Kumar, P. L.    

Firstname:P. L. 

374 publications (0 read)

5 Keywords relate to this author

Maize chlorotic mottle virus
Viruses of plants
Zea mays

Publications as Author


Seed certification, certified seeds use and yield outcomes in Nigeria: Insights from nationally-representative farm panel data and seed company location data, Takeshima, H., Ragasa, C., Bamiwuye, T., Andam, K. S., Spielman, D., Edeh, H. O., Fasoranti, A., Haile, B., Nwagboso, C., Omoigui, L., Abdoulaye, T., Kumar, P. L. and Assfaw Wossen, T., in: Agricultural Systems, volume 224, number -: 104268, pages 1-18, ISSN 0308-521X, 2025. [DOI]


Distribution and diversity of emergent banana bunchy top virus infecting banana and plantain in Cameroon, Central Africa, Ngatat, S., Hanna, R., Doumtsop, A. R. P., Lienou, J., Nanga, S. N., Fotso Kuate, A., Osundahunsi, B., Fiaboe, K., Ndemba, B.*, Dossa, G. S., Alabi, T. R. and Kumar, P. L., in: Journal of Phytopathology, volume 172, number 2: e13279, pages 1-13, ISSN 0931-1785, 2024. [DOI]
Potential of Cameroonian isolates of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae for the biocontrol of the banana aphid, Pentalonia nigronervosa, vector of banana bunchy top virus, Enoh, A. C., Akoachere, J. F.*, Fossi, T. B.*, Membang, G., Ngatat, S., Fotso Kuate, A., Hanna, R., Kumar, P. L. and Fiaboe, K., in: PLoS ONE, volume 19, number 11: e0310746, pages 1-17, ISSN 1932-6203, 2024. [DOI]
Serological and RT-PCR evaluation of African yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa (Hochst ex. A. Rich) Harms) accessions to viral resistance under field condition, Ihenacho, J., Kehinde, I. A.*, Ayo-John, E.*, Bankole, P.*, Abberton, M., Kumar, P. L., Adegboyega, T. T.* and Oyatomi, O., in: Scientific Reports, volume 14, number -: 9708, pages 1-8, ISSN 2045-2322, 2024. [DOI]
Genetic diversity and population structure of Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) germplasm from Sierra Leone and Togo based on KASP-SNP genotyping, Bhattacharjee, R., Luseni, M. M., Ametefe, K., Agre, A. P., Kumar, P. L. and Grenville-Briggs, L. J., in: Agronomy, volume 14, number 11: 2458, pages 1-17, ISSN 2073-4395, 2024. [DOI]
Extent and patterns of morphological and molecular genetic diversity and population structure of Nigerian Taro cultivars, Oladimeji, J. J., Abe, A.*, Kumar, P. L., Agre, A. P., Ilesanmi, O. J., Vetukuri, R. R. and Bhattacharjee, R., in: BMC Plant Biology, volume 24, number -: 1077, pages 1-15, ISSN 1471-2229, 2024. [DOI]
An improved phenotyping method for evaluation of yam (Dioscorea spp.) resistance to nematodes belonging to the Genera Meloidogyne and Scutellonema, Kolombia, Y. A., Kumar, P. L., Lopez-Montes, A., Claudius-Cole, A. O., Maroya, N., Viaene, N., Bert, W. and Coyne, D., in: Plants, volume 13, number 9: 1175, pages 1-14, ISSN 2223-7747, 2024. [DOI]
Variation in seed transmission of cowpea viruses between single and multiple infections, Ogunsola, K. E. and Kumar, P. L., in: VirusDisease, pages 1-11, ISSN 2347-3584, 2024. [DOI]


Characterization of newly introduced bacterial blight pathogen risk to African rice production and preparedness plans to limit the spread of seed-borne pathogen of high phytosanitary importance: Working paper, Onaga, E., Pinili, D.*, van Schepler, L.*, Eyokia, M., Euridice, T., Dossou, A. B., Bachabi, F., Gouete, M. A., Adjoua, M., Negussie, Z., Amoah, N. K. A., Manneh, B. and Kumar, P. L., 2023.
Parasitism of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci by aphelinid parasitoids on cassava across five agro-ecological zones of Cameroon, Tize, I., Nukenine, E.*, Fotso Kuate, A., Doumtsop, A. R. P., Nanga, S. N., Ajebesone, F. N.*, Kulakow, P., Kumar, P. L., Fiaboe, K. and Hanna, R., in: Crop Protection, volume 168, number -: 106241, pages 1-12, ISSN 0261-2194, 2023. [DOI]
Potential of Cameroon-indigenous isolates of the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae as microbial control agents of the flea beetle Nisotra uniformis, Niyibizi, I. A. B., Hanna, R., Kekeunou, S.*, Membang, G., Fiaboe, K., Mahot, H. C., Abang, A., Kumar, P. L. and Fotso Kuate, A., in: Biocontrol Science and Technology, pages 1-16, ISSN 0958-3157, 2023. [DOI]
Eliminating hunger: yam for improved income and food security in west Africa, Aighewi, B., Maroya, N., Asiedu, R., Mignouna, D., Balogun, M. and Kumar, P. L., pages 1-21, MDPI, ISBN 978-3-03897-863-3-3, 2023. [DOI]
Genetic diversity and population structure of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) germplasm from Sierra Leone and Togo based on KASP- SNP genotyping, Bhattacharjee, R., Luseni, M. M., Ametefe, K., Agre, A. P., Kumar, P. L. and Grenville-Briggs, L. J., in: Journal Article Preprints, pages 1-21, 2023. [DOI]
New technologies provide innovative opportunities to enhance understanding of major virus diseases threatening global food security, Kreuze, J., Cuellar, W., Kumar, P. L., Boddupalli, P. M. and Omondi, A. B., in: Phytopathology, volume 113, number 9, pages 1622-1629, ISSN 0031-949X, 2023. [DOI]
Ethnobotany and perceptions on the value of taro (Colocasia esculenta) among farmers in Benin Republic, Quenum, Z. N. J., Kumar, P. L., Akoroda, M. O.*, Dansi, A.*, Vetukuri, R. R. and Bhattacharjee, R., in: African Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 19, number 5: EFC41DC70663, pages 466-481, ISSN 1991-637X, 2023. [DOI]
Phytosanitary management of ICARDA's germplasm seed collections for safe movement and better future use, Kumari, S. G., Kumar, P. L., Moukahel, A. and El-Miziani, I., in: CABI Reviews, volume 16, number 1, pages 1-10, ISSN 1749-8848, 2023. [DOI]
Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV) Delimiting Survey in Tanzania: Phase 1 Survey Summary Report, Mahuku, G. and Kumar, P. L., 2023.
A global assessment of the state of plant health, Ortega-Beltran, A., Kumar, P. L., Menkir, A., Bandyopadhyay, R., Mahuku, G., Legg, J., Fiaboe, K. and Tripathi, L., in: Plant Disease, pages 1-88, ISSN 0191-2917, 2023. [DOI]


Chromosome evolution and the genetic basis of agronomically important traits in greater yam, Bredeson, J. V., Lyons, J. B., Oniyinde, I. O., Okereke, N. R.*, Kolade, O., Nnabue, I.*, Nwadili, C. O.*, Hřibová, E., Parker, M., Nwogha, J.*, Shu, S., Carlson, J., Kariba, R., Muthemba, S., Knop, K., Barton, G. J., Sherwood, A. V., Lopez-Montes, A., Asiedu, R., Jamnadass, R., Muchugi, A., Goodstein, D., Egesi, C., Featherston, J., Asfaw, A., Simpson, G. G., Doležel, J., Hendre, P., Van Deynze, A., Kumar, P. L., Obidiegwu, J.*, Bhattacharjee, R. and Rokhsar, D. S., in: Nature Communications, volume 13, number 1: 2001, pages 1-16, ISSN 2041-1723, 2022. [DOI]
Toolbox for working with root, tuber, and banana seed systems, Andrade-Piedra, J., Garrett, K. A., Delaquis, E., Almekinders, C. J., McEwan, M. A., Kilwinger, F. B., Mayanja, S., Mulugo, L.*, Navarrete, I., Omondi, A., Rajendran, S. and Kumar, P. L., pages 319-352, chapter 11, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-92021-0, 2022. [DOI]
Musa germplasm A and B genomic composition differentially affects their susceptibility to banana bunchy top virus and its aphid vector, Pentalonia nigronervosa, Ngatat, S., Hanna, R., Lienou, J., Ghogomu, R.*, Nguidang, S. P. K., Enoh, A. C., Ndemba, B.*, Korie, S., Fotso Kuate, A., Nanga, S. N., Fiaboe, K. and Kumar, P. L., in: Plants, volume 11, number 9: 1206, pages 1-18, ISSN 2223-7747, 2022. [DOI]
Identification of QTLs controlling resistance to anthracnose disease in water yam (Dioscorea alata), Agre, A. P., Darkwa, K.*, Olasanmi, B.*, Kolade, O., Mournet, P., Bhattacharjee, R., Lopez-Montes, A ., De Koeyer, D ., Adebola, P. O., Kumar, P. L., Asiedu, R. and Asfaw, A., in: Genes, volume 13, number 2: 347, pages 1-16, ISSN 2073-4425, 2022. [DOI]
A newly emerging alphasatellite affects banana bunchy top virus replication, transcription, siRNA production and transmission by aphids, Guyot, V., Rajeswaran, R., Chu, H. C., Karthikeyan, C., Laboureau, N., Galzi, S., Mukwa, L., Krupovic, M., Kumar, P. L., Iskra-Caruana, M. L. and Pooggin, M., in: PLoS Pathogens, volume 18, number 4: e1010448, pages 1-40, ISSN 1553-7366, 2022. [DOI]
Seed certification and maize, rice and cowpea productivity in Nigeria: an insight based on nationally representative farm household data and seed company location data, Takeshima, H., Abdoulaye, T., Andam, K. S., Edeh, H. O., Fasoranti, A., Haile, B., Kumar, P. L., Nwagboso, C., Ragasa, C., Spielman, D. and Assfaw Wossen, T., IFPRI discussion paper 02147, 2022. [DOI]
Commercially sustainable cassava seed systems in Africa, Legg, J., Diebiru-Ojo, E. M., Eagle, D., Friedmann, M., Kanju, E., Kapinga, R., Kumar, P. L., Lateef, S., Magige, S.*, Mtunda, K.*, Yabeja, J. W. and Nitturkar, H., pages 453-482, chapter 15, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-92021-0, 2022. [DOI]
Biotechnology approaches in breeding for biotic stress resistance in yam (Dioscorea spp.), Agre, A. P., Mondo, J., Edemodu, A., Matsumoto, R., Kolade, O., Kumar, P. L., Asiedu, R., Akoroda, M. O.*, Bhattacharjee, R., Gedil, M., Adebola, P. O. and Asfaw, A., pages 583-616, Springer, ISBN 978-3-031-09292-3, 2022. [DOI]
The economic contribution of CGIAR germplasm health units to international agricultural research: the example of rice blast disease in Bangladesh, Enriquez, Y., Smale, M., Jamora, N., Hossain, M.* and Kumar, P. L., Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, 2022. [DOI]
The role of CGIAR Germplasm Health Units in averting endemic crop diseases: the example of rice blast in Bangladesh, Enriquez, Y., Smale, M., Jamora, N., Hossain, M.* and Kumar, P. L., in: CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, volume 3, number -: 15, pages 1-13, ISSN 2662-4044, 2022. [DOI]
Epidemiological analysis of yam mosaic virus (YMV) infection risk factors and its implications for clean seed yam systems: poster, Osundahunsi, B., Oviasuyi, T., Odu, B. O.*, Aighewi, B. and Kumar, P. L., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2022.
Transforming yam seed systems in west Africa, Maroya, N., Balogun, M., Aighewi, B., Mignouna, D., Kumar, P. L. and Asiedu, R., pages 421-451, chapter 14, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-92021-0, 2022. [DOI]
Innovative digital technologies to monitor and control pest and disease threats in Root, Tuber, and Banana (RT&B) cropping systems: progress and prospects, Kreuze, J., Adewopo, J., Selvaraj, M., Mwanzia, L., Kumar, P. L., Cuellar, W., Legg, J., Hughes, D. P. and Blomme, G., pages 261-288, chapter 9, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-92021-0, 2022. [DOI]
Homing in on endogenous badnaviral elements: Development of multiplex PCR-DGGE for detection and rapid identification of badnavirus sequences in yam germplasm, Silva, G., Bömer, M., Turaki, A. A.*, Nkere, C., Kumar, P. L. and Seal, S., in: Frontiers in Plant Science, volume 13, number -: 846989, pages 1-16, ISSN 1664-462X, 2022. [DOI]
Banana mapping in heterogenous smallholder farming systems using high-resolution remote sensing imagery and machine learning models with implications for banana bunchy top disease surveillance, Alabi, T. R., Adewopo, J., Duke, O. P.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Remote Sensing, volume 14, number 20: 5206, pages 1-22, ISSN 2072-4292, 2022. [DOI]
Inheritance of resistance to three endemic viral diseases of cowpea in Nigeria, Ogunsola, K. E., Fatokun, C., Boukar, O. and Kumar, P. L., in: Journal of Crop Improvement, pages 1-18, ISSN 1542-7528, 2022. [DOI]
Inventory of novel approaches to seed quality assurance mechanisms for vegetatively propagated crops (VPCs) in seven African countries, Sulle, E.*, Pointer, R.*, Kumar, P. L. and McEwan, M. A., Research Report, 2022. [DOI]
Antagonistic and plant growth promotion of rhizobacteria against Phytophthora colocasiae in taro, Kelbessa, B. G., Ghadamgahi, F., Kumar, P. L., Ortiz, R ., Whisson, S. C., Bhattacharjee, R. and Vetukuri, R. R., in: Frontiers in Plant Science, volume 13, number -: 1035549, pages 1-17, ISSN 1664-462X, 2022. [DOI]
Sustainable management of transboundary pests requires holistic and inclusive solutions, Prasanna, B. M., Carvajal-Yepes, M., Kumar, P. L., Kawarazuka, N., Liu, Y., Mulema, A. A., McCutcheon, S. and Ibabao, X., in: Food Security, pages 1-9, ISSN 1876-4517, 2022. [DOI]
Taro in west Africa: status, challenges, and opportunities, Oladimeji, J. J., Kumar, P. L., Abe, A.*, Vetukuri, R. R. and Bhattacharjee, R., in: Agronomy, volume 12, number 9: 2094, pages 1-20, ISSN 2073-4395, 2022. [DOI]
Controlling banana bunchy top virus outbreak in east Africa, Mahuku, G. and Kumar, P. L., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2022.
Preventing the transboundary spread of pests and pathogens through germplasm phytosanitary management, Kumar, P. L., Oguntade, O., Ajamu, B., Oludare, O., Lateef, M., Oviasuyi, T., Alaohuo, S. and Oyelami, O., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2022.
Maize in sub-Saharan Africa, Kumar, P. L., Bandyopadhyay, R., Ortega-Beltran, A. and Menkir, A., pages 51-58, International Society for Plant Pathology, ISBN 978-91-988233-1-8, 2022.
Banana bunchy top virus threat to African bananas, Kumar, P. L., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2022.


