Mudereri, B. T.    

Firstname:B. T. 
Institute:International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), Nairobi P.O. Box 30772-00100, Kenya 

8 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Assessing delivery and business models for high impact digital solutions at scale: the case of Rwanda Smart Nkunganire System (SNS), Sartas, M., Mudereri, B. T., Senge, M., Rabourn, T. R., Ogunsanmi, T., Uzamushaka, S., Kihoro, E., Kangethe, E.*, Muzata, B., Guchu, W. and Kamau, E., EiA, 2024.
Accelerating agronomic impact through digital tools and public-private extension in Rwanda: smart fertilizer recommendations for potato: smart fertilizer recommendations for rice, Mudereri, B. T., Chernet, M.+, Cyamweshi, A. R.*, Kayumba, J.*, Vandamme, E., Uzamushaka, S., Nshimiyimana, J. C., Kreye, C., Abera, W., Aubert, C ., Borus, D. and Demo, P., 2024.


Data-driven Advisories: AgWise for potato in Rwanda, Chernet, M., Pypers, P., Tilaye, A., Tibebe, D.*, Bendito, E., Mkuhlani, S., Srivastava, A., Ghosh, P., Chimonyo, V., Gonzalez, A., Leroux, L., Llanos, L., Mugo, J., Sila, A., Perez, C., Persson, K., Moreno, P., Ramirez, J., Ghosh, A., Silva, J. V., Hijmans, R., Urfels, A., Kheir, A., Abera, W., Barasa, S., Mudereri, B. T., Bonilla, C., Mesfin, T., Agudelo, D., Patil, M. and Devare, M., 2023.
EiA AgWise: A Data Science Solution for Site-Specific Agronomic Recommendations, Chernet, M., Pypers, P., Tilaye, A., Tibebe, D.*, Bendito, E., Mkuhlani, S., Srivastava, A., Ghosh, P., Chimonyo, V., Gonzalez, A., Leroux, L., Llanos, L., Mugo, J., Sila, A., Perez, C., Persson, K., Moreno, P., Ramirez, J., Ghosh, A., Silva, J. V., Hijmans, R., Urfels, A., Kheir, A., Abera, W., Barasa, S., Mudereri, B. T., Bonilla, C., Mesfin, T., Agudelo, D., Patil, M. and Devare, M., 2023.
Data-driven Advisories: AgWise for maize in Kenya, Chernet, M., Pypers, P., Tilaye, A., Tibebe, D.*, Bendito, E., Mkuhlani, S., Srivastava, A., Ghosh, P., Chimonyo, V., Gonzalez, A., Leroux, L., Llanos, L., Mugo, J., Sila, A., Perez, C., Persson, K., Ramirez, J., Ghosh, A., Silva, J. V., Hijmans, R., Urfels, A., Kheir, A., Abera, W., Barasa, S., Mudereri, B. T., Bonilla, C., Mesfin, T., Agudelo, D., Patil, M. and Devare, M., 2023.


Harnessing data science to improve integrated management of invasive pest species across Africa: An application to Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Guimapi, R. A., Niassy, S., Mudereri, B. T., Abdel-Rahman, E. M., Tepa-Yotto, G., Subramanian, S., Mohamed, S. A., Thunes, K. H., Kimathi, E. K., Agboka, K., Tamo, M., Rwaburindi, J. C., Hadi, B., Elkahky, M., Saethre, M. G., Belayneh, Y. T., Ekesi, S., Kelemu, S. and Tonnang, H., in: Global Ecology and Conservation, volume 35, number -: e02056, pages 1-22, ISSN 2351-9894, 2022. [DOI]


Machine learning model accurately predict maize grain yields in conservation agriculture systems in southern Africa, Muthoni, F. K., Thierfelder, C., Mudereri, B. T., Manda, J., Bekunda, M. and Hoeschle-Zeledon, I., 2021.


Rapid acquisition, management, and analysis of spatial maize (zea mays L.) phenological data- towards 'Big Data' for agronomy transformation in Africa, Tonnang, H. E. Z., Balemi, T.*, Masuki, K., Mohammed, I. B., Adewopo, J., Adnan, A. A.*, Mudereri, B. T., Vanlauwe, B. and Craufurd, P., in: Agronomy, volume 10, number 9: 1363, pages 1-12, ISSN 2073-4395, 2020. [DOI]