Orinda, M. A.*    

Firstname:M. A.* 
Institute:School of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University Science and Technology (JOOUST), Bondo, Kenya, 
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Publications as Author


Edible crickets (Orthoptera) around the world: distribution, nutritional value, and other benefits - a review, Magara, H. J. O.*, Niassy, S., Ayieko, M. A.*, Mukundamago, M., Egonyu, J. P., Tanga, C. M., Kimathi, E. K., Ongere, J. O., Fiaboe, K., Hugel, S., Orinda, M. A.*, Roos, N. and Ekesi, S., in: Frontiers in Nutrition, volume 7, number -: 537915, pages 1-24, ISSN 2296-861X, 2021. [DOI]