter is produced by the Cassava Weed Management Project: Issue No. 002, 2016. |
Cassava Matters: Issue No. 003, IITA, , Atser, G., Jalloh, A. and Osunde, T., This newsletter is produced by the Cassava Weed Management Project: Issue No. 003, 2016. |
Common butterflies of IITA, Safian, S., Warren, R. D. and IITA, , ISBN 978-978-8444-61-9, 2015. |
Uharibifu wa migomba unaosababishwa na minyoo, IITA, , Poster, 2015. |
Quality and Yield: supporting smallholder farmers' decisions on top quality commercial products, IITA, , Compro II Project Newsletter no. 11, 2015. |
Quality and Yield: supporting smallholder farmers' decisions on top quality commercial products, IITA, , Compro II Project Newsletter no. 12, 2015. |
IITA Annual Report 2014, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 2015. |
Cassava Weed Management Project: Newsletter, IITA, , Newsletter: Issue: CWMP/NL/005, 2015. |
Cassava Weed Management Project: Newsletter, IITA, , Newsletter: Issue: CWMP/NL/003, 2015. |
Cassava Weed Management Project: Newsletter, IITA, , Newsletter: Issue: CWMP/NL/004, 2015. |
Geographical Information System (GIS) Training Course for Agricultural Research in Africa, IITA, , IITA, 2015. |
Quality and Yield: supporting smallholder farmers' decisions on top quality commercial products, IITA, , Compro II Project Newsletter no. 10, 2015. |
Muongozo kwa wakulima: maradhi na wadudu waharibifu wa migomba, IITA, , 2015. |
Compro II Project Baseline Survey Report: based on a household survey conducted in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Ghana, and Ethiopia between July 2013 and May 2014, IITA, , 2015. |
IITA Human Resources Annual Report 2014, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2015. |
Working with farmers to produce clean seed yams: YIIFSWA working paper series, No. 5, McNamara, N., Morse, S. and IITA, , YIIFSWA working paper series, 2014. |
Utambuzi wa wadudu waharibifu na magonjwa ya nyanya, Africa Rising, and IITA, , Africa RISING; IITA, 2014. |
Cassava Weed Management Project: Project brief, Issue 001, IITA, , 2014. |
Cassava Weed Management Project: Newsletter, IITA, , Newsletter: Issue: CWMP/NL/001, 2014. |
NoduMax: legume inoculant, IITA, , 2014. |
Legume inoculation technology manual: putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa, IITA, , 2014. |
Quality and Yield: supporting smallholder farmers' decisions on top quality commercial products, IITA, , Compro II Project Newsletter no. 6, 2014. |
Quality and Yield: supporting smallholder farmers' decisions on top quality commercial products, IITA, , Compro II Project Newsletter no. 7, 2014. |
Quality and Yield: supporting smallholder farmers' decisions on top quality commercial products, IITA, , Compro II Project Newsletter no. 8, 2014. |
Quality and Yield: supporting smallholder farmers' decisions on top quality commercial products, IITA, , Compro II Project Newsletter no. 9, 2014. |
IITA Annual Report 2013, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 2014. |
Legume inoculation technology manual: putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa, Abaidoo, R. C.*, Ewusi-Mensah, N.*, Opoku, A.*, N2Africa, and IITA, , N2Africa, 2013. |
Legume inoculant technology and quality control procedures: workshop manual, Vivas-Marfisi, A., N2Africa, and IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2013. |
A report on "Cassava Science Day: cassava performance under different soil management" February 18,2013 at IITA-Cameroon, IITA, , 2013. |
IITA Annual Report 2012, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 2013. |
Quality and Yield: supporting smallholder farmers' decisions on top quality commercial products, IITA, , Compro II Project Newsletter no. 3, 2013. |
Quality and Yield: supporting smallholder farmers' decisions on top quality commercial products, IITA, , Compro II Project Newsletter no. 4 & 5, 2013. |
Program and book of abstracts of the First Global Conference on Yam, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-978-8444-27-5, 2013. |
How to grow soybean: farmers in Africa, N2Africa, , Wageningen University, , CIAT, and IITA, , Booklet, 2012. |
Integrated pest management for N2Africa legume crops, Turner, A., N2Africa, and IITA, , Guidelines on integrated pest management in legumes, 2012. |
Quality and Yield: supporting smallholder farmers' decisions on top quality commercial products, IITA, , Compro II Project Newsletter no. 1, 2012. |
