Misra, G.    

Institute:International Rice Research Institute, DAPO Box 7777, Metro Manila, Philippines 
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Publications as Author


Unravelling marker trait associations linking nutritional value with pigmentation in rice seed, Mbanjo, E., Pasion, E., Jones, H., Carandang, S., Misra, G., Ignacio, J. C., Kretzschmar, T., Sreenivasulu, N. and Boyd, L. A., in: Plant Genome, number -: e20360, pages 1-21, ISSN 1940-3372, 2023. [DOI]


The genetics underlying metabolic signatures in a brown rice diversity panel and their vital role in human nutrition, Brotman, Y., Llorente-Wiegand, C., Oyong, G.*, Badoni, S., Misra, G., Anacleto, R., Parween, S., Pasion, E., Tiozon Jr., R. N., Anonuevo, J. J., deGuzman, M. K., Alseekh, S., Mbanjo, E., Boyd, L. A., Fernie, A. R. and Sreenivasula, N., in: Plant Journal, pages 1-48, ISSN 0960-7412, 2021. [DOI]