Schut, M.+    

Institute:CGIAR, Kacyiru, KG 563 Street, #3, Kigali, Rwanda 
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Publications as Author


Using farm typology to understand banana Xanthomonas wilt management in Rwanda, Kabirigi, M., Hermans, F., Sun, Z., Gaidashova, S.*, McCampbell, M., Adewopo, J. and Schut, M.+, in: NJAS: Impact in Agricultural and Life Sciences, volume 96, number 1: 2287476, pages 1-26, ISSN 2768-5241, 2024. [DOI]


Climate-related risk modeling of banana Xanthomonas wilt disease incidence in the cropland area of Rwanda, Kilwenge, R., Adewopo, J., Manners, R., Mwizerwa, C., Kabirigi, M., Gaidashova, S.* and Schut, M.+, in: Plant Disease, volume 107, number 7, pages 2017-2026, ISSN 0191-2917, 2023. [DOI]
Elaborating institutional arrangements to better enhance sustainable crop intensification in Uganda: a farmers' perspective, Pali, P. N.*, Tebeka, Y. A.*, Schut, M.+, Mangheni, M. N.*, Wairegi, L. W.*, Manyong, V. and Van Asten, P. J. A., in: Journal of Rural Studies, volume 98, pages 68-79, ISSN 0743-0167, 2023. [DOI]