A method for generating virus-free cassava plants to combat viral disease epidemics in Africa, Maruthi, M. N., Whitfield, E. C., Otti, G., Tumwegamire, S., Kanju, E., Legg, J., Mkamilo, G.*, Kawuki, R.*, Benesi, I.*, Zacarias, A.*, Munga, T.*, Mwatuni, F.* and Mbugua, E.*, in: Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, volume 105, pages 77-87, ISSN 0885-5765, 2019. [DOI] |
Exchanging and managing in-vitro elite germplasm to combat Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD) and Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) in eastern and southern Africa, Tumwegamire, S., Kanju, E., Legg, J., Shirima, R. R., Kombo, S., Mkamilo, G.*, Mtunda, K.*, Sichalwe, K.*, Kulembeka, H.*, Ndyetabula, I.*, Saleh, H.*, Kawuki, R.*, Alicai, T.*, Adiga, G.*, Benesi, I.*, Mhone, A.*, Zacarias, A.*, Matsimbe, S. F.*, Munga, T.*, Ateka, E.*, Navangi, L.*, Maruthi, M. N., Mwatuni, F.*, Ngundo, G.*, Mwamgangi, M.*, Mbugua, E.*, Ndunguru, J.*, Rajabu, C.* and Mark, D.*, in: Food Security, volume 10, number 2, pages 351-368, ISSN 1876-4517, 2018. [DOI] |
Aflatoxins contamination in processed cassava in Malawi and Zambia, Chiona, M.*, Ntawuruhunga, P., Benesi, I.*, Matumba, L.* and Moyo, C., in: African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND), volume 14, number 3, pages 8809-8820, ISSN 1684-5374, 2014. |
Evaluation of commercially available herbicides for weed control in cassava, Moyo, C., Jumbo, S., Mahungu, N., Benesi, I.*, Ntawuruhunga, P. and Sandifolo, V., in: Tropical Roots and Tuber Crops and the Challenges of Globalization and Climate Changes. Proceedings of the 11th triennial Symposium of the ISTRC-AB, 4 to 8 October 2010, pages 269-275, ISTRC-AB, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2012. |
Effect of cassava leaf harvesting on root yield and quality, Sandifolo, V., Mahungu, N., Mkumbira, J., Moyo, C., Mhone, A. and Benesi, I.*, in: Root and tuber crops for poverty alleviation through science and technology for sustainable development: proceedings of the 10th symposium of ISTRC-AB held from 8-12 October, 2007 in Maputo, Mozambique, pages 168-173, ISTRC-AB, 2010. |
Investigations into cassava stem storage: effect of stem storage on sprouting rate, Moyo, C., Mahungu, N., Sandifolo, V., Mkumbira, J., Jumbo, S. and Benesi, I.*, in: Root and tuber crops for poverty alleviation through science and technology for sustainable development: proceedings of the 10th symposium of ISTRC-AB held from 8-12 October, 2007 in Maputo, Mozambique, pages 216, 2010. |
The value of zondeni, a sweetpotato landrace in malawi, Chipungu, F. P.*, Saka, J., Ambali, A. J. D.*, Mahungu, N., Benesi, I.*, Pankomera, P.*, Mwenye, O. and Mkandawire, T.*, Abstract (Poster) in Book of Abstracts of the 11th Triennial Symposium of ISTRC-AB, held at Memling Hotel, Kinshasa. 4-8 October, 2010. |
Evaluation of commercially available herbicides for weed control in cassava, Moyo, C., Jumbo, S., Mahungu, N., Benesi, I.* and Ntawuruhunga, P., Abstract (Oral presentation) in Book of Abstracts of the 11th Triennial Symposium of ISTRC-AB, held at Memling Hotel, Kinshasa. 4-8 October, 2010. |
'A root a day, everyone everyday' - Zondeni: an orange fleshed sweetpotato variety for a sustainable vitamin A deficiency reduction in Malawi, Chipungu, F., Benesi, I.*, Pankomera, P.*, Moyo, C., Mwenye, O., Ntawuruhunga, P., Matchombe, M. and Chilungo, S., in: Roots Newsletter, volume 12, number 2, pages 9-10, 2010. |
Ethnobotany, morphology and genotyping of cassava germplasm from Malawi, Benesi, I.*, Labuschagne, M.*, Herselman, L.* and Mahungu, N., in: Journal of Biological Sciences, volume 10, number 7, pages 616-623, ISSN 1727-3048, 2010. |