R4D Review; 8, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 2071-3681, 2012. |
Conduct and management of maize field trials, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-978-8444-02-2, 2012. |
IITA's 2012 regional highlights: production team, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-978-8444-19-0, 2012. |
IITA in the news, IITA, , 2012. |
IITA Annual Report 2011, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 2012. |
Quality and Yield: supporting smallholder farmers' decisions on top quality commercial products, IITA, , Compro II Project Newsletter no. 2, 2012. |
R4D Review; 9, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 2071-3681, 2012. |
Hartmann's IITA: book of memories, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2011. |
R4D Review; 6, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2011. |
IITA Annual Report 2010, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 2011. |
Bryan Harvey's IITA book of memories, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2011. |
R4D Review; 7, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 2071-3681, 2011. |
Ongeza mavuno ya karanga kwa kutumia mbinu bora za kilimo, N2Africa, and IITA, , 2010. |
Lima kunde kwa lishe na kipato zaidi, N2Africa, and IITA, , 2010. |
Cassava stem handling for increased yield, IITA, , 2010. |
Managing soils for sustainable cassava production, IITA, , 2010. |
Cost-efficient mechanization in cassava production, IITA, , 2010. |
Harvesting and postharvest handling of cassava, IITA, , 2010. |
Zero input technologies to increase yields in cassava production, IITA, , 2010. |
Weed control in cassava production, IITA, , 2010. |
R4D Review; 4, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2010. |
R4D Review; 5, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2010. |
Banana and plantain in Africa: harnessing international partnerships to increase research impact, IITA, , ISHS, 2010. |
IITA Annual Report 2009/10, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 2010. |
R4D Review; 2, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2009. |
R4D Review; 3, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2009. |
IITA Annual Report 2008/09, IITA, , 2009. |
Report of the Sixth External Program and Management Review (EPMR) of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, IITA, and CGIAR Science Council, , 2008. |
R4D Review; 1, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2008. |
IITA Annual Report 2007, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 2008. |
Achieving Development Impact and Environmental Enhancement through Adoption of Balanced Nutrient Management Systems by Farmers in the West African Savanna (BNMS II), IITA, , 2008. |
IITA Annual Report 2006, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 2007. |
West Africa Seed and Planting Material, No. 16, IITA, , 2006. |
West Africa Seed and Planting Material, No. 17, IITA, , 2006. |
Emergency programme to combat the Cassava Mosaic Disease pandemic in East and Central Africa; a system-wide whitefly IPM affliated project: proceedings of the sixth regional stakeholders meeting, Mwanza, Tanzania, September 22-24, 2004, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2006. |
Growing soybean and maize in rotation: in partnership with IAR, SG2000, ADPs, NEARLS, and DGDC-Belgium, IITA, , IAR, , SG2000, , ADPs, , NEARLS, and DGDC, , 2006. |
IITA Annual Report 2005, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 2006. |
A small-scale pilot project on cassava leads to change in Eastern and Southern Africa, IITA, , 2006. |
West Africa Seed and Planting Material, No. 15, IITA, , 2005. |
Semences et materiel de plantation en Afrique occidentale, No. 14, IITA, , 2005. |
Semences et materiel de plantation en Afrique occidentale, No. 15, IITA, , 2005. |
West Africa Seed and Planting Material, No. 14, IITA, , 2005. |
IITA Annual Report 2004, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 2005. |
IITA in the News, IITA, , 2005. |
Project B: developing plant health management options, IITA, , 2004. |
Preemptive management of the virulent cassava mosaic disease through an integrated cassava development approach for enhanced rural sector economy in the south-south and south-east zones of Nigeria: multiple investor development project document, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-131-234-3, 2004. |
Semences et Materiel de Plantation en Afrique Occidentale, IITA, , 2004. |
