Decock, C.    

Institute:Mycotheque de l'Universite catholique de Louvain (MUCL, MBLA), Place Croix du Sud 3, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. 
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Publications as Author


Diversity of Fusarium associated banana wilt in northern Viet Nam, Le Thi, L.*, Mertens, A., Vu, D. T.*, Vu, T. D.*, Anh Minh, P. L.*, Duc, H. N.*, de Backer, S., Swennen, R., Vandelook, F., Panis, B., Amalfi, M., Decock, C., Gomes, S. I. F., Merckx, V. S. F. and Janssens, S., in: MycoKeys, volume 87, pages 53-76, ISSN 1314-4057, 2022. [DOI]