Effect of genotype on physicochemical and functional properties of cassava starch, Benesi, I.*, Labuschagne, M.*, Saka, J., Herselman, L.* and Mahungu, N., in: Root and tuber crops for poverty alleviation through science and technology for sustainable development: proceedings of the 10th symposium of ISTRC-AB held from 8-12 October, 2007 in Maputo, Mozambique, pages 369-370, ISTRC-AB, 2010. |
CH92/082 and TME 6 cassava clones officially released for farmer growing in Malawi, Benesi, I.*, Mkandawire, T.*, Chipungu, F., Pankomera, P.*, Mkumbira, J., Mahungu, N., Moyo, C., Ntonga, A.* and Chilungo, S., in: Roots Newsletter, volume 12, number 2, pages 14-17, 2010. |
Vertical cassava stem storage technology release, Moyo, C., Mahungu, N., Sandifolo, V., Jumbo, S., Benesi, I.* and Mhone, A., in: Roots Newsletter, volume 12, number 1, pages 3, 2009. |
The effect of genotype, location and season on cassava starch extraction, Benesi, I.*, Labuschagne, M.*, Herselman, L.*, Mahungu, N. and Saka, J., in: Euphytica, volume 160, pages 59-74, 2008. [DOI] |
Challenges and opportunities for improvement in cassava and sweetpotato seed systems in Southern Africa, Moyo, C., Mahungu, N., Mkumbira, J. and Benesi, I.*, in: Roots, volume 10, number 2, pages 17-20, 2007. |
Genotype by environment interaction for native cassava(Manihot esculenta Crantz) starch quality and its use in the commercial sector, Benesi, I.*, Labuschagne, M.*, Dixon, A., Viljeon, C. and Mahungu, N., in: Proceedings of the 13th ISTRC-Govt symposium, pages 144-157, Arusha, Tanzania, 2007. |
Cassava and sweetpotato yield assessment in Malawi, Moyo, C., Benesi, I.*, Chipungu, F., Nwale, C.*, Sandifolo, V. and Mahungu, N., in: African Crop Science Journal, volume 12, number 3, pages 295-303, ISSN 1021-9730, 2004. |
Stability of native starch quality parameters, starch extraction, and root dry matter of cassava genotypes in different environments, Benesi, I.*, Labuschagne, M.*, Dixon, A. and Mahungu, N., in: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, volume 84, pages 1381-1388, 2004. |
Genotype x environment interaction effects on native cassava starch quality and potential for starch use in the commercial sector, Benesi, I.*, Labuschagne, M.*, Dixon, A. and Mahungu, N., in: African Crop Science Journal, volume 12, number 3, pages 205-216, 2004. |
Reliability of constant traits in morphological characterization of cassava as compared to AFLP markers, Benesi, I.*, Labuschagne, M.*, Dixon, A., Mahungu, N. and Viljeon, C., in: International Scientific Meeting of the Cassava Biotechnology Network, 8-14 March 2004, Cali, Colombia, CIAT, 2004. |
Native starch quality of Malawian cassava genotypes in different environments, Benesi, I.*, Labuschagne, M.* and Mahungu, N., in: Book of Abstracts of the 6th International Scientific Meeting of the Cassava Biotechnology Network, 8-14 March 2004, Cali, Colombia, CIAT, Cali, Colombia, 2004. |
Economic losses experienced by small-scale farmers in Malawi due to cassava brown streak virus disease, Gondwe, F., Mahungu, N., Hillocks, R. J., Raya, M.*, Moyo, C. C.*, Soko, M.*, Chipungu, F. P.* and Benesi, I.*, in: Cassava brown streak virus disease: past, present and future. Proceedings of an International workshop, 27-30 October 2002, pages 28-38, Mombasa, Kenya, 2003. |
Genotype-by-environment interaction for native cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) starch quality and its use in the commercial sector, Benesi, I.*, Labuschagne, M.*, Viljeon, C., Mahungu, N. and Dixon, A., in: Paper presented at: 13th Symposium of the International Society of Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC); 10-14 November, International Conference Center, Arusha, Tanzania, 2003. |
Accelerated multiplication and distribution of cassava and sweetpotato planting material in Malawi, Minde, I. J., Teri, J., Saka, V. W., Rockman, K. and Benesi, I.*, pages 162-167, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, 1997. |