Frison, E.    


19 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


CGIAR-Future Harvest Musa program for Africa, Ortiz, R., Frison, E. and Sharrock, S., in: Chronica Horticulturae, volume 42, number 4, pages 18-24, 2003.


Future Harvest Programme on Musa in Africa, Frison, E. and Ortiz, R., INIBAP and PROMUSA Support Group Meeting, 31 October, 2002.


Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa, Frison, E., Gold, C., Karamura, E. B.* and Sikora, R., INIBAP, 1999.


Partial characterization and molecular cloning of a closterovirus from sweet Potato virus diseases complex from Nigeria, Winter, S., Purac, A., Leggett, F., Frison, E., Rossel, H. W. and Hamilton, R. I., in: Phytopathology, volume 82, number 8, pages 869-875, ISSN 0031-949X, 1992.


Elimination of sweet potato virus disease agents by meristem tip culture, Frison, E., in: Tropical Pest Management (PANS), volume 27, number 4, pages 452-454, 1981.

Publications as Editor


Nematode resistance in Musa, De Waele, D. and Speijer, P., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 119-126, INIBAP, 1999.
Inegrated management of viruses infecting Musa spp, Hughes, J., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM held in Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 189-198, International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), 1999.
Potential of classical biological control for banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus Germar, with natural enemies from Asia (with emphasis on Indonesia), Hasyim, A. and Gold, C., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 59-71, INIBAP, 1999.
Fungal endophytes from banana for the biocontrol of Radopholus similis, Niere, B., Speijer, P., Gold, C. and Sikora, R., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 313-318, INIBAP, 1999.
Banana IPM in Uganda, Okech, S., Karamura, E. B.* and Gold, C., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 225-236, INIBAP, 1999.
Cultural control strategies for banana weevil, Reddy, S., Gold, C. and Ngode, L., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 51-57, INIBAP, 1999.
Musa and Ensete nematode pest status in selected African countries, Speijer, P. and Fogain, R., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 99-108, INIBAP, 1999.
Advances in breeding for host plant resistance to banana diseases, Vuylsteke, D. and Hartman, J., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 165-175, INIBAP, 1999.
Cultural controls and habitat management in the integrated management of banana leaf diseases, Holderness, M., Tushemereirwe, W. K.* and Gold, C., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 149-163, INIBAP, 1999.
Habitat management for control of banana nematodes, Kashaija, I., Fogain, R. and Speijer, P., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 109-118, INIBAP, 1999.
Recent advances in host plant resistance to banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus Germar, Kiggundu, A.*, Vuylsteke, D. and Gold, C., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 87-96, INIBAP, 1999.
Recent advances in host plant resistance to banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus Germar, Kiggundu, A.*, Vuylsteke, D. and Gold, C., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23-28 November 1998, pages 87-96, INIBAP, 1999.
Plantain IPM in Ghana a case study, Green, K. and Afreh-Nuamah, K., in: Mobilizing IPM for sustainable banana production in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on banana IPM, Nelspruit, South Africa, 23 - 28 November 1998, pages 201-208, INIBAP, 1999.


Musa root health assessment: a technique in the evaluation of Musa germplasm for nematode resistance, Speijer, P. and Gold, C., pages 62-78, IPGRI; INIBAP, 1996.