Project C: impact, policy, and system analysis, IITA, , 2004. |
Project E: diverse agricultural systems in the humid zone of west and central Africa, IITA, , 2004. |
West Africa Seed and Planting Material, No. 13, IITA, , 2004. |
West Africa Seed and Planting Material, No. 12, IITA, , 2004. |
IITA Annual Report 2003, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 2004. |
Bayelsa get 40 varieties of cassava for selection, IITA, , in: IITA in the News, pages 25, 2004. |
IITA in the News, IITA, , 2004. |
Project E: enhancing livelihoods in the humid and subhumid zones of west and central Africa through profitable and sustainable intensification of diverse agricultural systems, IITA, , 2003. |
Project C: supporting innovation processes (SINPRO) (assessing impact, formulating policy options, and systems analysis project), IITA, , 2003. |
Project C: supporting innovation processes (SINPRO) (assessing impact, formulating policy options, and systems analysis project), IITA, , 2003. |
Project D: promoting food security and income generation through sustainable production and commercialization of starchy and grain staples in eastern and southern Africa, IITA, , 2003. |
Strategies For Farming Systems Development In sub-Saharan Africa, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2003. |
IITA Annual Report 2002, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 2003. |
Goat and sheep fattening technique in Nigeria, IITA, , 2003. |
Growing cassava in Nigeria, IITA, , 2003. |
Growing citrus in Nigeria, IITA, , 2003. |
Growing cocoyams in Nigeria, IITA, , 2003. |
Growing cowpea in Nigeria, IITA, , 2003. |
Growing lowland rice in Nigeria, IITA, , 2003. |
Growing maize in Nigeria, IITA, , 2003. |
Growing maize with cassava in Nigeria, IITA, , 2003. |
Growing mango in Nigeria, IITA, , 2003. |
Growing melon and maize with cassava in Nigeria, IITA, , 2003. |
Growing pawpaw in Nigeria, IITA, , 2003. |
Growing pepper in Nigeria, IITA, , 2003. |
Growing upland rice in Nigeria, IITA, , 2003. |
Pig fattening technique in Nigeria, IITA, , 2003. |
Rabbitry in Nigeria, IITA, , 2003. |
Scientists seek ways of helping farmers to control malaria, IITA, , in: African Farming and Food Processing, number JAN-FEB, pages 37, ISSN 0266-8017, 2003. |
AATF/BCP maize vitamin a workshop held at IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria 4-6 August 2003, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2003. |
Plant Health Management Division: annual report 2001, IITA, , 2002. |
Research to nourish Africa: overview of the 2003-2005 medium-term plan, IITA, , Internatiomal Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2002. |
Project E: livelihoods, improving the resource base, and protecting the environment through starchy staple, peri-urban, and tree crop systems of the humid and subhumid zones of west and central Africa, IITA, , 2002. |
IITA Annual Report 2001, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 2002. |
Semences et materiel de plantation en Afrique occidentale, No. 9, IITA, , 2002. |
Agricultural input markets in Nigeria: an assessment and strategy for development, IFDC, , IITA, and WARDA, , IFDC-P-23, International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), ISBN 0-88090-128-4, 2001. |
Project 5: improvement of yam-based systems, IITA, , 2001. |
Plant Health Management Division: annual report 2000, IITA, , 2001. |
IITA Annual Report 2000, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 2001. |
Semences et materiel de plantation en Afrique occidentale, No. 8, IITA, , 2001. |
West Africa Seed and Planting Material, No. 8, IITA, , 2001. |
Cassava mosaic disease pandemic mitigation in East Africa; a system-wide whitefly IPM afflliated project: second quarterly technical report January - March 2001, IITA, , 2001. |
Cassava mosaic disease pandemic mitigation in East Africa; a system-wide whitefly IPM afflliated project: third quarterly technical report, phase 3 April-June 2001, IITA, , 2001. |
IITA strategic plan 2001-2010: supporting document, IITA, , 2001. |
Report of the fifth external programme and management review of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, IITA, , 2001. |
La consommation alimentaire au Cameroun en 1996., DSCN, , CIRAD, and IITA, , CIRAD; IITA, 2000. |
Plant Health Management Division: annual report 1999, IITA, , 2000. |
Project 6: improving cassava-based systems, IITA, , 2000. |
Project 5: improving cassava-based systems, IITA, , 2000. |