Chromosome evolution and the genetic basis of agronomically important traits in greater yam, Bredeson, J. V., Lyons, J. B., Oniyinde, I. O., Okereke, N. R.*, Kolade, O., Nnabue, I.*, Nwadili, C., Hřibová, E., Parker, M., Nwogha, J.*, Shu, S., Carlson, J., Kariba, R., Muthemba, S., Knop, K., Barton, G. J., Sherwood, A. V., Lopez-Montes, A., Asiedu, R., Jamnadass, R., Muchugi, A., Goodstein, D., Egesi, C., Featherston, J., Asfaw, A., Simpson, G. G., Doležel, J., Hendre, P., Van Deynze, A., Kumar, P. L., Obidiegwu, J.*, Bhattacharjee, R. and Rokhsar, D. S., in: bioRxiv, pages 1-36, ISSN 2692-8205, 2021. [DOI]
Expansion of the cassava brown streak disease epidemic in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Casinga, C. M., Shirima, R. R., Mahungu, N., Tata-Hangy, W., Bashizi, K. B., Munyerenkana, C. M., Ughento, H.*, Enene, J., Sikirou, M., Dhed'a, D. B.*, Monde, G.*, Kumar, P. L. and Legg, J., in: Plant Disease, volume 105, number 8, pages 2177-2188, ISSN 0191-2917, 2021. [DOI]
Enhancing farmers' agency in the global crop commons through use of biocultural community protocols, Halewood, M., Villanueva, A. B., Rasolojaona, J.*, Andriamahazo, M.*, Rakotoniaina, N.*, Bossou, B.*, Mikpon, T.*, Vodouhe, R., Fey, L., Drews, A., Kumar, P. L., Rasoanirina, B.*, Rasoazafindrabe, T.*, Aigbe, M., Agbahounzo, B.*, Otieno, G., Garforth, K., Kiene, T. and Nnadozie, K., in: Agriculture and Human Values, pages 1-16, ISSN 0889-048X, 2021. [DOI]
First report of banana bunchy top virus in banana and plantain (Musa spp.) in Tanzania, Mpoki, S.*, Mahuku, G., Mbanzibwa, D. R.*, Mkamilo, G.*, Mark, D.*, Mosha, H. I.*, Pallangyo, B.*, Fihavango, M.*, Oresanya, A., Ogunsanya, P. and Kumar, P. L., in: Plant Disease, pages 1-7, ISSN 0191-2917, 2021. [DOI]
First report of banana bunchy top virus in banana (Musa spp.) and its eradication in Togo, Kolombia, Y. A., Oviasuyi, T., Dzola, A., Gonh-Goh, A., Atsu, T., Oresanya, A., Ogunsanya, P., Alabi, T. R. and Kumar, P. L., in: Plant Disease, pages 1, ISSN 0191-2917, 2021. [DOI]
Phytosanitary situation of maize streak virus in the main maize production zones of Cameroon, Mbong, G. A.*, Suh, C.*, Sime, H. D.*, Anoumaa, M.*, Fonkou, T.*, Nkombo, L. L. C.*, Meseka, S. K., Kumar, P. L. and Menkir, A., in: Agricultural Sciences, volume 12, pages 339-353, ISSN 2156-8553, 2021. [DOI]
Gender roles in sourcing and sharing of banana planting material in communities with and without banana bunchy top disease in Nigeria, Nkengla-Asi, L., Eforuoku, F., Olaosebikan, O., Ladigbolu, T. A., Amah, D., Hanna, R. and Kumar, P. L., in: Sustainability, volume 13, number 6: 3310, pages 1-14, ISSN 2071-1050, 2021. [DOI]
"Breaking through the 40% adoption ceiling: mind the seed system gaps." A perspective on seed systems research for development in One CGIAR, McEwan, M. A., Almekinders, C. J., Andrade-Piedra, J., Delaquis, E., Garrett, K. A., Kumar, P. L., Mayanja, S., Omondi, A. and Rajendran, S., in: Outlook on Agriculture, pages 1-8, ISSN 0030-7270, 2021. [DOI]
Harnessing nature-based solutions for smallholder plant health in a changing climate, Egan, P. A., Chikoye, D., Green, K., Tamo, M., Feit, B., Kumar, P. L., Bandyopadhyay, R., Tepa-Yotto, G., Ortega-Beltran, A., Saethre, M. G., Coyne, D., Legg, J. and Jonsson, M., Booklet, 2021.
Validation of diagnostic markers for streak virus disease resistance in maize, Sime, S. S., Menkir, A., Adetimirin, V.*, Gedil, M. and Kumar, P. L., in: Agriculture, volume 11, number 2: 130, pages 1-11, ISSN 2077-0472, 2021. [DOI]
Evidence of expanded diversity in weeds as reservoir host of viruses in pepper fields across southwestern Nigeria, Arogundade, O.*, Matthew, J. O.*, Olatunji, O.*, Aliyu, T. H.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, pages 1-11, ISSN 0323-5408, 2021. [DOI]
Inheritance of pod length and other yield components in two cowpea and yard-long bean crosses, Edematie, V., Fatokun, C., Boukar, O., Adetimirin, V.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Agronomy, volume 11, number 4: 682, pages 1-17, ISSN 2073-4395, 2021. [DOI]
Application of CRISPR/Cas for diagnosis and management of viral diseases of banana, Tripathi, L., Ntui, V. O., Tripathi, J. and Kumar, P. L., in: Frontiers in Microbiology, volume 11, number -: 609784, pages 1-13, ISSN 1662-302X, 2021. [DOI]
How maize seed systems can contribute to the control of mycotoxigenic fungal infection: a perspective, Biemond, P. C., Stomph, T. J., Kumar, P. L. and Struik, P. C., in: Agronomy, volume 11, number 11: 2168, pages 1-13, ISSN 2073-4395, 2021. [DOI]
Seed yam production using high-quality minitubers derived from plants established with vine cuttings, Aighewi, B., Maroya, N., Kumar, P. L., Balogun, M., Aihebhoria, D., Mignouna, D. and Asiedu, R., in: Agronomy, volume 11, number -: 978, pages 1-12, ISSN 2073-4395, 2021. [DOI]
Estimate App for yam anthracnose disease phenotyping: user guide, Kolade, O. and Kumar, P. L., Booklet, 2021.
Seed transmission of bean common mosaic virus - blackeye cowpea mosaic strain (BCMV-BlCM) threaten cowpea seed health in the Ashanti and Brong-Ahafo regions of Ghana, Adams, F. K.*, Kumar, P. L., Kwoseh, C.*, Ogunsanya, P., Akromah, R.* and Tetteh, R.*, in: Journal of Horticultural Sciences, volume 16, number 2, pages 251-260, ISSN 0973-354X, 2021.
Phytosanitary interventions for safe global germplasm exchange and the prevention of transboundary pest spread: the role of CGIAR Germplasm Health Units, Kumar, P. L., Cuervo, M., Kreuze, J., Muller, G., Kulkarni, G., Kumari, S., Massart, S., Mezzalama, M., Alakonya, A.+, Muchugi, A., Graziosi, I., Ndjiondjop, M., Sharma, R. and Negawo, A. T., in: Plants, volume 10, number 2: 328, pages 1-29, ISSN 2223-7747, 2021. [DOI]


Global cropland connectivity: a risk factor for invasion and saturation by emerging pathogens and pests, Xing, Y., Nopsa, J., Andersen, K. F., Andrade-Piedra, J., Beed, F., Blomme, G., Carvajal-Yepes, M., Coyne, D., Cuellar, W., Forbes, G., Kreuze, J., Kroschel, J., Kumar, P. L., Legg, J., Parker, M., Schulte-Geldermann, E., Sharma, K. and Garrett, K. A., in: BioScience, volume 70, number 9, pages 744-758, ISSN 0006-3568, 2020. [DOI]
User guide to the toolbox for working with root, tuber and banana seed systems, Andrade-Piedra, J., Almekinders, C. J., McEwan, M. A., Kilwinger, F. B., Mayanja, S., Mulugo, L.*, Delaquis, E., Garrett, K. A., Omondi, A., Rajendran, S. and Kumar, P. L., RTB User Guide. No. 2020-1. (Toolbox RTB Seed Systems User Guide), 2020. [DOI]
Germplasm acquisition and distribution by CGIAR Genebanks, Halewood, M., Jamora, N., Noriega, I. L., Anglin, N. L., Wenzl, P., Payne, T., Ndjiondjop, M., Guarino, L., Kumar, P. L., Yazbek, M., Muchugi, A., Azevedo, V., Tchamba, M., Jones, C. S., Venuprasad, R., Roux, N., Rojas, E. and Lusty, C., in: Plants, volume 9, number 10: 1296, pages 1-31, ISSN 2223-7747, 2020. [DOI]
Potential returns to yam research investment in sub-Saharan Africa and beyond, Mignouna, D., Akinola, A., Abdoulaye, T., Alene, A., Manyong, V., Maroya, N., Aighewi, B., Kumar, P. L., Balogun, M., Lopez-Montes, A ., Rees, D. and Asiedu, R., in: Outlook on Agriculture, volume 49, number 3, pages 215-224, ISSN 0030-7270, 2020. [DOI]
Assessment of yam mild mosaic virus coat protein gene sequence diversity reveals the prevalence of cosmopolitan and African group of isolates in Ghana and Nigeria, Nkere, C., Otoo, E.*, Atiri, G.*, Onyeka, J.*, Silva, G., Bomer, M., Seal, S. and Kumar, P. L., in: Current Plant Biology, number 100156, pages 1-6, ISSN 2214-6628, 2020. [DOI]
Gender norms and their implications for banana production and recovery in west Africa, Nkengla-Asi, L., Olaosebikan, O., Che, V. S., Ngatat, S., Zandjanakou-Tachin, M., Hanna, R. and Kumar, P. L., Advances in Gender Research, volume 28, pages 61-75, chapter 4, Emerald Publishing Limited, ISBN 978-1-83-867388-8, 2020. [DOI]
Evolvement and advances in the hydroponics system for clean seed yam production: YIIFSWA working paper series No. 9, Balogun, M., Maroya, N., Aighewi, B., Chukwunalu, O., Ajayi, A., Taiwo, J., Kumar, P. L., Mignouna, D. and Asiedu, R., YIIFSWA working paper series, 2020.
Breeder seed yam tuber production using temporary immersion bioreactors, Balogun, M., Maroya, N., Taiwo, J., Chukwunalu, O., Ajayi, A., Gbadegesin, M., Kumar, P. L., Pelemo, O., Aighewi, B., Mignouna, D. and Asiedu, R., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, ISBN 978-978-131-403-2, 2020.
Guide to soybean production in northern Nigeria, Omoigui, L., Kamara, A., Kamai, N., Dugje, I.*, Ekeleme, F., Kumar, P. L., Ademulegun, T. and Solomon, R., Revised edition, 2020.
Genotyping-by-sequencing to unlock genetic diversity and population structure in white yam (dioscorea rotundata poir.), Bhattacharjee, R., Agre, A. P., Bauchet, G. J., De Koeyer, D ., Lopez-Montes, A., Kumar, P. L., Abberton, M., Adebola, P. O., Asfaw, A. and Asiedu, R., in: Agronomy, volume 10, number 9: 1437, pages 1-16, ISSN 0002-1962, 2020. [DOI]
Disease incidence and severity in cowpea lines evaluated for resistance to single and multiple infections of endemic viruses in Nigeria, Ogunsola, K. E., Ilori, C. O.*, Fatokun, C., Boukar, O., Ogunsanya, P. and Kumar, P. L., in: Journal of Crop Improvement, pages 1-26, ISSN 1542-7528, 2020. [DOI]
Morphological and molecular characterization of Pratylenchus species from Yam (Dioscorea spp.) in west Africa, Kolombia, Y. A., Ogundero, O., Olajide, E., Viaene, N., Kumar, P. L., Coyne, D. and Bert, W., in: Journal of Nematology, volume 52, pages 1-25, ISSN 0022-300X, 2020. [DOI]
The cassava seed system in Nigeria: opportunities and challenges for policy and regulatory reform, Assfaw Wossen, T., Spielman, D., Abdoulaye, T. and Kumar, P. L., RTB working paper, No. 2020-2, 2020. [DOI]
Quantitative trait loci mapping for resistance to maize streak virus in F2:3 population of tropical maize, Garcia-Oliveira, A. L., Menkir, A., Kumar, P. L., Azuh, V., Jacob, O. O.* and Gedil, M., in: Cereal Research Communications, volume 48, pages 195-202, ISSN 0133-3720, 2020. [DOI]
Occurrence of cowpea viruses in the forest and savannah agro-ecological zones of Ghana, Adams, F. K.*, Kumar, P. L., Kwoseh, C.* and Akromah, R.*, in: African Crop Science Journal, volume 28, number 3, pages 441-448, ISSN 1021-9730, 2020. [DOI]
Distribution, prevalence, and severity of damages caused by nematodes on yam (Dioscorea Rotundata) in Nigeria, Kolombia, Y. A., Kumar, P. L., Adewuyi, O., Korie, S., Viaene, N., Bert, W. and Coyne, D., in: Nematropica, volume 50, number 1, pages 1-18, ISSN 0099-5444, 2020.


