Matthew, E. C.*    

Firstname:E. C.* 
Institute:Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania 
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Publications as Author


Financial inclusion choices in post-conflict and fragile states of Africa: the case of Burundi, Atta-Aidoo, J.*, Bizoza, S., Saleh, A. O.* and Matthew, E. C.*, in: Cogent Social Sciences, volume 9, number 1: 2216996, pages 1-22, ISSN 2331-1886, 2023. [DOI]
A gendered analysis of the effect of financial inclusion on household welfare in Burundi, Atta-Aidoo, J.*, Matthew, E. C.*, Saleh, A. O.* and Bizoza, S., in: Review of Development Economics, pages 1-21, ISSN 1363-6669, 2023. [DOI]