IITA Annual Report 1999, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 2000. |
West Africa Seed and Planting Material, No. 6, IITA, , 2000. |
Agricultural policies for sustainable management and use of natural resources in Africa, IITA, and FAO, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2000. |
Food demand and market studies in the drier savanna of Nigeria: proceedings of a Methodology and stakeholders' workshop, 7-8 September, 1999, IITA, , 2000. |
IITA Germplasm Health Unit, IITA, , Phamplet, 2000. |
Project 6: integrated management of cassava pests and diseases, IITA, , 1999. |
IITA Annual Report 1998, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 1999. |
Central yet peripheral: the rural woman farmer and issues of African development, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1999. |
Emergency program to combat the Cassava Mosaic Disease pandemic in East Africa: a system-wide whitefly IPM affiliated project, IITA, , 1999. |
IITA-JIC-NRI Gatsby-funded biotechnology projects: extended abstracts, IITA, , 1999. |
Financing plan for the 2000 research Agenda, IITA, , 1999. |
Project 1: short fallow systems to arrest resource degradation due to land-use intensification, IITA, , 1999. |
Project 5: integrated management of maize pests and diseases, IITA, , 1999. |
Rapport Annuel IITA 1997, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 1115-8891, 1998. |
IITA-JIC-NRI Gatsby-funded biotechnology projects: extended abstracts, IITA, , 1998. |
International Association of Research Scholars and Fellows (IARSAF): symposium proceedings 1995, 1996, 1997, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1998. |
IITA Annual Report 1997, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 1998. |
Project 5: integrated management of maize pests and diseases, IITA, , 1998. |
Plant Health Management Division: annual report 1998, IITA, , 1998. |
IITA Community Resources Centre Newsletter, IITA, , 1997. |
Multiplication rapide du manioc, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-131-142-8, 1997. |
Better breeding beats the bugs, IITA, , in: African Farming and Food Processing, number SEP-OCT, pages 22, ISSN 0266-8017, 1997. |
Striga research methods: a manual, IITA, , 1997. |
Rapport Annuel IITA 1996, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 1997. |
IITA Annual Report 1996, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 1997. |
IITA Crop Improvement Division; Plantain and Banana improvement program: Annual Report 1995, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1997. |
Project 10: farming systems diversification, IITA, , 1997. |
Project 5: integrated management of maize pests and diseases, IITA, , 1997. |
Rapport Annuel IITA 1995, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 1115-8891, 1996. |
IITA Annual Report 1995, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 1996. |
Community Resources Centre (CRC) Annual Program Assessment Report, IITA, , 1996. |
Rapid multiplication of cassava, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-131-133-9, 1996. |
Project 6: integrated management of cassava pests and diseases, IITA, , 1996. |
IITA Annual Report 1994, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 1995. |
Answers to questions most frequently asked about IITA, IITA, , Phamplet, 1995. |
A guide to the Library and Documentation Center, IITA, , 1995. |
Report of the fourth external programme and management review of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, IITA, , 1995. |
IITA Crop Improvement Division; Plantain and Banana improvement program: Annual Report 1994, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1995. |
IITA Research No 10, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 1115-3067, 1995. |
MRST, IRA and NCRE: Annual Report 1993, USAID, and IITA, , USAID - IITA, 1994. |
IITA Crop Improvement Division; Root and Tuber Improvement Program: status report 1990-1993, IITA, , 1994. |
IITA Annual Report 1993, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 1994. |
Yam breeders breakthrough, IITA, , in: African Farming and Food Processing, number SEP-OCT, pages 32, ISSN 0266-8017, 1994. |
IITA Crop Improvement Division; Plantain and Banana improvement program: Annual Report 1993, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1994. |
Ecologically sustainable cassava plant protection (EScaPP): Annual report, IITA, , 1994. |
