Eyles, R. P.    

Firstname:R. P. 
Institute:International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Nairobi, Kenya 

1 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Candidate genes for field resistance to cassava brown streak disease revealed through the analysis of multiple data sources, Ferguson, M., Eyles, R. P., Garcia-Oliveira, A. L., Kapinga, F., Masumba, E. A., Amuge, T., Bredeson, J. V., Rokhsar, D. S., Lyons, J. B., Shah, T., Rounsley, S. and Mkamilo, G.*, in: Frontiers in Plant Science, volume 14, number -: 1270963, pages 1-16, ISSN 1664-462X, 2023. [DOI]