Morton, J. F.    

Firstname:J. F. 
Institute:University of Greenwich, London, UK 
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Publications as Author


Assessing the crop productivity and household welfare effects of adopting certified seeds of improved cassava varieties in Uganda, Ahimbisibwe, B. P.*, Morton, J. F., Feleke, S., Alene, A., Abdoulaye, T., Wellard, K., Mungatana, E.*, Bua, A.*, Asfaw, S. and Manyong, V., in: Agrekon, volume 62, number 2, pages 164-177, ISSN 0303-1853, 2023. [DOI]


Household welfare impacts of an agricultural innovation platform in Uganda, Ahimbisibwe, B. P.*, Morton, J. F., Feleke, S., Alene, A., Abdoulaye, T., Wellard, K., Mungatana, E.*, Bua, A.*, Asfaw, S. and Manyong, V., in: Food and Energy Security, volume 9, number -: e225, pages 1-18, ISSN 2048-3694, 2020. [DOI]