
Type of publication:Mastersthesis
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TitleMechanism of yield compensation in some accession of cowpea grown at different plant densities and environments
Bibtex cite IDODESINA:2024
Year published 2024
Month January
School University of Jos
Address Jos, Nigeria
Note CRP Grain Legumes; Cowpea; IITA supervisor; IITA.; Pdf can be access through KC staff Mgt. 134p.; A dissertation in the Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, submitted to the School of Postgraduate Studies, University of Jos, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding of the University of Jos
Developing Country Author? Yes
Make Attachment Public? FALSE
Odesina, I. S.*
Total mark: 5

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