Aubert, C .    

Firstname:C . 
Institute:IITA - Kenya 
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Publications as Author


Accelerating agronomic impact through digital tools and public-private extension in Rwanda: smart fertilizer recommendations for potato: smart fertilizer recommendations for rice, Mudereri, B. T., Chernet, M.+, Cyamweshi, A. R.*, Kayumba, J.*, Vandamme, E., Uzamushaka, S., Nshimiyimana, J. C., Kreye, C., Abera, W., Aubert, C ., Borus, D. and Demo, P., 2024.


Farm typology for digital green and fertilizer Ethiopia use cases: version 1.0, Pawar, R. R., Ismael, A. D., Descheemaeker, K., Liben, F., Ebrahim, M., Eshete, M., Tigabie, A., Tsedalu, B., Desta, G., Tamene, L., Aubert, C ., Assefa, B., Vandamme, E. and Senthilkumar, K., 2023.