Surchat, M.    

Institute:Doctoral student at the USYS TdLab, ETH Zürich, Rütschistrasse 17, 8037 Zürich, Switzerland (CH). 

2 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


"The bad job brings the good one": photovoice study with female and male waste workers in Rwanda, Surchat, M., Irakoze, M.*, Kantengwa, S ., Konlambigue, M., Spath, L., Wilde, B., Six, J., Krutli, P. and Stauffacher, M., in: Local Environment, volume 29, number 5, pages 565-592, ISSN 1354-9839, 2024. [DOI]


Jobs in the circular bioeconomy under scrutiny: the challenging reality of compost production in Rwanda, Surchat, M., Irakoze, M.*, Hansmann, R., Kantengwa, S ., Konlambigue, M., Spath, L., Wilde, B., Six, J. and Krutli, P., in: World Development Sustainability, volume 3, number -: 100094, pages 1-11, ISSN 2772-655X, 2023. [DOI]