Nassir, A. L.*    

Firstname:A. L.* 
Institute:Department of Crop Production, Olabisi Onabanjo University, PMB 2002, Ago Iwoye, Ogun state, Nigeria 
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Publications as Author


Evaluation of improved cassava genotypes for yield and related traits for a better breeding strategy under different agroecologies in Nigeria, Adetoro, N. A., Oworu, O. O.*, Nassir, A. L.*, Bello, A. A., Parkes, E., Ogunbayo, S. A., Akinwale, M. G., Aina, O., Agbona, A ., Iluebbey, P., Sanni, L., Maziya-Dixon, B., Dixon, A. and Kulakow, P., in: Euphytica, volume 217, number : 73, pages 1-19, ISSN 0014-2336, 2021. [DOI]