Mwaura, O.    

Institute:International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), Nairobi, Kenya. 
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Publications as Author


Characterisation of 'giant' cysts of the potato cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis, present in potato fields in Kenya, Price, J. A., Hunt, K., Nyagah, N., Orage, C., Mwaura, O., Haukeland, S., Coyne, D. and Jones, J. T., in: Nematology, volume 26, number 7, pages 795-801, ISSN 1388-5545, 2024. [DOI]
Efficacy of banana fibre paper for the management of the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, on potato (Solanum tuberosum) in Kenya, Kamau, D. W., Waceke, W.*, Cortada, L., Mwaura, O., Pirzada, T., Sit, T., Davis, E., Guenther, D., Mathew, R., Pal, L., Khan, S., Haukeland, S., Kisaakye, J., Opperman, C. and Coyne, D., in: Nematology, pages 1-12, ISSN 1388-5545, 2024. [DOI]


Wrap-and-plant technology to manage sustainably potato cyst nematodes in east Africa, Ochola, J., Cortada-Gonzalez, L., Mwaura, O., Tariku, M., Christensen, S., Ng’ang’a, M.*, Hassanali, A.*, Pirzada, T., Khan, S., Pal, L., Mathew, R., Guenther, D., Davis, E., Sit, T., Coyne, D., Opperman, C. and Torto, B., in: Nature Sustainability, volume 5, pages 425-433, ISSN 2398-9629, 2022. [DOI]