CGIAR operations under the plant treaty framework, Noriega, I. L., Halewood, M., Abberton, M., Amri, A., Angarawai, I. I., Anglin, N. L., Blummel, M., Bouman, B., Campos, H., Costich, D., Ellis, D., Gaur, P. M., Guarino, L., Hanson, J., Kommerell, V., Kumar, P. L., Lusty, C., Ndjiondjop, M., Payne, T., Peters, M., Popova, E., Prakash, G., Sackville-Hamilton, R., Tabo, R., Upadhyaya, H., Yazbek, M. and Wenzl, P., in: Crop Science, volume 59, pages 1-14, ISSN 0011-183X, 2019. [DOI]
Genome of the African cassava whitefly Bemisia tabaci and distribution and genetic diversity of cassava-colonizing whiteflies in Africa, Chen, W., Wosula, E. N., Hasegawa, D. K., Casinga, C. M., Shirima, R. R., Fiaboe, K., Hanna, R., Fotso Kuate, A., Goergen, G ., Tamo, M., Mahuku, G., Murithi, H., Tripathi, L., Mware, B., Kumar, P. L., Ntawuruhunga, P., Moyo, C., Yomeni, M. O., Boahen, S., Edet, M., Awoyale, W., Wintermantel, W. M., Ling, K., Legg, J. and Fei, Z., in: Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, volume 110, pages 112-120, ISSN 0965-1748, 2019. [DOI]
Identifying and managing plant health risks for key African crops: banana and plantain, Hauser, S., Clifford, Gold, Pasberg-Gauhl, C., Gauhl, F., Akello, J., Jacobsen, K., Norgrove, L., Coyne, D., Kumar, P. L., Mahuku, G., Kaushal, M., Nakato, V., Tripathi, L. and Tripathi, J., Burleigh Dodds series in Agricultural Science, pages 229-258, chapter 9, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited, ISBN 978-1-78-676232-0, 2019. [DOI]
Molecular characterization of a new virus species identified in yam (Dioscorea spp.) by high-throughput sequencing, Silva, G., Bomer, M., Rathnayake, A. I., Sewe, S. O., Visendi, P., Oyekanmi, J., Quain, M. D.*, Akomeah, B.*, Kumar, P. L. and Seal, S., in: Plants, volume 8, number 6: 167, pages 1-10, ISSN 2223-7747, 2019. [DOI]
Making integrated pest management IPM work in sub-Saharan Africa, Coyne, D., Abberton, M., Adetonah, S., Ayodele, M., Cortada-Gonzalez, L., Gbaguidi, B., Hauser, S., Kumar, P. L., Neuenschwander, P., Schut, M. and Tamo, M., Burleigh Dodds series in Agricultural Science, pages 397-412, chapter 15, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited, ISBN 978-1-78-676232-0, 2019. [DOI]
Monitoring Aspergillus flavus genotypes in a multi-genotype aflatoxin biocontrol product with quantitative pyrosequencing, Shenge, K. C., Adhikari, B. N., Akande, A., Callicott, K., Atehnkeng, J., Ortega-Beltran, A., Kumar, P. L., Bandyopadhyay, R. and Cotty, P., in: Frontiers in Microbiology, volume 10, number -: 2529, pages 1-13, ISSN 1664-302X, 2019. [DOI]
Why interventions in the seed systems of roots, tubers and bananas crops do not reach their full potential, Almekinders, C. J., Walsh, S., Jacobsen, K. S., Andrade-Piedra, J., McEwan, M. A., de Haan, S., Kumar, P. L. and Staver, C., in: Food Security, pages 1-20, ISSN 1876-4517, 2019. [DOI]
Distribution and diversity of viruses infecting yams (Dioscorea spp.) in Cameroon, Azeteh, I. N., Hanna, R., Njukeng, A. P.*, Oresanya, A., Sakwe, P. N.* and Kumar, P. L., in: VirusDisease, pages 1-12, ISSN 2347-3584, 2019. [DOI]
Open data kit (ODK) in crop farming: mobile data collection for seed yam tracking in Ibadan, Nigeria, Ouma, T., Kavoo, A. M.*, Wainaina, C.*, Ogunya, B., Karanja, M., Kumar, P. L. and Shah, T., in: Journal of Crop Improvement, volume 33, number 5, pages 605-619, ISSN 1542-7528, 2019. [DOI]
Detection and diversity of maize yellow mosaic virus infecting maize in Nigeria, Yahaya, A.*, Dangora, D. B.*, Alabi, O. J., Zongoma, A. M.* and Kumar, P. L., in: VirusDisease, volume 30, number 4, pages 538-544, ISSN 2347-3584, 2019. [DOI]
Adoption of roguing to contain banana bunchy top disease in south-east Benin: role of farmers' knowledge and perception, Abiola, A. A. *, Zandjanakou-Tachin, M., Aoudji, K. N. A. *, Avocevou-Ayisso, C.* and Kumar, P. L., in: International Journal of Fruit Science, pages 1-18, ISSN 1553-8362, 2019. [DOI]
Distribution and virulence of fungal species isolated from yam (Dioscorea spp.) tubers in three agroecological zones of Nigeria, Dania, V., Fadina, O.*, Ayodele, M. and Kumar, P. L., in: International Journal of Pest Management, pages 1-10, ISSN 0967-0874, 2019. [DOI]
Impact of single and double infection with cucumber mosaic virus and potato virus Y on growth and yield of pepper, Arogundade, O.*, Balogun, O. S.*, Goodness, A. U.* and Kumar, P. L., in: International Journal of Vegetable Science, volume 25, number 6, pages 529-541, ISSN 1931-5260, 2019. [DOI]
Prevalence and genome characterization of field isolates of sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) in Nigeria, Yahaya, A.*, Dangora, D. B.*, Kumar, P. L., Alegbejo, M.*, Gregg, L. and Alabi, O. J., in: Plant Disease, volume 103, number 5, pages 818-824, ISSN 0191-2917, 2019. [DOI]
Viruses affecting African crops and their vectors, Legg, J., Kumar, P. L., Mahuku, G., Wosula, E. N., Stavolone, L., Terry, E. and Bosque-Perez, N., Burleigh Dodds series in Agricultural Science, pages 95-134, chapter 5, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited, ISBN 978-1-78-676232-0, 2019. [DOI]
Identifying and managing plant health risks for key African crops: yam, taro and cocoyam, Mignouna, D., Kumar, P. L., Coyne, D., Bandyopadhyay, R., Ortega-Beltran, A., Bhattacharjee, R., De Koeyer, D. and Tamo, M., Burleigh Dodds series in Agricultural Science, pages 213-228, chapter 8, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited, ISBN 978-1-78-676232-0, 2019. [DOI]
Disease surveillance, diagnostics and germplasm health in crop protection, Kumar, P. L., Legg, J., Ayodele, M., Mahuku, G., Ortega-Beltran, A. and Bandyopadhyay, R., Burleigh Dodds series in Agricultural Science, pages 41-73, chapter 3, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited, ISBN 978-1-78-676232-0, 2019.


Seed degeneration of banana planting materials: strategies for improved farmer access to healthy seed, Jacobsen, K., Omondi, A., Almekinders, C. J., Alvarez, E., Blomme, G., Dita, M.*, Iskra-Caruana, M. L., Ocimati, W., Tinzaara, W., Kumar, P. L. and Staver, C., in: Plant Pathology, pages 1-66, ISSN 0032-0862, 2018. [DOI]
Chromogenic detection of yam mosaic virus by closed-tube reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (CT-RT-LAMP), Nkere, C., Oyekanmi, J., Silva, G., Bomer, M., Atiri, G.*, Onyeka, J.*, Maroya, N., Seal, S. and Kumar, P. L., in: Archives of Virology, pages 1-10, ISSN 0304-8608, 2018. [DOI]
Recovering banana production in bunchy top-affected areas in Sub-Saharan Africa: developing genderresponsive approaches, Ajambo, S., Rietveld, A., Nkengla, L. W., Niyongere, C.*, Dhed'a, D. B.*, Olaosebikan, O., Nitunga, E.*, Toengaho, J.*, Kumar, P. L., Hanna, R., Kankeu, R. S. and Omondi, A., in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 1196, pages 219-228, ISSN 0567-7572, 2018. [DOI]
An EST-SSR based genetic linkage map and identification of QTLs for anthracnose disease resistance in water yam (Dioscorea alata L.), Bhattacharjee, R., Nwadili, C., Saski, C. A., Agre, A. P., Scheffler, B. E., Augusto, J., Lopez-Montes, A., Onyeka, T. J.*, Kumar, P. L. and Bandyopadhyay, R., in: PLoS ONE, volume 13, number 10:e0197717, pages 1-16, ISSN 1932-6203, 2018. [DOI]
Understanding root, tuber, and banana seed systems and coordination breakdown: a multistakeholder framework, Bentley, J. W.*, Andrade-Piedra, J., Demo, P., Dzomeku, B. M.*, Jacobsen, K., Kikulwe, E., Kromann, P., Kumar, P. L., McEwan, M. A., Mudege, N.*, Ogero, K.*, Okechukwu, R., Orrego, R., Ospina, B.*, Sperling, L. and Walsh, S., in: Journal of Crop Improvement, pages 1-23, ISSN 1542-7528, 2018. [DOI]
Tissue culture and next-generation sequencing: a combined approach for detecting yam (Dioscorea spp.) viruses, Bomer, M., Rathnayake, A. I., Visendi, P., Sewe, S. O., Sicat, J. P. A., Silva, G., Kumar, P. L. and Seal, S., in: Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, pages 1-13, ISSN 0885-5765, 2018. [DOI]
Influence of growth nutrient and rooting hormone on survival and growth of Semi-Autotrophic Hydroponics (SAH TM) cassava plantlets: poster, Ogwuche, T. O., Adesanya, T. A., Diebiru-Ojo, E. M., Adetoro, N. A., Olasupo, K. T., Kumar, P. L., Aina, O., Iluebbey, P., Agbona, A ., Parkes, E. and Kulakow, P., Global Cassava Partnership for the 21st Century - GCP21, 2018.
First report of passion fruit woodiness virus associated with passion fruit woodiness disease of passion fruit in Nigeria, Arogundade, O.*, Oyekanmi, J., Oresanya, A., Ogunsanya, P., Akinyemi, S. O. S.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Plant Disease, pages 1-5, ISSN 0191-2917, 2018. [DOI]
Rolling circle amplification to screen yam germplasm for badnavirus infections and to amplify and characterise novel badnavirus genomes, Bomer, M., Turaki, A. A.*, Rathnayake, A. I., Silva, G., Kumar, P. L. and Seal, S., in: Bio-Protocol, volume 8, number 1, pages 1-16, ISSN 2331-8325, 2018. [DOI]
Rapid detection of potyviruses from crude plant extracts, Silva, G., Oyekanmi, J., Nkere, C., Bomer, M., Kumar, P. L. and Seal, S., in: Analytical Biochemistry, volume 546, pages 17-22, ISSN 0003-2697, 2018. [DOI]
Mapping of QTLs associated with recovery resistance to streak virus disease in maize, Ladejobi, F., Salaudeen, M. T.*, Kumar, P. L., Menkir, A., Adesoye, A. I.*, Atiri, G.* and Gedil, M., in: Annals of Agricultural Sciences, pages 1-7, ISSN 0570-1783, 2018. [DOI]
Seed transmissibility of Cucumber mosaic virus in Capsicum species, Arogundade, O.*, Balogun, O. S.* and Kumar, P. L., in: International Journal of Vegetable Science, pages 1-8, ISSN 1931-5260, 2018. [DOI]


Genome sequencing of the staple food crop white Guinea yam enables the development of a molecular marker for sex determination, Tamiru, M., Natsume, S., Takagi, Hiroki, White, B., Yaegashi, H., Shimizu, M., Yoshida, K., Uemura, A., Oikawa, K., Abe, A., Urasaki, N., Yamanaka, S., Matsumoto, R., Muranaka, S., Girma Tessema, G., Lopez-Montes, A., Gedil, M., Bhattacharjee, R., Abberton, M., Kumar, P. L., Rabbi, I. Y., Tsujimura, M., Terachi, T., Haerty, W., Corpas, M., Kamoun, S., Kahl, G., Takagi, H., Asiedu, R. and Terauchi, R., in: BMC Biology, volume 15, number 86, pages 1-20, ISSN 1741-7007, 2017. [DOI]
Clean breeder seed yam tuber production using temporary immersion bioreactors, Balogun, M., Maroya, N., Taiwo, J., Chukwunalu, O., Ajayi, A., Kumar, P. L., Pelemo, O., Aighewi, B. and Asiedu, R., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2017.
First report of maize yellow mosaic virus infecting sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) and itch grass (Rottboellia cochinchinensis) in Nigeria, Yahaya, A.*, Al Rwahnih, M., Dangora, D. B.*, Gregg, L., Alegbejo, M.*, Kumar, P. L. and Alabi, O. J., in: Plant Disease, volume 101, number 7, pages 1335, ISSN 0191-2917, 2017. [DOI]
Relative efficiency of positive selection and tissue culture for generating pathogen-free planting materials of yam (Dioscorea spp.), Balogun, M., Maroya, N., Augusto, J., Ajayi, A., Kumar, P. L., Aighewi, B. and Asiedu, R., in: Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, volume 53, number 1, pages 9-16, ISSN 1212-1975, 2017. [DOI]
PCR-DGGE analysis: unravelling complex mixtures of badnavirus sequences present in yam germplasm, Turaki, A., Bomer, M., Silva, G., Kumar, P. L. and Seal, S., in: Viruses, volume 9, number 7, pages 1-24, ISSN 1999-4915, 2017. [DOI]
Diversity of root-knot nematodes associated with tubers of yam (Dioscorea spp.) established using isozyme analysis and mitochondrial DNA-based identification, Kolombia, Y. A., Karssen, G., Viaene, N., Kumar, P. L., de Sutter, N., Joos, L., Coyne, D. and Bert, W., in: Journal of Nematology, volume 49, number 2, pages 177-188, ISSN 0022-300X, 2017.
Morphological and molecular characterisation of Scutellonema species from yam (Dioscorea spp.) and a key to the species of the genus, Kolombia, Y. A., Karssen, G., Viaene, N., Kumar, P. L., Joos, L., Coyne, D. and Bert, W., in: Nematology, pages 1-37, ISSN 1388-5545, 2017. [DOI]
Impact assessment report of YIIFSWA project: raising household income, improving food security and reducing poverty in Ghana, Mignouna, D., Maroya, N., Aighewi, B., Kumar, P. L., Abdoulaye, T., Akinola, A., Otabil, P., Braimah, H., Alene, A., Manyong, V. and Asiedu, R., Booklet, 2017.
Impact assessment report of YIIFSWA project: raising household income, improving food security and reducing poverty in Nigeria, Mignouna, D., Maroya, N., Aighewi, B., Kumar, P. L., Akinribido, B., Ikeorgu, J.*, Abdoulaye, T., Akinola, A., Alene, A., Manyong, V. and Asiedu, R., YIIFSWA impact assessment report, 2017.
Relative susceptibility of Musa genotypes to banana bunchy top disease in Cameroon and implication for disease management, Ngatat, S., Hanna, R., Kumar, P. L., Gray, S. M., Cilia, M., Ghogomu, R.* and Fontem, D. A.*, in: Crop Protection, volume 101, pages 166-122, ISSN 0261-2194, 2017. [DOI]
Rapid response to disease outbreaks in maize cultivation: the case of maize lethal necrosis, Mahuku, G. and Kumar, P. L., pages 1-32, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited, ISBN 9781786760128, 2017. [DOI]
Pigeonpea sterility mosaic emaraviruses: a journey from a mysterious virus to classic emaraviruses, Patil, B. L.* and Kumar, P. L., pages 255-270, chapter 10, Springer Singapore, ISBN 978-981-10-5672-7, 2017. [DOI]