An agro-socio-economic survey of farmers in the north-west province in Cameroon, IRA, , USAID, and IITA, , IRA, USAID, IITA, 1993. |
MRST, IRA and NCRE: Annual Report 1992, USAID, and IITA, , USAID - IITA, 1993. |
IITA Crop Improvement Division; activity report and work plan 1992, IITA, , 1993. |
IITA Crop Improvement Division; activity report and work plan 1993, IITA, , 1993. |
IITA Crop Improvement Division; Grain Legume Improvement Program part 1. Cowpea Breeding: Archival Report (1988-1992), IITA, , 1993. |
IITA Crop Improvement Division; Root and Tuber Improvement Program - Archival Report (1989-1993): part 1. cassava breeding, cytogenetics and histology vol. 1. Germplasm improvement, IITA, , 1993. |
IITA Crop Improvement Division; Root and Tuber Improvement Program - Archival Report (1989-1993): part 1. cassava breeding, cytogenetics and histology vol. 2. Germplasm enhancement, IITA, , 1993. |
IITA Annual Report 1992, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 1993. |
International institute of tropical agriculture: Data summaries and trial results inbred, hybrid and mid-altitude breeding 1992, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1993. |
IITA Crop Improvement Division; Plantain and Banana improvement program: Annual Report 1992, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1993. |
How Akwa Ibom overcame a crisis in cassava production, IITA, , in: Cassava Newsletter, volume 17, number 2, pages 9-10, ISSN 0259-3688, 1993. |
Highlights of scientific findings Annual Report 1992: RCMP Research monograph, No. 15, IITA, , 1993. |
IITA in the News, IITA, , 1993. |
MESIRES, IRA and NCRE: Annual Report 1991, USAID, and IITA, , USAID - IITA, 1992. |
IITA Annual Report 1991, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 1992. |
Biotechnology research at IITA: an introductory booklet, IITA, , Phamplet, 1992. |
Maize research program: Maize quality and utilization project annual report 1991, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1992. |
Joint Project 31: Semi-Arid Food Grains Research and Development SAFGRAD II: Annual Report, IITA, and OAU/STRC, , IITA/SAFGRAD, 1992. |
Soybeans for good health: how to grow and use soybeans in Nigeria (in pixtures), IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1992. |
Nematological research at IITA 1969-1988: Plant Health Management research monograph No. 2, IITA, and Caveness, F. E., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1992. |
Highlights of scientific findings Annual Report 1991: RCMP Research monograph, No. 12, IITA, , 1992. |
MESIRES, IRA and NCRE: Annual Report 1990, USAID, and IITA, , USAID - IITA, 1991. |
IITA Annual Report 1990, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 1991. |
Highlights of scientific findings Annual Report 1990: RCMP Research monograph, No. 7, IITA, , 1991. |
IITA Maize Research Program: Annual Report 1987, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1991. |
MESRES, IRA and NCRE: Annual Report 1989, USAID, and IITA, , USAID - IITA, 1990. |
IITA Annual Report 1989/90, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 1990. |
Cassava in tropical Africa: a reference manual, IITA, , 1990. |
Report of the third external programme review of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, IITA, , number 153, 1990. |
Funding proposal 1990: for presentation to the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, IITA, , 1990. |
Cassava in tropical Africa, IITA, and unicef, , ISBN 978-131-041-3, 1990. |
MESRES, IRA and NCRE: Annual Report 1988, USAID, and IITA, , USAID - IITA, 1989. |
Cassava in tropical Africa: a reference manual, IITA, , 1989. |
IITA Annual Report 1988/89, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 978-131-048-0, 1989. |
A guide to the Library and Documentation Center, IITA, , 1989. |
SAFGRAD - IITA Annual Report 1987, OAU/STRC, and IITA, , 1988. |
SAFGRAD - IITA Final report resident research, Phase II, OAU/STRC, and IITA, , 1988. |
MESRES, IRA and NCRE: Annual Report 1987, USAID, and IITA, , USAID - IITA, 1988. |
Maize-based cropping systems in the NDOP plain of the north west province, Cameroon: a monitored farm survey, with labor utilization data, USAID, , IITA, and IRA, , USAID, IITA & IRA, 1988. |
IITA Annual Report and Research Highlights 1987/88, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 1988. |
Le plan a moyen terme de l'lita 1989-1993, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-131-029-4, 1988. |
