Temme, A. J. A.    

Firstname:A. J. A. 
Institute:Department of Geography, Kansas State University, 920 North 17th Street, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA 
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Publications as Author


Preservation of the last aggradation phase in climate-driven terraces: evidence from late quaternary reach-specific fluvial dynamics of the Allier River (France), Veldkamp, A., Schoorl, J. M., Claessens, L ., Temme, A. J. A., Broers, A. G. M., van Orsouw, T. L., Voesten, M. T. C. and Reimann, T., in: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, volume 45, number 13, pages 3381-3395, ISSN 0197-9337, 2020. [DOI]