Amegah, A. L.    

Firstname:A. L. 
Institute:Ecole Sup'erieure d'Agronomie (ESA), Universit'e de Lom'e, 01 B.P. 1515 Lom'e 01, Lom'e, Togo. 
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Fertilizer-bioinsecticide synergy improves maize resilience to Spodoptera frugiperda infestation, Fiaboe, K. R., Agboka, K., Agnamba, A. O., Teyo, K. L., Amegah, A. L., Koffi, D., Kpadonou, G. E.*, Agboka, K. M., Gwokyalya, R., Fening, K. O.* and Fiaboe, K., in: Crop Protection, volume 177, number -: 106548, pages 1-12, ISSN 0261-2194, 2024. [DOI]