IITA medium-term plan 1989-1993, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-131-028-6, 1988. |
Cassava-based cropping systems research 1: contribution from the First Annual Meeting of the Collaborative group in cassava-based cropping systems research, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1988. |
IITA Maize Research Program: Annual Report 1986, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1988. |
IITA Virology Unit: Annual Report 1986, IITA, , 1988. |
SAFGRAD - IITA Annual Report 1986, OAU/STRC, and IITA, , AU-SAFGRAD-IITA, 1987. |
MESRES, IRA and NCRE: Annual Report 1986, USAID, and IITA, , USAID - IITA, 1987. |
Farming systems survey of Meme division: south west province Republic of Cameroon, IRA, , IITA, and USAID, , National Cereals Research and Extension Programme, 1987. |
IITA Annual Report and Research Highlights 1986, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 1987. |
SAFGARD-IITA Program of research 1987, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1987. |
SAFGRAD OAU/STRC joint project-31: Program of research 1987, IITA, and OAU/STRC, , Program of Research 1987, 1987. |
SAFGRAD - IITA Final report, Phase I, OAU/STRC, and IITA, , 1986. |
SAFGRAD - IITA Annual Report 1985, OAU/STRC, and IITA, , AU-SAFGRAD-IITA, 1986. |
IITA Maize Research Program: Annual Report 1985, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 1986. |
IITA Annual Report and Research Highlights 1985, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 1986. |
SAFGRAD - IITA Annual Report 1984, OAU/STRC, and IITA, , AU-SAFGRAD-IITA, 1985. |
MESRES, IRA and NCRE: Annual Report 1984, USAID, and IITA, , USAID - IITA, 1985. |
IITA Annual Report 1984, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1985. |
Final report; cassava outreach project: USAID Project No. 660-0077 in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Republic of Zaire, IITA, , 1985. |
IITA Research Highlights 1984, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1985. |
MESRES, IRA and NCRE: Annual Report 1983, USAID, and IITA, , USAID - IITA, 1984. |
Soybean production: training manual, IITA, , 1984. |
Report of the external programme review of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, IITA, , 1984. |
IITA Research Highlights 1983, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 1984. |
IITA Annual Report 1983, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1984. |
DGRST, IRA and NCRE: Annual Report 1982, USAID, and IITA, , USAID - IITA, 1983. |
IITA Research Highlights 1982, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 1983. |
IITA Annual Report 1982, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1983. |
Maize production manual; manual series, No. 8: vol. II, IITA, , 1982. |
IITA Research Highlights 1981, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 1982. |
IITA Annual Report 1981, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1982. |
Maize production manual; manual series, No. 8: vol. I, IITA, , 1982. |
IITA Research Highlights 1980, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 1981. |
IITA Annual Report 1980, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1981. |
IITA root and tuber improvement program: staff papers - 1977/78, IITA, , Staff papers 1977/1978, 1980. |
IITA Annual Report 1979, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1980. |
IITA Annual Report 1978, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1979. |
Le point de la recherche a l' IITA 1978, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 1979. |
IITA Research highlights 1978, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 0331-4340, 1979. |
IITA Annual Report 1977, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1978. |
Genetic Resources Unit Exploration, IITA, , pages 287, 1978. |
IITA Annual Report 1976, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1977. |
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture: soils sub-program papers, 1976 - 1977, IITA, , Sub-Program Papers, 1977. |
Genetic Resources Unit Exploration, IITA, , pages -153, 1977. |
IITA Annual Report 1975, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1976. |
IITA Annual Report 1974, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1975. |
Maize production training course: lecture syllabus, IITA, , 1974. |
IITA Annual Report 1972-73, IITA, , Annual Report, 1974. |
IITA Annual Report 1971, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1972. |