Whole genome sequencing of White guinea yam (Dioscorea rotundata): towards generating genetic and genomic tools for improvement of an African 'orphan' crop, Oli, M. T., Natsume, S., Takagi, H., Yoshida, K., Yaegashi, H., Uemura, A., Oikawa, K., Uraski, N., Matsumura, H., Babil, P., Yamanaka, S., Matsumoto, R., Muranaka, S., Girma Tessema, G., Lopez-Montes, A., Gedil, M., Bhattacharjee, R., Abberton, M., Kumar, P. L., Rabbi, I. Y., Kahl, G., Takagi, H., Asiedu, R. and Terauchi, R., Abstract, p. w899, in the book of abstracts of the Plant and Animal Genome XXIV Conference January 08 - 13, San Diego, CA, 2016.
Breeding value for Cassava Mosaic Disease resistance analysed in a seedling nursery, Kulakow, P., Bakare, M. A., Agbona, A ., Parkes, E., Ceballos, H., Rabbi, I. Y., Olaniyo, E., Andrew, I., Iluebbey, P., Kumar, P. L. and Nokoe, K.*, Abstract in World Congress on Root & Tuber Crops (WCRTC), Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016.
An EST-SSR based genetic linkage map of water yam (Dioscorea alata L.) and identification of QTL (s) for anthracnose disease: proceeding (poster), Bhattacharjee, R., Nwadili, C., Saski, C. A., Scheffler, B. E., Onyeka, J.*, Augusto, J., Lopez-Montes, A., Asiedu, R., Kumar, P. L. and Bandyopadhyay, R., 2016.
Current status and prospects of molecular breeding of cowpea in sub Saharan Africa, Gedil, M., Girma Tessema, G., Fatokun, C., Rabbi, I. Y., Unachukwu, N., Oyatomi, O., Abberton, M., Kumar, P. L. and Boukar, O., Abstract in the book of abstract p. 59, Pan-African Grain Legume & World Cowpea Conference, 28 February - 4 March, Livingstone, Zambia, 2016.
Comparative reliability of screening parameters for anthracnose resistance in water yam (Dioscorea alata), Nwadili, C., Augusto, J., Bhattacharjee, R., Atehnkeng, J., Lopez-Montes, A., Onyeka, T. J.*, Kumar, P. L., Asiedu, R. and Bandyopadhyay, R., in: Plant Disease, pages 1-8, ISSN 0191-2917, 2016. [DOI]
AfricaYam - a project to strengthen yam breeding in west Africa, De Koeyer, D., Lopez-Montes, A., Asfaw, A., Bhattacharjee, R., Abberton, M., Maziya-Dixon, B., Kumar, P. L. and Asiedu, R., Abstract, S13-04 in the Book of Abstracts, World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning, China, 2016., 2016.
Progress on the genome characterisation of D. alata, White, B. H., Bhattacharjee, R., Verweij, W., Lopez-Montes, A., Kumar, P. L., Kamoun, S. and Corpas, M., Abstract, p. w901 in the book of abstracts of the Plant and Animal Genome XXIV Conference January 08 - 13, San Diego, CA, 2016.
Advanced omic technologies for genetic enhancement of yam (Dioscorea spp.), Bhattacharjee, R., Tripathi, L., Lopez-Montes, A., Abberton, M., Kumar, P. L., Dekoyer, D. and Asiedu, R., Abstract, p. w900 in the book of abstracts of the Plant and Animal Genome XXIV Conference January 08 - 13, San Diego, CA, 2016.
High-throughput multiplex real-time PCR assay for the simultaneous quantification of DNA and RNA viruses infecting cassava plants, Otti, G., Bouvaine, S., Kimata, B.*, Mkamilo, G.*, Kumar, P. L., Tomlins, K. and Maruthi, M. N., in: Journal of Applied Microbiology, volume 120, number 5, pages 1346-1356, ISSN 1364-5072, 2016. [DOI]
Identification and molecular characterization of a novel sugarcane streak mastrevirus and an isolate of the A-strain of maize streak virus from sugarcane in Nigeria, Yahaya, A.*, Dangora, D. B.*, Alegbejo, M.*, Kumar, P. L. and Alabi, O., in: Archives of Virology, pages 1-6, ISSN 0304-8608, 2016. [DOI]
Advanced genomic technologies for genetic enhancement of yam (dioscorea spp.): proceeding (poster), Bhattacharjee, R., Lopez-Montes, A., Abberton, M., Kumar, P. L., De Koeyer, D. and Asiedu, R., World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, 2016.
A sequence-independent strategy for amplification and characterisation of episomal badnavirus sequences reveals three previously uncharacterised yam badnaviruses, Bomer, M., Turaki, A., Silva, G., Kumar, P. L. and Seal, S., in: Viruses, volume 8, number 7, pages 1-22, ISSN 1999-4915, 2016. [DOI]
Evaluation of isolates of Trichoderma, Pseudomonas and Bacillus species as treatment for the control of post-harvest fungal rot disease of yam (Dioscorea spp.), Dania, V., Fadina, O.*, Ayodele, M. and Kumar, P. L., in: Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, pages 1-15, ISSN 0323-5408, 2016. [DOI]
Adapting a yam seed technique to meet farmers' criteria: RTB working paper, Odu, B., Coyne, D. and Kumar, P. L., pages 47-64, chapter 4, 2016.
Enhancing horticultural productivity, incomes and livelihoods through integrated management of aphid pests on vegetables in sub-Saharan Africa, Hanna, R., Fotso Kuate, A., Kumar, P. L., Djomaha, E. S., Toukem, N., Dongmo, M., Doumtsop, A. R. P., Ramasamy, S., Abang, A., Ekesi, S., Mohamad, S., Bayissa, W. H., Singh, A. B., Houmgny, R., Weisser, W., Keukenou, S. and Ghogomu, T. R., 2016.
First report of outbreaks of the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J E Smith) (Lepidoptera, noctuidae), a new alien invasive pest in west and central Africa, Goergen, G ., Kumar, P. L., Sankung, S. B., Togola, A. and Tamo, M., in: PLoS ONE, volume 11, number 10(e0165632), pages 1-9, ISSN 1932-6203, 2016. [DOI]
Releasing disease-resistant varieties of cassava in Africa, Okechukwu, R. and Kumar, P. L., pages 168-184, chapter 11, 2016.
Incidence and diversity of viruses in cowpeas and weeds in the unmanaged farming systems of savanna zones in Nigeria, Odedara, O.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, pages 1-12, ISSN 0323-5408, 2016. [DOI]
First report of Meloidogyne enterolobii causing tuber galling damage on white yam (Dioscorea rotundata) in Nigeria, Kolombia, Y. A., Kumar, P. L., Claudius-Cole, A. O.*, Karssen, G., Viaene, N., Coyne, D. and Bert, W., in: Plant Disease, volume 100, number 10, pages 2173, ISSN 0191-2917, 2016. [DOI]
Navigating the international exchange of plant genetic resources amidst biosecurity challenges: experiences of IITA in Africa, Kumar, P. L. and Abberton, M., in: Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, volume 29, number 3, pages 404-406, ISSN 0971-8184, 2016. [DOI]


Maize Lethal Necrosis (MLN), an emerging threat to maize-based food security in sub-Saharan Africa, Mahuku, G., Lockhart, B., Wanjala, B.*, Jones, M., Kimunye, J. N., Stewart, L. R., Cassone, B. J., Sevgan, S., Nyasani, J. O., Kusia, E., Kumar, P. L., Niblett, C. L., Kiggundu, A.*, Asea, G.*, Pappu, H. R., Wangai, A.*, Prasanna, B. M. and Redinbaugh, M. G., in: Phytopathology, volume 105, number 7, pages 956-965, ISSN 0031-949X, 2015. [DOI]
Fine mapping of Msv1, a major QTL for resistance to Maize Streak Virus leads to development of production markers for breeding pipelines, Nair, S. K., Babu, R., Magorokosho, C., Mahuku, G ., Semagn, K., Beyene, Y., Das, B., Makumbi, D.+, Kumar, P. L., Olsen, M. and Boddupalli, P. M., in: Theoretical and Applied Genetics, volume 128, pages 1839-1854, ISSN 0040-5752, 2015. [DOI]
First report of 16SrII-C subgroup phytoplasma causing phyllody and witches'- broom disease in soybean in Tanzania, Murithi, H., Owati, A., Madata, C. S.*, Joosten, M., Beed, F. and Kumar, P. L., in: Plant Disease, volume 99, pages 1-5, ISSN 0191-2917, 2015. [DOI]
Role of nucleopolyhedroviruses (NPVs) in the management of lepidopteran pests in Asia, Rao, G., Kumar, C. S., Sireesha, K. and Kumar, P. L., pages 11-64, chapter 2, Springer, Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-319-14498-6, 2015. [DOI]
Soybean mosaic, Hema, M.*, Patil, B. L.*, Chalam, V. C.* and Kumar, P. L., pages 108-120, chapter 8, CABI, ISBN 978-1-78064-426-4, 2015.
Advanced technologies for genetic enhancement of Yam, Bhattacharjee, R., Lopez-Montes, A., Abberton, M., Kumar, P. L. and Asiedu, R., Abstract, p. 385 in the book of abstracts of the Tropentag 2015: management of land use systems for enhanced food security - conflicts, controversies and resolutions, in Humboldt-Universitat Berlin, Germany, September 16 - 18, 2015.
Allelopathic potential of some biocontrol agents for the control of fungal rot of yellow yam (Dioscorea cayenensis Lam), Dania, V., Fadina, O.*, Ayodele, M. and Kumar, P. L., in: African Journal of Biotechnology, volume 14, number 6, pages 474-481, ISSN 1684-5315, 2015. [DOI]
Rapid and specific detection of Yam mosaic virus by reverse-transcription recombinase polymerase amplification, Silva, G., Bomer, M., Nkere, C., Kumar, P. L. and Seal, S., in: Journal of Virological Methods, volume 222, pages 138-144, ISSN 0166-0934, 2015. [DOI]
Soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) and Witches broom (16SrII Candidatus phytoplasma): the two emerging and devastating diseases of soybean in Tanzania, Murithi, H., Owati, A., Kumar, P. L., Mahuku, G., Joosten, M. H., Beed, F., Madata, C. S.*, Haudenshield, J. and Hartman, G. L., 2015.
Cucumber mosaic, Hema, M.*, Sreenivasulu, P.* and Kumar, P. L., CABI Plant Protection Series, pages 73-93, chapter 6, CABI Wallingford, ISBN 978 1 78064 426 4, 2015.
Incidence, distribution and first identification of citrus tristeza virus by RT-PCR in citrus orchards in south-Western Nigeria, Adediji, A. O.*, Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 1065, pages 759-766, ISSN 0567-7572, 2015.
Pigeonpea sterility mosaic virus: a legume-infecting Emaravirus from South Asia, Patil, B. L.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Molecular Plant Pathology, volume 16, number 8, pages 775-786, ISSN 1464-6722, 2015. [DOI]
Cassava virus diseases: biology, epidemiology, and management, Legg, J., Kumar, P. L., Makeshkumar, T.*, Tripathi, L., Ferguson, M., Kanju, E., Ntawuruhunga, P. and Cuellar, W., in: Advances in Virus Research, volume 91, pages 85-142, ISSN 0065-3527, 2015. [DOI]
Cassava brown streak, Legg, J., Kumar, P. L. and Kanju, E., CABI Plant Protection Series, pages 42-55, chapter 4, CABI Wallingford, ISBN 978-1-78064-426-4, 2015. [DOI]
Diversity, distribution and effects on cassava cultivars of Cassava Brown Streak Viruses in Malawi, Mbewe, W.*, Kumar, P. L., Changadeya, W.*, Ntawuruhunga, P. and Legg, J., in: Journal of Phytopathology, volume 163, number 6, pages 433-443, ISSN 0931-1785, 2015. [DOI]
Pathogen-Resistant Genetically Engineered Crops in Africa, Tripathi, L., Kumar, P. L., Patil, B. L.* and Fatokun, C., Genetically Engineered crops in developing countries, pages 217-240, chapter 7, Studium Press LLC, ISBN 978-1626990357, 2015.
Biology, etiology, and control of virus diseases of banana and plantain, Kumar, P. L., Selvarajan, R.*, Iskra-Caruana, M. L., Chabannes, M. and Hanna, R., in: Advances in Virus Research, volume 91, pages 229-269, ISSN 0065-3527, 2015. [DOI]


A global alliance declaring war on cassava viruses in Africa, Legg, J., Somado, E. A., Barker, I., Beach, L., Ceballos, H., Cuellar, W., Elkhoury, W., Gerling, D., Helsen, J., Hershey, C., Jarvis, A., Kulakow, P., Kumar, P. L., Lorenzen, J.+, Lynam, J.*, McMahon, M., Maruthi, G., Miano, D.*, Mtunda, K.*, Ntawuruhunga, P., Okogbenin, E.*, Pezo, P.*, Terry, E., Thresh, M., Wadsworth, J., Walsh, S., Winter, S., Tohme, J. and Fauquet, C., in: Food Security, volume 6, pages 231-248, ISSN 1876-4517, 2014. [DOI]
Global cropland connectivity as a risk factor for pathogen and pest invasion: the case of banana, cassava, potato, sweetpotato, and yam. Proceedings (Poster), APS-CPS Joint meeting. August 9-13, Minenepolis, Minnesota., Nopsa, J., Xing, Y., Andrade-Piedra, J., Beed, F., Blomme, G., Carvajal-Yepes, M., Forbes, G., Kreuze, J., Kroschel, J., Legg, J., Parker, M., Schulte-Geldermann, E., Kumar, P. L., Coyne, D. and Garrett, K. A., APS-CPS, 2014.
The association between exposure to aflatoxin, mutation in TP53,infection with hepatitis B virus, and occurrence of liver disease in a selected population in Hyderabad, India, Anitha, S., Raghunadharao, D.*, Waliyar, F., Sudini, H., Parveen, M.*, Rao, R.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, volume 766, pages 23-24, ISSN 1383-5718, 2014. [DOI]
First Report of Maize chlorotic mottle virus Infecting Maize in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lukanda, M.*, Owati, A., Ogunsanya, P., Valimunzigha, K.*, Katsongo, K.*, Ndemere, H.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Plant Disease, volume 98, number 10, pages 1448, ISSN 0191-2917, 2014. [DOI]
Biotechnology success stories by the Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research (CGIAR) system, Gedil, M., Tripathi, L., Ghislain, M., Ferguson, M., Ndjiondjop, M., Kumar, P. L., Raatz, B., Lopez-Lavalle, L. A., Bhattacharjee, R., Semagn, K. and Ribaut, J., Biotechnology in Africa: emergence, Initiatives and Future, pages 95-114, chapter 6, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-04000-4, 2014. [DOI]
Distribution, incidence and severity of viral diseases of yam (Dioscorea spp.) in Cote d'Ivoire, Toualy, M. N. Y., Diallo, H.*, Akinbade, S., Seka, K.* and Kumar, P. L., in: African Journal of Biotechnology, volume 13, number 3, pages 465-470, ISSN 1684-5315, 2014. [DOI]
Incidence and distribution of cassava mosaic begomoviruses in Cote d'Ivoire, Toualy, M. N. Y., Akinbade, S., Koutoua, S.*, Diallo, H.* and Kumar, P. L., in: International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR), volume 4, number 6, pages 131-139, ISSN 2223-7054, 2014.
Yam propagation using 'Aeroponics' technology, Maroya, N., Balogun, M., Asiedu, R., Aighewi, B., Kumar, P. L. and Augusto, J., in: Annual Research and Review in Biology, volume 4, number 24, pages 3894-3903, ISSN 2231-4776, 2014.
Status and diversity of the cassava Mosaic disease causal agents in Sierra Leone, Samura, A. E.*, Massaquoi, F. B.*, Mansaray, A.*, Kumar, P. L., Koroma, J. P. C.*, Fomba, S. N.* and Dixon, A.*, in: International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, volume 4, number 3, pages 246-254, ISSN 2165-882X, 2014. [DOI]
Efficacy of Oryza sativa husk and Quercus phillyraeoides extracts for the in vitro and in vivo control of fungal rot disease of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir), Dania, V., Fadina, O.*, Ayodele, M. and Kumar, P. L., in: SpringerPlus, volume 3, number 1, pages 1-7, ISSN 2193-1801, 2014. [DOI]
Tropical food legumes: virus diseases of economic importance and their control, Hema, M.*, Sreenivasulu, P.*, Patil, B. L.*, Kumar, P. L. and Reddy, D. V. R., in: Advances in Virus Research, volume 90, pages 431-505, ISSN 0065-3527, 2014. [DOI]
The prevalence of badnaviruses in West African yams (Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata) and evidence of endogenous pararetrovirus sequences in their genomes, Seal, S., Turaki, A., Muller, E., Kumar, P. L., Kenyon, L., Filloux, D., Galzi, S., Lopez-Montes, A. and Iskra-Caruana, M. L., in: Virus Research, volume 186, pages 144-154, ISSN 0168-1702, 2014. [DOI]
Project description: Yam Improvement for Income and Food Security in West Africa; YIIFSWA working paper series No. 1, Maroya, N., Asiedu, R., Kumar, P. L., Lopez-Montes, A., Orchard, J. and Ndiame, F.*, YIIFSWA working paper series, 2014.
Virus-indexing, chemo- and thermo- therapies, and micro propagation for generating virus-free cassava plants: a labouratory manual, Maruthi, M. N., Whitfield, E. C., Kumar, P. L. and Legg, J., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA); Natural Resources Institute. University of Grenwich, 2014.
Insertion/deletion polymorphism of the angiotensin-converting enzyme gene and the risk of hypertension among residents of two cities, South-South Nigeria, Kooffreh, M.*, Anumudu, C.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Advanced Biomedical Research, volume 3, number 118, pages 1-6, 2014. [DOI]
Yam improvement for income and food security in west Africa: effectiveness of a multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional team-work, Maroya, N., Asiedu, R., Kumar, P. L., Mignouna, D., Lopez-Montes, A., Kleih, U. K., Phillips, D., Ndiame, F.*, Ikeorgu, J.* and Otoo, E.*, in: Journal of Root Crops, volume 40, number 1, pages 85-92, ISSN 0378-2409, 2014.
High-resolution mapping of resistance to cassava mosaic geminiviruses in cassava using genotyping-by-sequencing and its implications for breeding, Rabbi, I. Y., Hamblin, M., Kumar, P. L., Gedil, M., Ikpan, A., Jannink, J. and Kulakow, P., in: Virus Research, volume 186, pages 87-96, ISSN 0168-1702, 2014. [DOI]


