Manneh, B.    

Institute:Africa Rice Centre, Sahel Regional Station, B.P. 96, Saint Louis, Senegal 
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4 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Field evaluation of advanced rice lines for adaptability to drought and heat in the Senegal River Valley, Moukoumbi, Y. D., El-Namaky, R., Sikirou, M., Bocco, R., Mbodj, D., Pegalepo, E., Akueson, A. H. G.* and Manneh, B., in: Plant-Environment Interactions, volume 6, number 1: e70034, pages 1-11, ISSN 2575-6265, 2025. [DOI]


Characterization of newly introduced bacterial blight pathogen risk to African rice production and preparedness plans to limit the spread of seed-borne pathogen of high phytosanitary importance: Working paper, Onaga, E., Pinili, D.*, van Schepler, L.*, Eyokia, M., Euridice, T., Dossou, A. B., Bachabi, F., Gouete, M. A., Adjoua, M., Negussie, Z., Amoah, N. K. A., Manneh, B. and Kumar, P. L., 2023.
Evaluation of genotypic variability and analysis of yield and its components in irrigated rice to stabilize yields in the Senegal river valley affected by climate change, Moukoumbi, Y. D., Bayendi Loudit, S. M.*, Sikirou, M., Mboj, D., Hussain, T.*, Bocco, R. and Manneh, B., in: Agronomy, volume 13, number 9: 2218, pages 1-15, ISSN 2073-4395, 2023. [DOI]


Mapping QTLs for tolerance to salt stress at the early seedling stage in rice (Oryza sativa L.) using a newly identified donor 'Madina Koyo', Amoah, N. K. A., Akromah, R.*, Kena, A. W.*, Manneh, B., Dieng, I. and Bimpong, I. K., in: Euphytica, volume 216, number -: 156, pages 1-23, ISSN 0014-2336, 2020. [DOI]