Souley, A. M.*    

Firstname:A. M.* 
Institute:Institut National de La Recherche Agronomique Du Niger (INRAN), B.P. 429, Niamey, Niger. 
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Publications as Author


Assessment of climate change impact and adaptation strategy for millet in the Sudano-Sahelian region of Niger, Tofa, A., Kamara, A., Mohamed, A. M. L., Garba, M., Souley, A. M.*, Salissou, H., Kapran, B. I. and Abdoulaye, T., in: Regional Environmental Change, volume 24, number -: 151, pages 1-15, ISSN 1436-3798, 2024. [DOI]


Assessment of the impact of crop management strategies on the yield of early-maturing maize varieties in the drylands of Niger Republic: Application of the DSSAT-CERES-Maize model, Kamara, A., Garba, M., Tofa, A., Mohamed, A. M. L., Souley, A. M.*, Abdoulaye, T. and Kapran, B. I., in: Heliyon, volume 9, number -: e17829, pages 1-23, ISSN 2405-8440, 2023. [DOI]