Establishment of 'Yam Development Forums' to promote seed yam enterprise for income and food security in West Africa, Aighewi, B., Odihi, O., Mignouna, D., Kleih, U. K., Sey, S.*, Otoo, E.*, Boadu, P.*, Phillips, D., Shuaibu, A.*, Ogbonna, M.*, Kultse, R.*, Etudayo, H.*, Maroya, N. and Kumar, P. L., Abstracts, P. 81 in Program and Book of Abstracts of the First Global Conference on Yam 'to harness research innovations to unleash the potential of yam', 3-6 October, Accra Ghana., 2013.
Mapping the regional epidemiology of cassava viruses in east and central Africa, Legg, J., Bouwmeester, H., Shirima, R. R., Jeremiah, S.*, Ndyetabula, I.*, Obiero, H.*, Mkamilo, G.*, Bigirimana, S.*, Gashaka, G.*, Tata-Hangy, K.*, Okao-Okuja, G.*, Alicai, T.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract, P. 127 in the Book of Abstracts of the 12th International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium, 28 January to 1 February 2013, the Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge, Arusha, Tanzania, 2013.
Battling the Bemisia whitefly vectors of cassava virus pandemics in Africa: lessons from Thermopylae and Salamis, Legg, J., Lulah, H., Shirima, R. R., Sefera, L., Guastella, D., Simon, B., Jeremiah, S.*, Nsami, E.*, Sseruwagi, P.*, Hanna, R., Kumar, P. L., Mbewe, W.*, Chikoti, P.* and Rapisarda, C., Abstract in 1st International Whitefly Symposium, 20-24 May 2013, Kolymbari, Crete, 2013.
Development of biomarkers for vector competent aphid and whitefly populations in sub-Saharan Africa, Igwe, D., Ngatat, S., Cilia, M., Bereman, M., MacCoss, M., Ghanim, M., Gray, S. M., Hanna, R. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract, p. 168, in the Book of Abstracts of the 12th International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium, 28 January to 1 February 2013, the Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge, Arusha, Tanzania, 2013.
Improving cocoa production practices to ensure sustainable supply that meets demand growth: IITA Perspectives, Bhattacharjee, R., Dashiell, K., Van Asten, P., Muilerman, S., Asare, R., Gockowski, J., Tamo, M., Kumar, P. L., Lopez, K. and Asiedu, R., Abstract, in the book of abstracts 23rd Partnership meeting of World Cocoa Foundation, Washington DC, USA , 5 May to 7 May, 2013.
Characterization of protein biomarkers linked to transmission competent and transmission refractive aphid and whitefly populations in Nigeria, Igwe, D., Ngatat, S., Cilia, M., Bereman, M., MacCoss, M., Gray, S. M., Hanna, R. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract, 126-P in Phytopathology 103(6), (Suppl. 2): S2.65., 2013. [DOI]
DNA fingerprinting of yam cultivars from Nigeria and Ghana using microsatellite markers, Bhattacharjee, R., Ogedengbe, O., Lopez-Montes, A., Ikeorgu, J.*, Chamba, E.*, Otoo, E.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in First Global Conference on Yam 'to harness research innovations to unleash the potential of yam', 3-6 October, 2013 Accra, Ghana, 2013.
Ecology of the banana aphid Pentalonia nigronervose, the vector of banana bunchy top virus, Hanna, R., Ngatat, S., Ndjab, M. R., Fotso Kuate, A., Doumtsop, A. R. P. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract, p. 45, in the Book of Abstracts of the 12th International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium, 28 January to 1 February 2013, the Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge, Arusha, Tanzania, 2013.
First report of banana bunchy top virus in banana and plantain (musa spp.) in Nigeria, Adegbola, R. O., Ayodeji, O., Awosusi, O.*, Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Plant Disease, volume 97, number 2, pages 290-292, ISSN 0191-2917, 2013. [DOI]
An improved method of DNA extraction from plants for pathogen detection and genotyping by polymerase chain reaction, Sharma, K., Bhattacharjee, R., Sartie, A. M. and Kumar, P. L., in: African Journal of Biotechnology, volume 12, number 15, pages 1894-1901, ISSN 1684-5315, 2013. [DOI]
Does the informal seed system threaten maize seed health?, Biemond, P. C., Oguntade, O., Stomph, T., Kumar, P. L., Termorshuizen, A. J. and Struik, P. C., Abstract, p. 246 in the Book of Abstracts, 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICCP), 25-30 August, Beijing, China, 2013.
Cowpea, Boukar, O., Bhattacharjee, R., Fatokun, C., Kumar, P. L. and Gueye, B., pages 137-156, chapter 6, Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-12-397935-3, 2013.
Multiplex RT-PCR assays for the simultaneous detection of cassava mosaic virus and cassava brown streak viruses, Maruthi, M. N., Musa, A., Legg, J., Kumar, P. L. and Hillocks, R. J., Abstract, P. 202 in the Book of Abstracts of the 12th International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium, 28 January to 1 February 2013, the Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge, Arusha, Tanzania, 2013.
Health of farmer-saved maize seed in north-east Nigeria, Biemond, P. C., Oguntade, O., Stomph, T., Kumar, P. L., Termorshuizen, A. J. and Struik, P. C., in: European Journal of Plant Pathology, volume 137, number 3, pages 563-572, ISSN 0929-1873, 2013. [DOI]
Identifying Cassava Mosaic Disease Resistant genotypes for industrial and local uses In Sierra Leone, Samura, A. E.*, Massaquoi, F. B.*, Kumar, P. L., Koroma, J. P. C.*, Lahai, M.* and Dixon, A.*, Abstract, P. 286 in the book of abstracts and programme of the 12th Triennial Symposium of International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), 30 - 5, October, Alisa Hotel, Accra, Ghana, 2013.
Effectiveness of a multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional team work for yam value chain research for development in West Africa, Maroya, N., Asiedu, R., Kumar, P. L., Mignouna, D., Lopez-Montes, A., Kleih, U. K., Phillips, D., Ndiame, F.*, Ikeorgu, J.* and Otoo, E.*, Abstract in P. 261 in Abstract of papers of the International Confernece on Tropical Roots and Tubers for Sustainable Livelihood under changing agro-climate (ICTRT) 9-12 July 2013, Hotel Mascot, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 2013.
Pathogen-derived resistance using a viral nucleocapsid gene confers only partial non-durable protection in peanut against peanut bud necrosis virus, Rao, S. C.*, Bhatnagar-Mathur, P., Kumar, P. L., Reddy, S. and Sharma, K., in: Archives of Virology, volume 158, number 1, pages 133-143, ISSN 0304-8608, 2013. [DOI]
Does the informal seed system threaten cowpea seed health?, Biemond, P. C., Oguntade, O., Kumar, P. L., Stomph, T., Termorshuizen, A. J. and Struik, P. C., in: Crop Protection, volume 43, pages 166-174, ISSN 0261-2194, 2013. [DOI]
Susceptibility of Musa genotypes to banana bunchy top disease in Cameroon and implications for disease management, Ngatat, S., Hanna, R. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract, p. 176, in the Book of Abstracts of the 12th International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium, 28 January to 1 February 2013, the Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge, Arusha, Tanzania, 2013.
Population dynamics of banana aphid, Vector of banana bunchy top virus, on four Musa genotypes with different levels of aphid susceptibility, Ngatat, S., Hanna, R., Kumar, P. L. and Fontem, D. A.*, Abstract, p. 54 in the book of abstracts of the 20th Biennial Conference of the African Association of Insect Scientist, 28-31 October, 2013 Yaounde, Cameroon, 2013.
Can seed systems contribute to mycotoxin control?, Biemond, P. C., Stomph, T., Kumar, P. L. and Struik, P. C., Abstract, P. 363, In the book of Abstracts, 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICCP), 25-30 August, Beijing, China, 2013.
The prevalence of Cassava Mosaic Begomoviruses in Malawi (ABSTRACT), Changadeya, W.*, Kamowa-Mbewe, W., Kumar, P. L., Legg, J. and Ntawuruhunga, P., Abstract, in the Book of Abstracts of the 12th International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium, 28 January to 1 February, the Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge, Arusha, Tanzania, 2013.
Development of ELISA for the detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum, the causal agent of BXW: banana Xanthomonas wilt, Nakato, V., Akinbade, S., Kumar, P. L., Bandyopadhyay, R. and Beed, F., pages 93-100, chapter 11, CABI, ISBN 978-1-78064-231-4, 2013.
Long term evaluation of the susceptibility of 16 Musa genotypes to banana bunchy top disease in Cameroon, Central Africa, Ngatat, S., Hanna, R., Kumar, P. L., Gray, S. M., Cilia, M. and Fontem, D. A.*, Abstract, 134-P in Phytopathology 103(6), (Suppl. 2): S2.103., 2013. [DOI]
Distribution of yam internal brown spot disease in Cote d'Ivoire, Toualy, M.N.Y.*, Diallo, H.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstracts, P. 79 in Program and Book of Abstracts of the First Global Conference on Yam 'to harness research innovations to unleash the potential of yam', 3-6 October, Accra Ghana., 2013.
Regulatory challenges for biological control, Hoeschle-Zeledon, I., Neuenschwander, P. and Kumar, P. L., SP-IPM Secretariat, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-978-8444-28-2, 2013.
Characterization of cucumber mosaic virus isolated from yam (Dioscorea spp.) in West Africa, Eni, A*, Kumar, P. L., Asiedu, R., Alabi, O., Naidu, R., Hughes, J.+ and Rey, M.E.C., in: African Journal of Biotechnology, volume 12, number 22, pages 3472-3480, ISSN 1684-5315, 2013. [DOI]
Effect of cassava brown streak disease on predominant cassava varieties in Malawi, Kamowa-Mbewe, W., Kumar, P. L., Changadeya, W.*, Ntawuruhunga, P. and Legg, J., Abstract, in the Book of Abstracts of the 12th International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium, 28 January to 1 February, the Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge, Arusha, Tanzania, 2013.
Developing diagnostics to detect badnavirus and endogenous pararetrovirus DNA sequences in West African yam breeding lines, Turaki, A., Kumar, P. L., Lopez-Montes, A., Bomer, M., Silva, G. and Seal, S., Abstracts, P. 65 in Program and Book of Abstracts of the First Global Conference on Yam 'to harness research innovations to unleash the potential of yam', 3-6 October, Accra Ghana., 2013.
Characterizing the effects of degenerative diseases of cassava and yam, Kumar, P. L., Coyne, D. and Legg, J., Abstract, P. 298 in the book of abstracts and programme of the 12th Triennial Symposium of International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), 30 - 5, October, Alisa Hotel, Accra, Ghana, 2013.
Expansion of Banana bunchy top virus pandemic into West Africa, Kumar, P. L., Hanna, R., Owati, A., Lokossou, B.*, Adegbola, R. O., Awosusi, O.*, Onyeani, C.*, Pefoura, A.*, Atiri, G.* and Asiedu, E. A.*, Abstract, p. 113, in the Book of Abstracts of the 12th International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium, 28 January to 1 February, the Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge, Arusha, Tanzania, 2013.
Virus threats to cassava and yam in sub-Saharan Africa: new insights on controlling old nemesis (ABSTRACT), Kumar, P. L., Hanna, R., Seal, S., Nkere, C., Maruthi, M. N., Kulakow, P., Lopez-Montes, A., Gueye, B., Abberton, M. and Legg, J., Abstract in papers of the International Confernece on Tropical Roots and Tubers for Sustainable Livelihood under changing agro-climate (ICTRT) 9-12 July, Hotel Mascot, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 2013.
Strategies for the production of virus-free yam, Kumar, P. L., Gueye, B., Oyelami, O., Owati, A., Nkere, C., Leke, W., Aighewi, B., Lopez-Montes, A. and Abberton, M., Abstracts, P. 69 in Program and Book of Abstracts of the First Global Conference on Yam 'to harness research innovations to unleash the potential of yam', 3-6 October, Accra Ghana., 2013.


