Ndanda, R. M. O.*    

Firstname:R. M. O.* 
Institute:National University of Equatorial Guinea, Avenida Hassan II, Malabo, Bioko Norte Province, Equatorial Guinea. 
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Publications as Author


Reliability of pheromone trap catches and maize plant damage as criteria for timing fall armyworm control interventions in humid forest agroecology of central Africa, Abang, A., Nanga, S. N., Ndanda, R. M. O.*, Doumtsop, A. R. P., Gonder, M. K., Kouebou, C.*, Suh, C.*, Fotso Kuate, A., Fiaboe, K. and Hanna, R ., in: Journal of Economic Entomology, volume 115, number 6, pages 1806-1816, ISSN 0022-0493, 2022. [DOI]