Tanimola, A.*    

Institute:Department of Food Science and Technology, Bowen University, Iwo 232101, Nigeria 

3 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Review of instrumental texture measurements as phenotypic tool to assess textural diversity of root, tuber and banana food products, Ayetigbo, O., Arufe, S., Kouassi, A. B., Adinsi, L.*, Adesokan, M., Escobar, A., Delgado, L. F., Tanimola, A.*, Oroniran, O.*, Vepowo, C. K.*, Nakitto, M., Khakasa, E.*, Chijioke, U.*, Nowakunda, K., Newilah, G. N.*, Otegbayo, B.*, Akissoe, N. H.*, Lechaudel, M., Tran, T., Alamu, E. O., Maziya-Dixon, B., Mestres, C. and Dufour, D., in: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, pages 1-35, ISSN 0022-5142, 2023. [DOI]
Food quality profile of pounded yam and implications for yam breeding, Otegbayo, B.*, Oluyinka, O.*, Tanimola, A.*, Fawehinmi, B.*, Alamu, A.*, Bolaji, T.*, Madu, T.*, Okoye, B.*, Chijioke, U.*, Ofoeze, M.*, Alamu, E. O., Adesokan, M., Ayetigbo, O., Bouniol, A., DJibril-Mousa, I.*, Adinsi, L.*, Akissoe, N. H.*, Cornet, D., Agre, A. P., Amele, A., Obidiegwu, J.* and Maziya-Dixon, B., in: Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture, pages 1-17, ISSN 0022-5142, 2023. [DOI]


End-user preferences for pounded yam and implications for food product profile development, Otegbayo, B.*, Madu, T.*, Oroniran, O.*, Chijioke, U.*, Fawehinmi, O.*, Okoye, B.*, Tanimola, A.*, Adebola, P. O. and Obidiegwu, J.*, in: International Journal of Food Science and Technology, pages 1-15, ISSN 0950-5423, 2020. [DOI]