Surveillance approaches for cassava viruses in East and Central Africa, Legg, J., Shirima, R. R., Jeremiah, S. C., Ndyetabula, I.*, Obiero, H.*, Mkamilo, G.*, Bigirimana, S.*, Gashaka, G.*, Tata-Hangy, W.*, Okao-Okuja, G., Obonyo, R., Bouwmeester, H. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract, SP05-11 (SP11-06) in Program and Abstracts, Second Scientific Conference of the Global Cassava Partnership for the 21st Century (GCP21-II). June 18-22, 2012, Kampala, Uganda, 2012.
High-throughput genomic sequencing of cassava bacterial blight strains identifies conserved effectors to target for durable resistance, Bart, R., Cohn, M., Kassen, A., McCallum, E., Shybut, M., Petriello, A., Krasileva, K., Dahlbeck, D., Medina, C.*, Alicai, T.*, Kumar, P. L., Moreira, L.*, Neto, J.*, Verdier, V., Santana, M.*, Kositcharoenkul, N.*, Vanderschuren, H., Gruissem, W., Bernal, A.* and Staskawicz, B., in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), volume 109, number 28, pages E1972-E1979, ISSN 0027-8424, 2012. [DOI]
Occurrence of Banana bunchy top virus in banana and plantain (Musa sp.) in Benin, Lokossou, B.*, Gnanvossou, D., Ayodeji, O., Akplogan, F.*, Safiore, A.*, Migan, D.*, Pefoura, A.*, Hanna, R. and Kumar, P. L., in: New Disease Reports, volume 25, pages 13, ISSN 2044-0588, 2012. [DOI]
First report of leaf blight of Taro (Colocasia esculenta) caused by Phytophthora colocasiae in Ghana, Omane, E.*, Oduro, K. A*, Cornelius, E.*, Opoku, I.*, Akrofi, A.*, Sharma, K., Kumar, P. L. and Bandyopadhyay, R., in: Plant Disease, volume 96, number 2, pages 292, ISSN 0191-2917, 2012. [DOI]
Pandemics of cassava virus diseases in Africa: developing appropriate management strategies, Legg, J., Shirima, R. R., Jeremiah, S.*, Boniface, S., Okao-Okuja, G., Maruthi, M. N., Kumar, P. L., Smith, J. and Peters, D.*, Abstract, SP05-11 (PS14) in Program and Abstracts, Second Scientific Conference of the Global Cassava Partnership for the 21st Century (GCP21-II). June 18-22, Kampala, Uganda., 2012.
Multiplex RT-PCR assays for the simultaneous detection of both RNA and DNA viruses infecting cassava and the common occurrence of mixed infections by two cassava brown streak viruses in East Africa, Abarshi, M. M., Mohammed, I. B., Jeremiah, S. C., Legg, J., Kumar, P. L., Hillocks, R. J. and Maruthi, M. N., in: Journal of Virological Methods, volume 179, number 1, pages 176-184, ISSN 0166-0934, 2012. [DOI]
A study of the M235T variant of the angiotensinogen gene and hypertension in a sample population of Calabar and Uyo, Nigeria, Kooffreh, M. E.*, Anumudu, C.*, Akpan, E.*, Ikpeme, E.* and Kumar, P. L., in: The Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics, volume 13, pages 1-7, ISSN 1110-8630, 2012.
DNA fingerprinting for identification of yam cultivars using microsatellite markers, Ogedengbe, O., Bhattacharjee, R., Lopez-Montes, A., Ikeorgu, J.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in the Book of Abstracts, 16th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), 23 - 28th September, 2012.
Sharing of responsibilities of cowpea and wild relatives in long term conservation, Dumet, D., Fatokun, C., Pasquet, R., Ehlers, J. D., Kumar, P. L., Hearne, S., Sonder, K., Aladele, S.*, Boukar, O., Vodouhe, R. and Garino, L., in: Innovative research along the cowpea value chain: proceedings of the Fifth World Cowpea Conference on improving livelihoods in the cowpea value chain through advancement in science, held in Saly, Senegal, 27 September -1 October 2010, pages 58-67, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, 2012.
Evaluation of biological control agents (BCAs) for the control of tuber rot of yam (Dioscorea spp.), Dania, V., Fadina, O.*, Ayodele, M. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract, P.162 in the Book of Abstracts, 16th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), 23 - 28, September, 2012.
Quantitative detection of African cassava mosaic virus and East African cassava mosaic virus uing TaqMan Real Time PCR, Otti, G., Ayodele, J., Gedil, M. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract, P. 76 in the Book of Abstracts, 16th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), 23 - 28th September, 2012.
Incidence and severity of postharvest tuber rot disease among four Dioscorea species, Dania, V., Fadina, O.*, Ayodele, M. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract, p. 11 in the Nigerian Society of Plant Pathology(NSPP), 37th annual conference book of programme and abstracts. 6 - 10 May 2012, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun state, Nigeria, 2012.
Multiplex RT-PCR assays for the simultaneous detection of cassava mosaic virus and cassava brown streak viruses, Abarshi, M. M., Mohammed, I. B., Legg, J., Kumar, P. L., Hillocks, R. J. and Maruthi, M. N., Abstract, SP05-11 (SP05-06) in Program and Abstracts, Second Scientific Conference of the Global Cassava Partnership for the 21st Century (GCP21-II). June 18-22, 2012, Kampala, Uganda, 2012.
Incidence and diversity of postharvest pathogens in Dioscorea yams in Nigeria, Dania, V., Fadina, O.*, Ayodele, M. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract, P. 323 in the Book of Abstracts, 16th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), 23 - 28th September, 2012.
Development and validation of genomic tools for marker-assisted breeding of cassava mosaic disease resistance in cassava (Manihot esculenta), Gedil, M., Otti, G., Enok, L. and Kumar, P. L., in: Tropical Roots and Tuber Crops and the Challenges of Globalization and Climate Changes=Plantes a Racines et Tubercules Tropicales et les Defis de la Mondialisation et du Changement Climatique: Proceedings of the 11th triennial Symposium of the ISTRC-AB, pages 179-186, ISTRC-AB, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2012.
First report of mango malformation disease caused by Fusarium tupiense in Senegal, Senghor, A. L.*, Sharma, K., Kumar, P. L. and Bandyopadhyay, R., in: Plant Disease, volume 96, number 10, pages 1582, ISSN 0191-2917, 2012.
Incidence and severity of yam internal brown spot disease in Cote d'Ivoire, Toualy, M.N.Y.*, Diallo, H.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract, P.324 in the Book of Abstracts, 16th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), 23 - 28th September, 2012.
Incidence and distribution of yam viruses in Cote d'Ivoire, Toualy, M.N.Y.*, Diallo, H.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract, P.145 in the Book of Abstracts, 16th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), 23 - 28th September, 2012.
Survey of the symptoms and viruses associated with cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.)) in the agroecological zones of Kwara State, Nigeria, Aliyu, T. H.*, Balogun, O. S.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management, volume 5, number 4 (Suppl.2), pages 613-619, ISSN 1998- 0507, 2012. [DOI]
Distribution and diversity of cassava brown streak viruses in Malawi, Kamowa-Mbewe, W., Kumar, P. L., Changadeya, W.*, Ntawuruhunga, P. and Legg, J., Abstract, SP05-11 in Program and Abstracts, Second Scientific Conference of the Global Cassava Partnership for the 21st Century (GCP21-II). June 18-22, Kampala, Uganda., 2012.
Incidence and epidemiology of three yam virus species in various plantings of yams (Dioscorea spp.) in Nigeria, Asala, S., Kumar, P. L., Alegbejo, M.*, Kashina, B. D.* and Banwo, O. O.*, Abstract, P. 322 in the Book of Abstracts, 16th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), 23 - 28th September, 2012.
Afla-ELISA: a simple and low-cost quantitative test for the estimation of aflatoxins, Kumar, P. L. and Bandyopadhyay, R., in: R4D Review, number 8, pages 45-57, ISSN 2071-3681, 2012.
Molecular diagnostic tools for plant health protection, Kumar, P. L., in: R4D Review, number 8, pages 61-64, ISSN 2071-3681, 2012.
Virus and virus-like diseases of yams in West Africa: status and prospects for control, Kumar, P. L. and Seal, S., Abstract, P. 92 in the Book of Abstracts, 16th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), 23 - 28, September, 2012.
Seed transmission of viruses in Dioscorea yams, Kumar, P. L., Lopez-Montes, A. and Ayodeji, O., Abstract, P. 368 in the Book of Abstracts, 16th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), 23 - 28 September, 2012.
Safe exchange of cassava and yam germplasm, Kumar, P. L., Oguntade, O. and Gueye, B., Abstract, P. 77 in the Book of Abstracts, 16th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), 23 - 28th September, 2012.


Comparing the regional epidemiology of the cassava mosaic and cassava brown streak virus pandemics in Afriica, Legg, J., Jeremiah, S.*, Obiero, H.*, Maruthi, M. N., Ndyetabula, I.*, Okao-Okuja, G., Bouwmeester, H., Bigirimana, S.*, Tata-Hangy, W.*, Gashaka, G.*, Mkamilo, G.*, Alicai, T.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Virus Research, volume 159, pages 161-170, ISSN 0168-1702, 2011.
Dioscorea, Bhattacharjee, R., Gedil, M., Sartie, A. M., Otoo, E.*, Dumet, D., Kikuno, H ., Kumar, P. L. and Asiedu, R., pages 71-96, chapter 4, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-21101-0, 2011. [DOI]
Development of a simple enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for quantitative estimation of aflatoxin B1 albumin adduct in humans, Anitha, S., Waliyar, F., Reddy, A., Rao, Ratna, Rao, R.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Current Science, volume 101, number 7, pages 844-846, ISSN 0011-3891, 2011.
Occurrence, incidence and distribution of viruses infecting yam in Nigeria, Asala, S., Alegbejo, M.*, Kashina, B. D.*, Banwo, O. O.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Book of abstracts of the 36th annual conference of the Nigerian Society of Plant Protection (NSPP), 4 - 8 September, Futa, Nigeria., 2011.
Identification of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) breeding lines with multiple virus resistance, Ogunsola, K. E., Fatokun, C., Ilori, C. O.*, Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Book of abstracts of the 36th annual conference of the Nigerian Society of Plant Protection (NSPP), 4 - 8 September, Futa, Nigeria., 2011.
First report of Taro (Colocasia esculenta) leaf blight caused by Phytophthora colocasiae in Nigeria, Bandyopadhyay, R., Sharma, K., Onyeka, T. J.*, Aregbesola, A. and Kumar, P. L., in: Plant Disease, volume 95, number 5, pages 618, ISSN 0191-2917, 2011. [DOI]
Occurrence and incidence of viruses infecting fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis Hook F.) in Benue State, Nigeria, Time, I., Oben, T., Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Book of abstracts of the 29th annual national conference of the Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON), 24-29, July, Makurdi, Nigeria, 2011.
Isolation and characterization of Baculoviruses from three major Lepidopteran pests in the Semi-Arid tropics of India, Kumar, C. S., Ranga Rao, G. V., Sireesha, K.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Indian Journal of Virology, volume 22, number 1, pages 29-36, ISSN 0970-2822, 2011. [DOI]
Studies on maize streak virus infection and yield attributes in F1 maize hybrids, Salaudeen, M., Menkir, A., Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Phytopathology. Volume 101, no. S6, p. S158-159, 2011.
Effects of time of maize streak virus infection on disease severity and yield in maize inbred lines, Salaudeen, M., Menkir, A., Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Book of abstracts of the 36th annual conference of the Nigerian Society of Plant Protection (NSPP), 4 - 8 September, Futa, Nigeria., 2011.
Weed hosts of yam viruses in Nigeria, Asala, S., Shingle, C. P.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Book of abstracts of the 36th annual conference of the Nigerian Society of Plant Protection (NSPP), 4 - 8 September, Futa, Nigeria., 2011.
Response of soybean(Glycine max (L.) Merill) genotypes to inoculation with cowpea mild mottle virus (CPMMV), genus Carlavirus, Time, I., Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Book of abstracts of the 36th annual conference of the Nigerian Society of Plant Protection (NSPP), 4 - 8 September, Futa, Nigeria., 2011.
Genetic polymorphisms associated with hypertension in a sample population of Calabar and Uyo, Nigeria, Anumudu, C.*, Kooffreh, M.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstarct (Poster) in Book of Abstracts of the 12th International Congress of Human Genetics/61st annual meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, 11-15 October, Montreal, Canada, 2011.
Development of ELISA for the detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum, Nakato, V., Akinbade, S., Kumar, P. L., Bandyopadhyay, R. and Beed, F., Abstract, p.130 in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011.
Development of ELISA for the detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum, Nakato, V., Akinbade, S., Kumar, P. L., Bandyopadhyay, R. and Beed, F., Poster presented at the CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011.
Relative susceptibility of six soybean genotypes against single and multiple viral infections in Nigeria, Imbor, M., Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Phytopathology, 2011.
Meeting the challenges of Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD) in Malawi, Legg, J., Mbewe, M., Kumar, P. L., Ntawuruhunga, P., Changadeya, W.* and Moyo, C. C.*, in: Roots Newsletter, volume 13, number 1, pages 4, 2011.
Cassava mosaic disease: a curse to food security in sub-Saharan Africa, Alabi, O., Kumar, P. L. and Naidu, R., in: APSnet Features, pages 1-17, ISSN 2153-0297, 2011. [DOI]
Conservation of germfree-germplasm, Dumet, D. and Kumar, P. L., in: R4D Review, volume 6, pages 26-27, ISSN 2071-3681, 2011.
IITA employee health and safety handbook: general information, specific information and precautions, Last, J. and Kumar, P. L., Booklet, 2011.
First report of soybean witches'-broom disease caused by Group 16SrII phytoplasma in soybean in Malawi and Mozambique, Kumar, P. L., Sharma, K., Boahen, S., Tefera, H. and Tamo, M., in: Plant Disease, volume 95, number 4, pages 492-495, ISSN 0191-2917, 2011. [DOI]
Banana bunchy top virus in sub-Saharan Africa: investigations on virus distribution and diversity, Kumar, P. L., Hanna, R., Alabi, O., Soko, M.*, Oben, T., Vangu, G.* and Naidu, R., in: Virus Research, volume 159, number 2, pages 171-182, ISSN 0168-1702, 2011. [DOI]
GHU: gateway for the safe exchange of germplasm, Kumar, P. L., in: R4D Review, volume 6, pages 19-25, ISSN 2071-3681, 2011.


