Hubert, M.    

Institute:INRAE, Agropolis International 
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5 publications (0 read)

Publications as Editor


Environment-friendly microbial inoculants improve resource efficiency and resilience of agricultural systems, Masso, C., Coyne, D., Baijukya, F., Chibeba, A. M., Atta-Krah, K., Thuita, M. and Vanlauwe, B., pages 15-16, Agropolis International, ISBN ISSN: 1628-4259, 2021. [DOI]
Substituting intensive external input use by biodiversity-derived ecosystem functions, Atta-Krah, K., pages 28-29, chapter 2, Agropolis International, ISBN ISSN: 1628-4259, 2021. [DOI]
Next-generation plant health management supported by science-based agroecological principles, Tamo, M. and Chikoye, D., pages 46, Agropolis International, ISBN ISSN: 1628-4259, 2021. [DOI]
Agroecological practices that benefit society and farmers: an example in Itasy region, Madagascar, Rakotovao, N. H.*, Chevallier, T., Razafimbelo, T. M.*, Chapuis-Lardy, L.*, Albrecht, A., Deffontaines, S.*, Mathe, S., Ramarofidy, M. A.*, Rakotoniamonjy, T. H.*, Lepage, A. * and Masso, C., pages 73, Agropolis International, ISBN ISSN: 1628-4259, 2021. [DOI]
Synergies and tradeoffs between crop diversity, nutritional yield and farm income in the central Africa Great Lakes Region, Manners, R. and Remans, R., pages 96, Agropolis International, ISBN ISSN: 1628-4259, 2021. [DOI]