Kwena, P. O.*    

Firstname:P. O.* 
Institute:Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization, P.O. Box 169-50100, Kakamega, Kenya 
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Publications as Author


Evaluation of cassava genotypes for agronomic performance, correlation with CMD and CBSD parameters and stability across Alupe, Kakamega and Kibos in western Kenya, Navangi, L.*, Githiri, M.*, Ateka, E.*, Kanju, E., Munga, T.*, Tumwegamire, S., Otsyula, R. M.*, Kwena, P. O.*, Woyengo, V. W.*, Malinga, J.* and Okitoi, L. O.*, in: Journal of Experimental Agriculture International, volume 42, number 2, pages 47-62, ISSN 2457-0591, 2020. [DOI]