A tale of two epidemics: the contrasting dynamics of cassava mosaic and cassava brown streak diseases in East Africa, Legg, J., Jeremiah, S.*, Obiero, H., Maruthi, M. N., Ndyetabula, I.*, Okao-Okuja, G., Kim, D., Bouwmeester, H., Bigirimana, S.*, Tata-Hangy, W., Gashaka, G.*, Mkamilo, G.*, Alicai, T.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract: PVEN-IPVEN Symposium, on exploiting agricultural and natural ecosystems, June 20-24, Cornell, Ithaca, New York, 2010.
Cassava virus disease survillence in sub-Saharan Africa, Legg, J., Kim, D., Maruthi, M. N., Bouwmeester, H., Okao-Okuja, G., Obonyo, R., Boniface, S., Jeremiah, S.*, Busungu, C., Ndyetabula, I.*, Legg, C. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract presented at the International Cassava Brown Streak Disease Workshop. Entebbe, Uganda 5-7 May, 2010.
The dual pandemic of cassava virus diseases in East and Central Africa: epidemiological perspectives, Legg, J., Jeremiah, S.*, Ndyetabula, I.*, Obiero, H., Mkamilo, G.*, Akhwale, M., Bouwmeester, H., Kim, D., Maruthi, M. N. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract, 2010.
First report of the East African cassava mosaic virus-Uganda (EACMV-UG) infecting cassava (Manihot esculenta) in Cameroon, Akinbade, S., Hanna, R., Nguenkam, A., Njukwe, E., Fotso, A., Doumtsop, A. R. P., Ngeve, J., Tenku, S. T. N.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in New Disease Reports, 2010. [DOI]
Occurrence, incidence and distribution of viruses infecting yam (Dioscorea spp.) in Nigeria, Asala, S.*, Alegbejo, M.*, Kashina, B. D.*, Banwo, O. O.*, Asiedu, R. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract, 2010.
Seed-transmitted viruses in wild Vigna, Odedara, O.O, Adesida-Oludare, A. A., Ogunsanya, P., Dumet, D., Fatokun, C. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract (Poster) in Program and Book of Abstracts of the 5th World Cowpea Research Conference, held at Palm Beach Hotel, Saly, Senegal. 27 September - 1 October, 2010.
Genetically distinct Cercospora species cause grey leaf spot of maize (Zea mays L.) in Nigeria, Sharma, K., Ayodele, M., Bandyopadhyay, R., Anu, A. E., Menkir, A. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Phytopathology. Volume 100, no. 6, suppl. 1, p. S117. June, 2010.
Development of improved RT-PCR protocols and sampling procedures for the reliable and cost-effective detection of Cassava Brown Streak Virus, Maruthi, M. N., Abarshi, M. M., Mohammed, I. B., Holt, J., Hillocks, R. J., Kumar, P. L. and Legg, J., Abstract presented at the International Cassava Brown Streak Disease Workshop: research achivements, challenges and potential for control. Entebbe, Uganda 5-7 May, 2010.
Non-systemic infection of Tobacco streak virus on cotton in Warangal district, Andhra Pradesh, Prasada Rao, R. D. V. J.*, Jyotsna, M. K.*, Reddy, A., Varaprasad, K. S.*, Nigam, S. and Kumar, P. L., in: Indian Journal of Plant Protection, volume 37, number 1-2, pages 196-198, ISSN 0253-4355, 2010.
Characterizing genetics of resistance to multiple virus infections in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp), Ogunsola, K. E.*, Fatokun, C., Boukar, O., Ilori, C. O.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract (Poster) in Program and Book of Abstracts of the 5th World Cowpea Research Conference, held at Palm Beach Hotel, Saly, Senegal. 27 September - 1 October, 2010.
Cassava brown streak virus diversity and development of improved virus diagnostics, Maruthi, M. N., Abarshi, M. M., Seal, S., Hillocks, R. J., Kumar, P. L. and Legg, J., Abstract presented at PVEN-IPVEN Symposium, Plant viruses: exploiting agricultural and natural ecosystems, June 20-24, Cornell, Ithaca, New York, 2010.
Effect of different storage conditions on the virulence of Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus (HaNPV), Sireesha, K.*, Kumar, C. S., Ranga Rao, G. V., Arjuna Rao, P. and Kumar, P. L., in: Journal of Entomological Research, volume 34, number 1, pages 65-69, ISSN 0378-9519, 2010.
Sharing of responsibilities of cowpea and wild relatives' long term conservation: Proceedings of the 5th World Cowpea Research Conference, held at Palm Beach Hotel, Saly, Senegal. 27 September - 1 October, Dumet, D., Fatokun, C., Pasquet, R., Ehlers, J. D., Kumar, P. L., Hearne, S., Sonder, K., Aladele, S., Boukar, O., Vodouhe, R. and Garino, L., 2010.
Resistance to maize Streak virus in testcrosses of early generation lines of maize, Salaudeen, M. T.*, Menkir, A., Atiri, G.*, Hearne, S. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Phytopathology. Volume 100, no. 6, suppl. 1, p. S113. June, 2010.
Viruses in weeds in Dioscorea yam fields in Nigeria, Asala, S.*, Shinggu, C. P.*, Asiedu, R. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract, 2010.
Maintaining cassava and yam germplasm in perpetuity for food security, Dumet, D., Gueye, B., Elohor, D. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract (Oral presentation) in Book of Abstracts of the 11th Triennial Symposium of ISTRC-AB, held at Memling Hotel, Kinshasa. 4-8 October, 2010.
Identification of a virus naturally infecting sorghum in India as Sugarcane streak mosaic virus, Srinivas, K. P.*, Subba Reddy, Ch. V.*, Ramesh, B.*, Kumar, P. L. and Sreenivasulu, P.*, in: European Journal of Plant Pathology, ISSN 0929-1873, 2010. [DOI]
Effect of multiple virus infections on seed transmission in cowpea, Ogunsola, K. E.*, Fatokun, C., Ilori, C. O.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Phytopathology. Vol. 100, no. 6, suppl. 1, p. S92, 2010.
Terminal drought-tolerant pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] have high leaf ABA and limit transpiration at high vapour pressure deficit, Kholova, J., Hash, C. T., Kumar, P. L., Yadav, R. S., Kocova, M. and Vadez, V., in: Journal of Experimental Botany, volume 61, number 5, pages 1431-1440, ISSN 0022-0957, 2010.
Biological control of the banana aphid for sustainable management of banana bunchy top disease in sub-Saharan Africa. IITA-USAID Linkage Program Final Technical Report; IITA project report, Messing, R., Hanna, R. and Kumar, P. L., 2010.
Genetic characterization of Fusarium verticillioides associated with ear rot of maize in Nigeria, Sharma, K., Ayodele, M. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Phytopathology. Volume 100, no. 6, suppl. 1, p. S117. June, 2010.
Viruses infecting soybean (Glycine max L. Merill) in Nigeria, Time, I., Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Phytopathology, 2010.
Role of alternative hosts in cowpea virus disease epidemiology in the unmanaged legume cropping systems in Nigeria, Odedara, O.O and Kumar, P. L., Abstract (Poster) in Program and Book of Abstracts of the 5th World Cowpea Research Conference, held at Palm Beach Hotel, Saly, Senegal. 27 September - 1 October, 2010.
Two new 'legumoviruses' (genus Begomovirus) naturally infecting soybean in Nigeria, Alabi, O., Kumar, P. L., Mgbechi-Ezeri, J.* and Naidu, R., in: Archives of Virology, volume 155, number 5, pages 643-656, ISSN 0304-8608, 2010.
Virus detection in banana: a laboratory manual, Kumar, P. L., 2010.
Virus indexing and certification in clonal crops: the case of banana, Kumar, P. L., pages 1-10, chapter 7, ASARECA, 2010. [DOI]
Banana bunchy top disease: IITA-FAO Regional Surveillance Workshop, Kumar, P. L., Hanna, R. and Beed, F., 2010.
Controlling the banana bunchy top disease pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa, Kumar, P. L., Hanna, R., Fotso, A., Soko, M.*, Akinbade, S., Alabi, O., Ngeve, J. and Naidu, R., Abstract presented at PVEN-IPVEN Symposium, Plant viruses: exploiting agricultural and natural ecosystems, June 20-24, Cornell, Ithaca, New York, 2010.
An appraisal of cowpea virus diseases in Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia, Kumar, P. L., Ogunsanya, P., Boahen, S., Tefera, H., Boukar, O., Legg, J., Coyne, D. and Tamo, M., Abstract (Poster) in Program and Book of Abstracts of the 5th World Cowpea Research Conference, held at Palm Beach Hotel, Saly, Senegal. 27 September - 1 October, 2010.
Conservation of virus-free cowpea germplasm, Kumar, P. L., Dumet, D., Adesida-Oludare, A. A., Adeleke, R., Ogunsanya, P. and Fatokun, C., Abstract (Poster) in Program and Book of Abstracts of the 5th World Cowpea Research Conference, held at Palm Beach Hotel, Saly, Senegal. 27 September - 1 October, 2010.
DNA barcodes for pathogens of African food crops, Kumar, P. L. and Sharma, K., in: R4D Review, volume 4, pages 51-53, ISSN 2071-3681, 2010.
Controlling virus diseases of cowpea in sub-Saharan Africa: status and prospects, Kumar, P. L., Fatokun, C., Dumet, D., Boukar, O. and Boahen, S., Abstract (Oral presentation) in Program and Book of Abstracts of the 5th World Cowpea Research Conference, held at Palm Beach Hotel, Saly, Senegal. 27 September - 1 October, 2010.
Single-tube-one-step multiplex-PCR method for simultaneous detection of Cassava Brown Streak Virus, African Cassava Mosaic Virus and East African Cassava Mosaic Virus in cassava, Kumar, P. L., Alabi, O., Akinbade, S., Maruthi, M. N., Kim, D., Naidu, R. and Legg, J., Abstract, 2010.


Cassava virus disease surveillance in sub-Saharan Africa: proceedings (Poster), FAO CaCESCA project meeting, 30 November to 3 December, 2009, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Legg, J., Kim, D., Maruthi, M. N., Bouwmeester, H., Okao-Okuja, G., Obonyo, R., Boniface, S., Jeremiah, S.*, Busungu, C., Ndyetabula, I.*, Legg, C. and Kumar, P. L., 2009.
Occurrence of banana bunchy top disease caused by the banana bunchy top virus on banana and plantain (Musa sp.) in Cameroon, Oben, T., Hanna, R., Ngeve, J., Alabi, O., Naidu, R. and Kumar, P. L., in: Plant Disease, volume 93, number 10, pages 1076, ISSN 0191-2917, 2009. [DOI]
Diagnosis of plant viruses using FTA classic card technology, Sudarsana, P., Damayanti, T., Karuppannan, M., Alabi, O., Karthikeyan, G., Kumar, P. L., Rauf, A. and Kodetham, G., 2009.
Farmers' guide to soybean production in northern Nigeria, Dugje, I.*, Omoigui, L., Ekeleme, F., Bandyopadhyay, R., Kumar, P. L. and Kamara, A., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-131-333-1, 2009.
Molecular characterization of Colletotrichium gloeosporioides responsible for anthracnose of yam and cassava in Nigeria, and development of diagnostic PCR assay, Sharma, K., Ayodele, M., Bandyopadhyay, R., Asiedu, R. and Kumar, P. L., International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), 2009.
Incidence of Aspergillus section Flavi strains and aflatoxin production in some market samples of Dioscorea yam chips from various towns in Nigeria, Akinbade, O. O., Kumar, M., Atehnkeng, J., Adegoke, G. O.*, Kumar, P. L. and Bandyopadhyay, R., 2009.
Breeding peanut for resistance to aflatoxin contamination at ICRISAT, Nigam, S., Waliyar, F., Aruna, R., Reddy, S., Kumar, P. L., Craufurd, P., Diallo, A.*, Ntare, B. R. and Upadhyaya, H., in: Peanut Science, volume 36, number 1, pages 42-49, ISSN 0095-3679, 2009.
Farmer's guide: banana pests and diseases, Beed, F., Van Asten, P., Coyne, D., Kumar, P. L., Rich, S., Mpiira, S. and Blomme, G., 2009.
Endagirilo y'abalimi: endwadde z'ebitooke n'ebiwuka, Beed, F., Van Asten, P., Coyne, D., Kumar, P. L., Rich, S., Mpiira, S. and Blomme, G., 2009.
Farmer's guide: ebikooko nendwara z'ebitookye, Beed, F., Van Asten, P., Coyne, D., Kumar, P. L., Rich, S., Mpiira, S. and Blomme, G., 2009.
Annotated bibliography of IITA publications on Mycotoxins, Bandyopadhyay, R., Hell, K., Menkir, A. and Kumar, P. L., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2009.
Biological control of the banana aphid, Hanna, R., Messing, R. and Kumar, P. L., 2009.
Review of immunological methods for the quantification of aflatoxins in peanut and other foods, Waliyar, F., Reddy, S. and Kumar, P. L., in: Peanut Science, volume 36, number 1, pages 54-59, ISSN 0095-3679, 2009.
DNA-based tools for accurate diagnosis of fungal pathogens of quarantine importance, Sharma, K., Kumar, P. L., Ayodele, M. and Bandyopadhyay, R., IITA, 2009.
Protocol for the detection of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in cassava and yam by PCR, Sharma, K. and Kumar, P. L., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2009.
Molecular characterization of two novel soybean-infecting begomoviruses from Nigeria, Alabi, O., Kumar, P. L., Mgbechi-Ezeri, J. and Naidu, R., 2009.
Rapid single-step multiplex reverse transcription-PCR for the simultaneous detection of cassava brown streak virus, African cassava mosaic virus and East African cassava mosaic virus in cassava, Kumar, P. L., Alabi, O., Akinbade, S., Maruthi, M. N., Naidu, R. and Legg, J., 2009.
Laboratory manual for the diagnosis of cassava virus diseases, Kumar, P. L. and Legg, J., 2009.
Banana bunchy top disease, Kumar, P. L., Beed, F., Veaux, H. and Van Asten, P., Technical Sheet, 2009.
La maladie virale du bunchy top du bananier, Kumar, P. L., Beed, F., Veaux, H. and Van Asten, P., Technical Sheet, 2009.
Banana streak disease and banana mosaic disease, Kumar, P. L., Beed, F., Veaux, H. and Van Asten, P., Technical Sheet, 2009.
Deux maladies virales du bananier la mosaique en tirets et la mosaique en plages, Kumar, P. L., Beed, F., Veaux, H. and Van Asten, P., Technical Sheet, 2009.
Overview on Virology and Molecular Diagnostics unit at IITA, Kumar, P. L., 2009.
First report of the occurrence of East African cassava mosaic virus-Uganda (EACMV-UG) in Angola, Kumar, P. L., Akinbade, S., Dixon, A., Mahungu, N., Mutunda, M. P.*, Kiala, D.*, Londa, L.* and Legg, J., in: Plant Pathology, volume 58, number 2, pages 402, ISSN 0032-0862, 2009. [DOI]
First report of Banana bunchy top virus in banana and plantain (Musa spp.) in Angola, Kumar, P. L., Ayodele, M., Oben, T., Mahungu, N., Beed, F., Coyne, D., Londa, L.*, Mutunda, M. P.*, Kiala, D.* and Maruthi, M. N., in: Plant Pathology, volume 58, number 2, pages 402, ISSN 0032-0862, 2009. [DOI]
Tackling the banana menace, Kumar, P. L. and Hanna, R., in: R4D Review, volume 2, pages 11-13, ISSN 2071-3681, 2009.
Coat protein-based genealogy of banana bunchy top virus in the sub-Saharan Africa, Kumar, P. L., Alabi, O., Hanna, R. and Naidu, R., 2009.
Plant virus ecology: regional overview, Kumar, P. L., 2009.
Cassava germplasm conservation, utilization and safe movement in Afirca, Kumar, P. L., Dumet, D., Ayodele, M. and Legg, J., 2009.
BBTV in sub-Saharan Africa: status and needs, Kumar, P. L., Hanna, R., Mwemenamda, B., Beed, F., Lorenzen, J., Fiaboe, K., Van Asten, P., Hauser, S., Akinbade, S., Oben, T., Soko, M.*, Londa, R.*, Ngeve, J., Mutunda, M. P.*, Kiala, D.* and Naidu, R., 2009.
GLCI Disease Objective: progress and prospective, Kumar, P. L., Legg, J., Ndunguru, J.*, Kanju, E., Ndyetabula, I.*, Maruthi, M. N., Bigirimana, S.*, Obiero, H., Gervais, G., Jeremiah, S.*, Tata-Hangy, W., Kemani, E., Kim, D. and Alicai, T.*, 2009.


