Ramaiah, V.    

Institute:Africa Rice Center, Ibadan, Nigeria 
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Multiple small-effect alleles of Indica origin enhance high iron-associated stress tolerance in rice under field conditions in west Africa, Melandri, G., Sikirou, M., Arbelaez, J. D., Shittu, A., Semwal, V. K., Konate, K. A.*, Maji, A. T.*, Ngaujah, S. A., Akintayo, I., Govindaraj, V., Shi, Y., Agosto-Perez, F. J., Greenberg, A. J., Atlin, G., Ramaiah, V. and McCouch, S., in: Frontiers in Plant Science, pages 1-15, ISSN 1664-462X, 2021. [DOI]