Boadi, S. A.*    

Firstname:S. A.* 
Institute:Department of Geography and Resource Development, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana. 
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4 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Social challenges and opportunities in agroforestry: cocoa farmers' perspectives, Bosselmann, A., Boadi, S. A.*, Olwig, M. F. and Asare, R., pages 93-119, chapter 4, Springer, ISBN 978-3-031-45634-3, 2024. [DOI]
Household economics of cocoa agroforestry: costs and benefits, Boadi, S. A.*, Bosselmann, A., Owusu, K.*, Asare, R. and Olwig, M. F., pages 121-145, chapter 5, Springer, ISBN 978-3-031-45634-3, 2024. [DOI]


The role of innovation in sustainable cocoa cultivation: moving beyond mitigation and adaptation, Boadi, S. A.*, Olwig, M. F., Asare, R., Bosselmann, A. and Owusu, K.*, pages 47-80, chapter 3, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-3-031-01329-4, 2022. [DOI]


Socio-economic potential of agroforestry as an alternative livelihood strategy for cocoa farmers in Ghana, Boadi, S. A.*, University of Ghana, 2021.