Strauss, J.*    

Institute:Department of Agronomy, Stellenbosch University, Matieland, South Africa. 
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Long-term evidence for ecological intensification as a pathway to sustainable agriculture, MacLaren, C., Mead, A., van Balen, D., Claessens, L ., Etana, A., de Haan, J., Haagsma, W., Jack, O., Keller, T., Labuschagne, J.*, Myrbeck, A., Necpalova, M., Nziguheba, G., Strauss, J.*, Swanepoel, P. A.*, Thierfelder, C., Topp, C., Tshuma, F.*, Verstegen, H., Walker, R., Watson, C., Wesselink, M. and Storkey, J., in: Nature Sustainability, volume 5, pages 770-779, ISSN 2398-9629, 2022. [DOI]