Unleashing the power of cassava: new cassava varieties for Africa, Dixon, A., Mahungu, N., Ntawuruhunga, P., Kanju, E., Ssemakula, G., Gedil, M., Mba, C., Lokko, Y., Raji, A., Ingelbrecht, I., Legg, J., Kumar, P. L. and Winter, S., in: Global Cassava Partnership-First Scientific Meeting: Cassava Meeting the challenges of the New Millennium, 21 - 25 July, 2008, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, pages 102, 2008.
CGIAR research-for-development program on mycotoxins, Ortiz, R., Ban, T., Bandyopadhyay, R., Banziger, M., Bergvinson, D., Hell, K., James, B., Jeffers, D., Kumar, P. L., Menkir, A., Murakami, J., Nigam, S., Upadhyaya, H. and Waliyar, F., pages 415-424, chapter 35, CABI Publishing, ISBN 978-1-84593-082-0, 2008.
Disease surveillance in Great Lakes Region, Beed, F., Fiaboe, K., Nakato, V., Smith, J., Boa, E., Kumar, P. L., Garcia, L. and Miller, S., Poster, 2008.
Institutionalizing mycotoxin testing in Africa, Waliyar, F., Siambi, M., Jones, R., Reddy, S., Chibonga, D., Kumar, P. L. and Denloye, S., pages 359-368, chapter 31, CABI Publishing, ISBN 978-1-84593-082-0, 2008.
Laboratory disinfects as preservatives for Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus, Sireesha, K.*, Sridhar-Kumar, C.*, Ranga Rao, G. V., Arjona Rao, P. and Kumar, P. L., in: Indian Journal of Plant Protection, volume 36, number 2, pages 257-259, ISSN 0253-4355, 2008.
Development and evaluation of immunochemical tools for diagnosis and quality control of Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus (HaNPV), Sridhar-Kumar, C.*, Sireesha, K.*, Ranga Rao, V., Rambabu, C.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Indian Journal of Virology, volume 18, pages 108-109, ISSN 0970-2822, 2008.
Fifteen years of cassava virus epidemics in East and Central Africa, Legg, J., Okao-Okuja, G., Obonyo, R., Boni, S., Kumar, P. L., Dixon, A., Bigirimana, S.*, Tata-Hangy, K.*, Obiero, H., Gashaka, G.*, Jeremiah, S.*, Ndyetabula, I.* and Omongo, C. S.*, in: Global Cassava Partnership-First Scientific Meeting: Cassava Meeting the challenges of the New Millennium, 21 - 25 July, 2008, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, pages 140, 2008.
First report of the occurrence of African cassava mosaic virus in a mosaic disease of soybean in Nigeria, Mgbechi-Ezeri, J., Alabi, O., Naidu, R.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Plant Disease, volume 92, pages 1, ISSN 0191-2917, 2008.
Alternate hosts of African cassava mosaic virus and East African cassava mosaic Cameroon virus in Nigeria, Alabi, O., Ogbe, F., Bandyopadhyay, R., Kumar, P. L., Dixon, A., Hughes, J. and Naidu, R.*, in: Archives of Virology, volume 153, number 9, pages 1743-1747, ISSN 0304-8608, 2008. [DOI]
Virus diseases of groundnut, Sreenivasulu, P.*, Reddy, Ch., Ramesh, B.* and Kumar, P. L., pages 47-98, chapter 29, Studium Press LLC, ISBN 978-1933699318, 2008.
Multiplex PCR for the detection of African cassava mosaic virus and East African cassava mosaic Cameroon virus in cassava, Alabi, O., Kumar, P. L. and Naidu, R., in: Journal of Virological Methods, volume 154, number 1-2, pages 111-120, ISSN 0166-0934, 2008. [DOI]
Pre- and postharvest management of aflatoxin contamination in peanuts, Waliyar, F., Kumar, P. L., Traore, B. R., Ntare, B. R. and Kodio, O., pages 209-218, chapter 18, CABI Publishing, ISBN 978-1-84593-082-0, 2008.
First report of cucumber mosaic virus in yams (Dioscorea spp.) in Ghana, Togo and Republic of Benin in West Africa, Eni, A., Kumar, P. L., Asiedu, R., Alabi, O., Naidu, R.*, Hughes, J. and Rey, M.*, in: Plant Disease, volume 92, number 5, pages 833, ISSN 0191-2917, 2008. [DOI]
Biological and molecular characterization of a Baculovirus isolated from legume pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Noctuidae: lepidoptera), Sridhar-Kumar, C.*, Kumar, P. L., Sireesha, K.*, Ranga Rao, V., Waliyar, F. and Rambabu, C.*, in: Indian Journal of Virology, volume 18, pages 108, ISSN 0970-2822, 2008.
Immunocapture RT-PCR for the detection of cowpea mottle virus, Akinbade, S. and Kumar, P. L., in: Book of Abstracts of the 21st Annual Conference of Biotechnology Society of Nigeria. Modern biotechnology: a gateway to sustainable foor production and affordable health care in Nigeria, 15-18 July 2008, University of Abeokuta, Abeokuta, Nigeria, pages 20-21, Biotechnology Society of Nigeria, 2008.
Emergence and spread of Tobacco streak virus menace in India and control strategies, Kumar, P. L., Prasadarao, R., Reddy, A., Madhavi, J. K., Anitha, K. and Waliyar, F., in: Indian Journal of Plant Protection, volume 36, number 1, pages 1-8, ISSN 0253-4355, 2008.
First report of the occurrence of East African cassava mosaic virus-Uganda (EACMV-UG) in Angola, Kumar, P. L., Akinbade, S., Dixon, A., Mahungu, N., Mutunda, M. P.*, Kiala, D.*, Londa, L.* and Legg, J., in: New Disease Reports, volume 18, ISSN d000-1007, 2008.
Tackling BBTV threat to banana and plantain in sub-Saharan Africa, Kumar, P. L., Hanna, R., Beed, F., Mwenebanda, B. M. L., Fiaboe, K., Van Asten, P. and Hauser, S., Poster presentation, 2008.
Virus diseases of pigeonpea, Kumar, P. L., Jones, A. T. and Waliyar, F., pages 235-257, chapter 19, Studium Press LLC, ISBN 978-1933699332, 2008.
Virus diseases of chickpea, Kumar, P. L., Kumari, S. and Waliyar, F., pages 213-234, chapter 18, Studium Press LLC, ISBN 978-1933699332, 2008.
Development of an in-house diagnostic test for monitoring aflatoxin contamination in agriculture commodities, Kumar, P. L., Bandyopadhyay, R., Akinbade, S. and Kumar, M., in: Book of Abstracts of the 21st Annual Conference of Biotechnology Society of Nigeria. Modern biotechnology: a gateway to sustainable foor production and affordable health care in Nigeria, 15-18 July 2008, University of Abeokuta, Abeokuta, Nigeria, pages 27-28, Biotechnology Society of Nigeria, 2008.


Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) research-for-development agenda on mycotoxins for enhanced food safety and trade, Bandyopadhyay, R., Menkir, A., Asaad, S., Ban, T., Bergvinson, D., Jeffers, D., Murakami, J., Ortiz, R., Hell, K., James, B., Kumar, P. L., Nigam, S., Upadhyaya, H. and Waliyar, F., in: Proceedings of XVI International Plant Protection Congress, 15-18 October, Glasgow, UK, pages 368-369, BCPC, 2007.
Development and evaluation of immunochemical tools for diagnosis and quality control of Helicoverpa armigera Nucleopolyhedrovirus (HaNPV), Sridhar-Kumar, C.*, Sireesha, K.*, Rangarao, G., Reddy, A., Rambabu, C.* and Kumar, P. L., in: International Conference on Emerging and Re-Emerging Viral Diereses of the Tropics and Sub-Tropics, December 11 - 14 2007, New Delhi, India. Indian Virological Society, New Delhi, India pages 222, pages 222, 2007.
Occurrence and distribution of viruses infecting fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis, Hook F.) in Imo State, Nigeria, Oben, T., Atiri, G.*, Fagbola, O.*, Akinbade, S., Oyibo, P. and Kumar, P. L., pages 122, 2007.
Incidence of seed transmitted viruses in cowpea and soybean in Nigeria, Mgbechi-Ezeri, J., Ayodele, M., Akinbade, S., Hughes, J., Bandyopadhyay, R. and Kumar, P. L., pages 160, 2007.
Incidence and distribution of virus and virus-like diseases on yams (Dioscorea sp.) in the Republic of Benin, Eni, A., Hughes, J., Asiedu, R., Bandyopadhyay, R. and Kumar, P. L., in: 10th International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium, 15 - 19 October 2007, ICRIST, Hyderadad, India, pages 123, 2007.
Top-down strategy (TDS) to prevent the risk of human exposure to aflatoxins, Anitha, S., Waliyar, F., Reddy, C. and Kumar, P. L., in: 2nd Asian Congress of Mycology and Plant Pathology 'Microbial Diversity for Asian Prosperity', December 19-22, 2007, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. Indian Society of Mycology and PlantPathology, Udaipur, India, 2007.
Production of monoclonal antibodies against cowpea mottle viruses, Akinbade, S., Mgbechi-Ezeri, J., Oben, T. and Kumar, P. L., pages 187, 2007.
Sources of resistance to Tobacco streak virus in wild Arachis (Fabaceae: Papilionoidae) germplasm, Kalyani, G., Reddy, A., Kumar, P. L., Rao, R. D. and Aruna, R., in: Plant Disease, volume 91, pages 1585-1590, 2007.
Integrated strategy for minimizing the risk of aflatoxin contamination in food crops, Waliyar, F., Nigam, S. and Kumar, P. L., in: International Conference on Bridging Gaps in Agriculture Research and Development Towards Sustainable Development. Central Luzon State University, Science City of Munoz, Nueva Eoija, Philippines, pages 18-19, 2007.
Determination of the most effective method for the production of polyclonal antibodies against African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV), Genus Begomovirus, Akinbade, S., Ayo-John, E.*, Kumar, P. L. and Oben, T., in: 34th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society of Plant Protection, theme: Plant Protection Challenges in the 21st Century. 17-21 September 2007, Nasarwa State University, Keffi, Nigeria, pages 15-16, 2007.
Surveillance for natural contamination of mycotoxins in sorghum and pearl millet grains in Andhra Pradesh and Maharastra states, India, Waliyar, F., Reddy, S., Kumar, P. L., Reddy, B., Rai, K., Ashok, A. and Ravinder Reddy, C., in: 2nd Asian Congress of Mycology and Plant Pathology 'Microbial Diversity for Asian Prosperity', December 19-22, 2007, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Udaipur, India, pages 294, 2007.
Development and evaluation of transgenic groundnut for resistance to tobacco streak virus (TSV), Saivishnupriya, K., Arockiasamy, S., Kumar, P. L., Reddy, A., Nalla, A., Waliyar, F., Nigam, S., Beachy, R. and Sharma, K., in: 10th International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium, 15 - 19 October 2007, ICRIST, Hyderabad, India, pages 57, 2007.
Assessment of Tobacco Streak Virus (TSV) transmission through seed in groundnut and sunflower, Reddy, A., Subrahmanyam, K, Kumar, P. L. and Waliyar, F., in: Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology, volume 37, pages 136-137, 2007.
Development of polyclonal antibody-based competitive ELISA for the estimation of aflatoxin B1-lysine biomarker in humans, Anitha, S., Kumar, P. L. and Waliyar, F., in: 26th Annual Convention of Indian Association for Cancer Research and International Symposium on Translational Research in Cancer, 17 - 19 January 2007 Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India, pages 196, 2007.
Biological and Molecular Characterization of a Baculovirus isolated from Legume Pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera), Sridhar-Kumar, C.*, Kumar, P. L., Sireesha, K.*, Rangarao, G., Waliyar, F. and Rambabu, C.*, in: 26th Annual Convention of Indian Association for Cancer Research and International Symposium on Translational Research in Cancer, 17 - 19 January 2007 Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India, pages 221, 2007.
Current strategies and future technologies to combat aflatoxin contamination in groundnut, Waliyar, F., Kumar, P. L., Reddy, S., Sharma, K. and Nigam, S., in: 2nd Asian Congress of Mycology and Plant Pathology 'Microbial Diversity for Asian Prosperity', December 19-22, 2007, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Udaipur, India, pages 287, 2007.
Groundnut rosette disease and its management, Waliyar, F., Kumar, P. L., Ntare, B. R., Monyo, E., Nigam, S., Reddy, A., Osiru, M. and Diallo, A.*, Information Bulletin No.75, 2007.
Evaluation of pigeonpea genotypes for resistance to sterility mosaic disease, Shivam, C.V.B., Kumar, P. L. and Singh, R, pages 133, 2007.
Frequency of Mixed Infection of Tobacco streeak virus and peanut bud necrosis virus in groundnut, Reddy, A., Kumar, P. L., Subrahmanyam, K, Waliyar, F. and Nigam, S., pages 159, 2007.
Centennial of research on groundnut rosett disease:what is known and what still needs to be known to achieve effective control of this menace in Sub-Saharan Africa, Waliyar, F., Kumar, P. L., Osiru, M., Monyo, E., Ntare, B. R. and Nigam, S., pages 61, 2007.
Evaluation of advanced peanut breeding lines for resistance to late leaf spot and rust, Waliyar, F. and Kumar, P. L., in: Proceedings, 39th Annual American Peanut Research and Education Society (APRES), July 10-13, 2007, Birmingham, Alabama, USA, APRES, 2007.
Cacao, Bhattacharjee, R. and Kumar, P. L., volume 6, pages 127-142, chapter 7, Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2007.
Assessment of bio-diversity of the mite vector of Pigeonpea sterility mosaic virus in Tamil Nadu, India, Latha, T., Kumar, P. L., Doraiswamy, S. and Waliyar, F., in: Indian Journal of Plant Protection, volume 35, number 1, pages 138-139, ISSN 0253-4355, 2007.
The "acid" test!, Kumar, P. L. and Vadez, V., SATrends 77 (ICRISAT's monthly e-newsletter e-newsletter), 2007.
Challenges in management of plant virus diseases in sub-Saharan Africa, Kumar, P. L., in: 34th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society of Plant Protection, theme: Plant Protection Challenges in the 21st Century. 17-21 September 2007, Nasarwa State University, Keffi, Nigeria, pages 12, 2007.
Strategic needs for controlling cassava mosaic disease in West and Central Africa, Kumar, P. L., Dixon, A., Bandyopadhyay, R., Asiedu, R. and Bramel, P., 2007.
The challenges and potential options for controlling virus diseases of legumes and tuber crops in West Africa, Kumar, P. L., Mgbechi-Ezeri, J., Akinbade, S., Eni, A., Asiedu, R., Dixon, A., Fatokun, C. and Bandyopadhyay, R., in: 10th International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium, 15 - 19 October 2007, ICRIST, Hyderabad, India, pages 60, 2007.
The first report of a tymovirus infecting groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in India, Kumar, P. L., Reddy, A., Siva-Prasad, R., Reddy, Ch. and Waliyar, F., in: Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology, volume 37, pages 132-133, 2007.


Plant biotechnology towards food security, Bhattacharjee, R., Kumar, P. L., Kolesnikova-Allen, M. and Chhabra, A., in: Enhancing food value of plants, pages 106-111, Society of Sustainable Agriculture and Resource Management, Hisar, India, 2003.

Publications as Editor


Genetically engineered crops in developing countries, Studium Press LLC, ISBN 978-1626990357, 2015.
Pathogen-Resistant Genetically Engineered Crops in Africa, Tripathi, L., Kumar, P. L., Patil, B. L.* and Fatokun, C., Genetically Engineered crops in developing countries, pages 217-240, chapter 7, Studium Press LLC, ISBN 978-1626990357, 2015.


Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium: ecology, evolution and control of plant viruses and their vectors, Sciencedirect, Elsevier, 2014. [DOI]


R4D Review; 8, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN ISSN: 2071-3681, 2012.


R4D Review; 6, IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2011.


Plant virus epidemiology: controlling epidemics of emerging and established plant viruses - the way forward, volume 141, 2009.
Methods for diagnosis of plant virus diseases: a laboratory manual, 2009.


Characterization, diagnosis and management of plant viruses; Vol.3: vegetable and pulse crops, Studium Press LLC, ISBN 978-1933699332, 2008.